The Door - Chapter 10

Published at 24th of May 2024 05:20:55 AM

Chapter 10

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Hello there once more, dear readers! Hope you like the new chapter!






The Door (Chapter 10)


Elite Shade






Russell immediately awoke as he sat up straight at his desk, his eyes having shot open the moment he heard his name being yelled. He looked up to see Mr. Barrett glaring at him with his arms crossed, his foot tapping. Russell looks around very self-consciously. A number of his classmates were holding back laughs, while others were actively trying to not catch his eye, as usual. Russell snaps his attention back to the front of the classroom when Mr. Barrett loudly clears his throat.

"Now that you've gotten your beauty sleep, Mr. Alexander, would you be so kind as to give your report to the rest of the class?" Mr. Barrett's voice was practically dripping with anger.

"Uh... Mr. Barrett... you see, what happened was last nig--"

"Mr. Alexander, the last time that I checked, your assignment was on the French Revolution, and not on excuses. Do you have your finished report or not?" Mr. Barrett cut in, his hands now on his hips as he looked over his wire rimmed glasses down at where Russell was sitting.

"No sir, but what happened wa--"

"I am not interested in hearing about your excuses. You can finish your report after school, during detention," Mr. Barrett said as he scribbled something down on his clip board. "Alright then, Miss Miller, do you have your report finished and ready to go?" Mr. Barrett was looking at Russell as he asked her.

"Y-Yes sir, right here!" A girl said, Russell was staring down at his desk, not daring to look up. Russell had tried not to fall asleep, but he was far too tired. His parents had kept him up all night screaming at each other. This wasn't something new for Russell, and he had earned himself a reputation as a slacker for this reason. The only thing that was odd for Russell was that when he came downstairs to catch the bus this morning, he didn't see or hear his mom and dad continuing their fight from the previous night or simply making snide remarks to one another. Since Russell was running late, he had simply made himself some toaster pastries as a quick breakfast.

Soon enough, Russell continued on to his next class, where he was berated for not completing last night's geometry, and for not knowing how to solve the problem on the board. He slogged through two more classes, being scolded in front of the entire class both times. During the shuffle between each class, Russell was subjected to the abuse of whatever bully he happened to come across before getting to the classroom. Today, Wade Miller apparently decided to harass Russell more so than usual.

Russell was practically a wreck by the time he made it to the cafeteria for lunch. He grabbed a tray and chose to get the chili. He was making his way to his usual spot in the corner of the room. As he was nearing the table, he was shoved to the ground from behind, landing on his styrofoam cup of chili, getting it all over the front of his white shirt. Turning over, Russell looked up to see Wade sneering down at him, laughing.

"Gotta be more careful there bud. You could get hurt tripping and falling like that," Wade said as everyone around them got a good laugh.
Russell stood up and looked at Wade once. His mind then went into autopilot, and he slugged Wade right in the face as hard as he could. He hadn't even thought about doing it, and he stood there looking as shocked as everyone else in the room. Wade, with a look of pure confusion on his face, went down, hard. There was an audible gasp from many of the other surrounding students, just as blood started gushing from Wade's now clearly broken nose. Russell looked up to see the school's security guard making his was over. Knowing that he would get into much more trouble than Wade, as had happened before when he had tried to stand up for himself, Russell just turned and angrily walked out.

He felt white hot tears start to form in his eyes as he quickly made his way off the school grounds. He tried to blink back the tears, especially as he started to make his way back home. Because of his reputation, he was already labeled a problem child by his teachers. And because after this exchange Wade has a broken nose, of course they'll just take his side. So many times he had wanted to tell someone about his problems, but everyone at school either didn't want to bother listening to him, or were ultimately too useless to help him. It was another hour of walking before he finally made his way up the driveway to his house. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door.

"Mom, Dad?" Russell tried to call out, but was only able to croak out miserably. He heard no response, and he hadn't bothered to check to see if either of their cars were in the driveway. His stomach rumbling from not getting to eat his lunch earlier prompted Russell to head straight for the fridge. It was there that he saw the note, handwritten in what he recognized as being his Mother's handwriting.

Dear William,
By the time you'll have read this note, I'll be long gone. For the longest time, we've both tried to make this work, for Russell's sake, but enough is enough. I've already found someone else, and I'm not going to let you or anyone else hold me back from my own happiness. And, Russell, if you happen to read this, then please know that I at least tried. Please try to be happy for me.



Russell read the note over and over several times, his breathing starting to quicken. He felt the tears come again, and couldn't stop them from silently falling down his face.

"DAD!" he called out, running upstairs to their bedroom. He looked around wildly, until he saw another note, this one laying on the pillow that was on his mom's side of the bed. He picked it up and read it, having to stop and try to get his shaking hands under control first.

If you're reading this, then it means that I've left. I can't do it anymore. The truth of the matter is that we got married simply because you got pregnant. Let's face it, we hate each other. The only reason either one of us has stuck around this long is because of Russell. But kids are resilient, and I'm sure you and him will do just fine. I've already spoken with a lawyer, and if you try to sue me for alimony, I will fight you every step of the way. Let's just be done with it already and not drag this out.


Russell just stood there, dumbfounded. He read both notes again, and then dropped them. He didn't know what to think, or what to do. He was just thinking about who he was possibly going to call, since he didn't have any aunts and uncles and no living grandparents, when it hit him.

They left me, he thought. He started breathing rapidly as he bolted out of their bedroom and down the hall. He ran to every door and started checking all of the rooms, before racing downstairs and doing the same. He went into the garage, hoping to see either of their cars, and found nothing. Not knowing what else to do, he started racing around the house to check all of the rooms a second time, now calling for both of them.

"MOM! DAD!" again there was no answer. He called again and again, checking and double checking room after room, until he found himself falling to his knees, screaming as loud as he could for the both of them. Had any of the houses on his block been occupied, then a neighbor may have called the police from how loud he was screaming for his parents. But the only neighbors that had lived on the block lived right next door, and they had moved out months ago. Russell was truly alone.

Eventually he had screamed himself hoarse, and collapsed on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest, quiet tears pouring down his cheeks. Russell was like that for a few hours, before he was finally able to calm down. He felt hollow at this point. He was near the bathroom, and went inside when he got up to blow his nose with some toilet paper. After splashing some cold water on his face, Russell then decided to focus on his hunger pangs for the time being.

He went back into the kitchen, and heated some leftover orange chicken and chow mein from last night. Sitting down in front of the t.v., Russell ate his dinner while some movie was playing. He wasn't really paying attention, his eyes looking far away. He finished off his dinner, seeing as how the sun had set, and he numbly walked up the stairs to his room. He didn't bother with his homework, or even bother to take off his still chili stained shirt as he crawled into bed.

Russell quickly slipped into a fitful sleep, and woke up the next morning not feeling rested in the least. He crawled out of bed and trudged over to the bathroom to relieve himself, and to take a shower. After stepping out and drying himself off, he got dressed for another terrible day of school, and was halfway to the bus stop when he stopped. He turned around and walked back to his house.

He entered and shrugged his backpack off as he walked over to the living room and sat down. He decided to start flipping through channels on t.v. and did just that for about an hour, before he heard a noise upstairs. For the first time in a long time, Russell felt excitement that one of his parents might be home. He raced upstairs and threw open the door... to suddenly find himself freezing as he looked around at what looked like some kind of frozen tundra.

Russell, still completely confused, looked around in front of him. He saw what appeared to be igloos, and houses off in the distance. Nearby was a street with a sidewalk. There appeared to be some shops up ahead as well. And Russell could see some people going about their day, not seeming to mind the cold at all. He turned to look back through the door he had just come through, but could only see empty air, with the occasional snowflake carried on it. Shivering now, Russell started to walk towards the street, thinking that maybe this was all just a dream. The snow crunched underneath his black sneakers as he walked. All he was wearing was a pair of jeans and a red shirt.

He finally made his way to the sidewalk, and started to walk towards the nearest building. It looked like a diner. He entered with his mind still reeling from something that he wants to think has just been a dream, but the bitter cold was convincing him otherwise. He was looking down as the door jingled to announce its opening and closing. He relished the warm air of the restaurant, not immediately wondering why it had suddenly gone so quiet. Russell looked up to ask someone where he was, and stopped. He was now looking at three polar bears and a wolf waitress, who were all staring at him with the same open-mouth expression that he also had himself.

"Is that one of them?" he heard one polar bear, who was wearing a red flannel jacket, a pair of jeans, and a white hard-hat just like a human.
Once more, Russell's breathing rapidly increased as he backed up, tripping on a barstool and slamming his back against a wall near the door. He winced after slamming his back, and then he slid slowly down to the floor, in the midst of a full blown panic attack. He pulled his knees up close to himself and hugged them as he tried to get his breathing under control. One of the polar bears, this one wearing a grey suit and a red tie stood up and slowly walked over to him.

"Hey there," he said gently as he squatted down on his haunches. He held his pays up to show Russell that he meant no harm.

"I'm Doctor Snowson, but you can call me Barry if you'd like," he said, keeping his voice even and calm. "Would you like to tell me your name?" Barry asked.

"R-R-Russell Alexander," Russell was able to croak out, his breathing once more slowly coming back under control. Barry speaking calmly was actually helping.

"Well, Russell, it's nice to meet you. I take it from your expression that you've just arrived here and are pretty confused." Russell just nodded at that.

"Well, I promise you that everything's going to be okay. You're safe here, Russell."



Back at the hospital...



"Okay, so this card is representing you, the Querent," Baily said as he showed Sophia the card.

"The Fool?"

"Oh, uh, please don't take it the wrong way. Y-you see, The Fool represents everyone at some point in their lives. Whenever we start out on something for the first time, or are starting over, we do so as The Fool. See the look of optimism on his face, to him each new day brings a new chance for discovery." Baily started to get more comfortable as he spoke about his cards, which Sophia picked up on. "Brimming with optimism, he begins his journey with a single leap of faith, that could have him land in the middle of a grand adventure, or simply land flat on his face. Either way, he'll just chalk it up to experience."

"Wow! And that's just the first card your using for the...?"

"Spread," Baily said as he laid the fool on the plastic tray in front of him, before shuffling his deck, a smile forming on his lips.

"Right, spread."

"Yup! I like to use the method known as The Celtic Cross." As he shuffled, he chanted under his breath.

"To see a world in a grain of sand,
and a heaven in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour."

"That's beautiful! Did you think that poem up yourself?" Sophia asked. Baily suddenly looked up, his cheeks growing hot as he started to blush.

"Oh, uh, no. It's actually part of one of my favorite poems called Auguries of Innocence, by William Blake."

"So you like poetry?" Sophia asked as Baily started laying out five cards face down, with one going sideways across The Fool at the center of the spread.

"Well, yes," Baily said, his blush deepening. Before Sophia could ask further, they were interrupted by a certain beaver nurse, who was currently winded.

"Two... *pant*... more... humans! Whoooooo, I really need to start working out!" Robbie said as he finally started to catch his breath.

"Another two?" Sophia asked before looking to Baily, who just shrugged in response.

"Yeah, one was found hiding behind some trash cans at someone's house, and the other just walked into a diner in Tundra Town."

"What's going on in Tundra Town?" Arnie asked as he walked in, he had a package under his arm.

"Two more humans have been found, and one was in Tundra Town," Baily answered the rhino officer.

"Huh? I wonder how many more are going to pop up?" He asked no one in particular as he started stroking his chin.

"I take it that you heard about the little human girl then?" Chaz asked as he casually strolled in with a cup of coffee in hand.

"Actually, we were discussing her and the other new human who just popped up today in Tundra Town!" Robbie answered excitedly.

"Another one? Woah. Oh hey, Arnie, isn't Tundra Town where you said your aunt's shop was?" Chaz asked. The wolf's question snapped Arnie out of his reflection.

"Yeah, oh right, here you go, Baily," he said while holding out the small brown paper package. "This is from my aunt. She called me up last night at midnight saying that she had a vision that you would bring in a lot more customers, so she's already decided to hire you. This is the uniform that she, uh, insisted on you wearing."

Baily was a little surprised at that, considering that despite Arnie's assurances, he had assumed that he wouldn't end up getting the job. He thanked the rhino as he took the package from him and opened it. Inside were three shirts, all of them black, with a psychedelic eye design on the back with the words Eyevory Tusks. There was a smaller version on the front of the shirt, on the top left side.

"Eyevory Tusks?" Baily asked while looking up at Arnie, who was scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, my Aunt's an elephant and... well..." As Baily was neatly folding the shirts to try on, he saw something catch the light in the opened package as well. He reached in and pulled out a crystal on a chain.

"Oh, and that's to protect you from danger," Arnie said while Chaz stood behind him with his paw covering his snickering muzzle.

"Well, be sure to tell your aunt that I said thank you," Baily said as he slipped the necklace over his head. He smiled.

"Don't you wanna try on your shirts? You know, to see if they fit," Sophia asked.

"Oh! Yeah, I probably should, and then afterwards maybe I can finish with your, uh, fortune?" He gingerly removed the green scrub shirt he was wearing and slowly leaned forward. Sophia moved the tray out of his way. The doctor had insisted repeatedly about how important it was for someone who's lung was punctured to take things easy.

"Sure! My shift doesn't actually start for another hour so I got plenty of time," Sophia said casually.

"I see someone's getting an early start today, eh Sophia?" Robbie smirked to the now blushing lioness. Chaz snickered some more while Arnie frowned at him.






"Alright, I love you both too. Bye!" Judy sighed after she had hung up the phone.

"Is Bonnie really going to knit something for Eli?" Nick asked with his classic casual smirk.

"You just heard her make me give her his measurements. She's probably going to rope several of my aunts into helping."

Nick was obviously enjoying the imagery of an assembly line of bunnies, all knitting as they worked down the line to produce the finish product of sweaters. He tried to hold back a laugh. A swift kick to his shin from under the table ended that though.

"OW! Okay, easy there carrots. So, your folks overall took that way better than I was expecting them too." Judy's hard gaze instantly softened.

"I know. I was half expecting that I would need to reassure them that Eli wasn't dangerous in any way." she said as she hopped out of her chair and started making her way to the stairs.

"Goin' to se if Eli's up yet?" Nick asked as he finished the last of his cup of coffee. Hearing this, Eli quietly tiptoed back to his room and crawled under the covers, hoping that Judy couldn't hear him. It just so happened that at that precise moment, a construction crew began working on the street nearby, a jackhammer steadily going. While not deafening for those inside the house, it was enough to provide just the right amount of background noise for Eli to move without Judy's superior hearing catching it.

"Yeah," Judy answered Nick's question and stopped as she thought about it. "It's a little strange, to tell you the truth. When I think about him... I just feel so worried and happy at the same time. Does that make any sense?"

"My guess is that that's what most parents feel for their children," Nick answered seriously, but with a smile. Judy smiled back to him before continuing upstairs. She quietly opened Eli's door and looked in. She saw him resting under his covers, his gorilla was on the floor again. Judy smiled as she tip-toed in and picked it up. His eyes shot open as he felt her place the gorilla in his arms.

"Oops! Sorry to wake you sweetie. You just go back to sleep."

"Oh, no, I'm awake now, so I might as well get up," Eli said softly as he hugged the plush toy.

"Well alright, if you're sure. What would you like for breakfast?"

"That's okay, you don't need to make me anything, Judy," Eli said nervously.

"Oh yes I do. Now, c'mon, let's here it," Judy said in mock sternness, her paws on her hips. Eli couldn't help but giggle a little.

"Uh, okay... um are waffles an option?" he asked.

"Sure thing sweetheart! I'll go get started on whipping some up, and you come on down when you feel like it," she said as she stood up to kiss Eli on the cheek, making him smile.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute," Eli said.

"Alright sweetie." Judy quickly made her way downstairs and back to the kitchen. Eli smiled, and thought about what he had overheard earlier.

She really wants to adopt me? Eli wasn't sure of how he should feel. Part of him was unsure and therefore uneasy. Another part of him was cautiously hopeful. And yet another part of him was slowly becoming more and more excited at the thought.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens, he thought as he pulled himself, still in his new pajamas, out of bed and made his way downstairs, after deciding to leave the gorilla on the bed for now.







I know that Eli's part wasn't especially big in this chapter, but don't any of you worry, the next one will be HEAVY on the Eli side! Thanks again for reading, and please feel free to leave me a review!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!