The Door - Chapter 17

Published at 24th of May 2024 05:20:39 AM

Chapter 17

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Hello there readers! I look up at the calendar, and see that it's been a while since i last wrote a chapter for The Door! Sorry about that! Anyways, time to get down to business! Thank you all for reading my story, for your wonderful words of encouragement, and for the valuable words of wisdom! I appreciate it all, and genuinely hope that you will continue to read and enjoy my stories! Now, onwards to chapter seventeen!



The Door (Chapter 17)






Elite Shade




"Nervous sweetie?" Judy asked as she double checked the vegetable and fruit heavy lunch that she had packed away into a brown paper bag, with Eli's name written on it.


"A l-little," Eli said as he clutched his bright green backpack. The day had finally arrived, the day that Eli would be getting on the school bus to go to middle school. Judy rolled up the bag and reached up to pack it in his backpack, giving him another warm smile.


"That's perfectly understandable, Eli. But no matter what, I'm here for you. You can talk to me about anything." Judy assured him, making Eli smile. Looking at the time, Judy sighed internally, secretly feeling just as nervous for Eli as he seemed to as well. Despite her assurances to her fox friend and partner, Judy had still yet to actually ask Eli about adoption, more than a little scared of what his answer might be. But she knew that she needed to ask him sooner, rather than later.


I'll ask after he gets home from school, Judy reasoned, not wanting to burden Eli on his first day at a new school, on a new world. She looked to the clock in the kitchen, above the sink. It's time.


"Alright, Eli, we don't want you to be late now. Ready?"


"Uhm... y-yes, Judy."


"Now, you've got your lunch and your school supplies, your new phone." Judy counted off on the digits of her paw. "Got you keys?" Eli nodded and held them up, the spare keys to the front and back door, just in case. "Great, then it looks like you're all set!" Eli followed Judy to the front door, now wearing his new backpack. They exited the front door, Judy making sure to lock it right behind herself, and then took Eli's hand in her paw, as they walked to the designated bus stop. She smiled up at him, letting go of his hand as they arrived.


There were a few other animals milling about, all wearing backpacks, and Judy was a little worried that someone would find her holding his hand as something to make fun of him for. Based on the looks of curiosity Eli was receiving, Judy felt that pit of worry form in her stomach again. They didn't have to wait long before the bright yellow bus pulled up, and the other adolescent mammals entered.


"Have a nice day, sweetie. See you after school," Judy said, her voice full of her usual pep.


"Bye Judy..." Eli looked like he had wanted to say more, but just could bring himself too. He made his way on the bus, getting a friendly nod from the platypus bus driver, and started to walk down the aisle. As he made his way over to the only empty seat, he had garnered a few curious stares, and he did hear several giggles. Just as he was about to sit down, he was surprised by a voice.


"Woah there!" Eli stopped and turned to look to see who had spoken, seeing no one. "Down here!" Eli looked down to see a white mouse, in a green t-shirt and jeans with a blue backpack, sitting in the middle of the seat.


"Oh, s-sorry."


"Hey now, no harm no foul," The mouse said nonchalantly. Based off his voice, Eli determined that the mouse was male.


"I'll see if there's somewhere else I can sit," Eli said as he started to look around.


"No need, there's plenty of room here," the mouse replied, standing up to walk over closer to the window.


"Oh... thanks," Eli said, being careful as he sat down, shrugging off his backpack to sit with it on his lap.


"No problem! Besides, you sitting there will keep me from getting sat on." The mouse held up a paw. "I'm Michael, but everyone calls me Big Mike." Eli smiled as he gently reached over with his thumb and index finger, to shake the mouse's paw.


"I'm Eli."


"So I take it that you're one of those human animals that have been on the news?" Big Mike asked as he sat back down.






It was a few minutes of a drive to the school, during that time Eli and Mike chatted. Eli learned that Mike was in the same grade as himself, and that they liked a lot of the same things. Then, they were pulling up to the front of the school. West Mammalia Middle School, Eli read, the name of the school emblazoned above the main entrance, in brightly polished copper lettering. A number of different mammals were entering, some apparently in a rush, others seemingly content to just mill about here and there. As the kids all started to pile off the bus, Eli agreed to let Big Mike ride on his shoulder as he made his way off.


"Thanks for the lift," Mike said as he sat, looking around. "OH! Hey, there's my buddy Isaac!" Mike pointed in the direction of a waiting coyote boy, wearing a bright white shirt and jeans.


"Hey, Mike, who's this?" Isaac asked as Eli made his way over to him.


"Hey, Isaac, this is Eli," Mike said from Eli's shoulder.


"Oh, hi!" Isaac's tail wagged a little as his nose twitched. "Are you one of those humans?" He asked, excitement in his voice.


"Y-yes," Eli said, now starting to feel that that was going to be something that he was going to be asked a lot today.


"COOL! So, didja come here on a ship, or through a wormhole?" Isaac asked.


"Uhh... well, one minute I was on my world, and the next I was here," Eli said, starting to feel uncomfortable.


"Wormhole then!" Isaac replied. Eli felt a slight tug on his hair, and turned to face Mike, who leaned in close to Eli's ear.


"Isaac is really into sci-fi and stuff like that. Sorry in advance if he gets a little carried away," the mouse whispered into Eli's ear. Eli smiled. Isaac opened his muzzle to asks some more questions, but was cut off by the sound of the school bell, signaling the start of classes.


"Back, back, back!" Mike said, making Eli and Isaac jump away from where they were near the doors, in order to avoid a literal stampede of students. "That was close," he said, wiping his forehead.


"C'mon guys! We don't wanna be late!" The coyote said as he started for the doors, beckoning for Eli and Mike to follow.


Here we go... Eli thought as he started to enter, feeling more than a little nervous about the rest of the day.



Back at Judy's House...



Judy sighed to herself as she sat in the kitchen, already checking her phone three times for any messages or calls of help from Eli. The doorbell rang, and the rabbit sprang up to answer it, half-expecting it to be Eli, but was only mildly surprised to see the casually smirking face of Nick.


"Heya, Fluff, did I miss Eli's big send-off?"


"Yeah... I saw him off though... he looked kinda nervous..." Judy said as she moved aside to let Nick enter.


"Well, when isn't he a little nervous?" Nick chuckled, turning to notice the stern look Judy was giving him. "Easy, Carrots, I was just joking," Nick defended, with his paws raised. Judy sighed and rolled her eyes as she shut the door, following Nick into her kitchen. She walked over to the fridge and opened it, about to offer Nick something.


"I'll bet that you were much more nervous than he was when you asked him about the adoption." Judy froze, not saying anything, which Nick immediately picked up on. "Seriously? You haven't talked to him about that yet?"


Judy shut the fridge and hopped up into the seat across from the fox. "Well, I tried to bring it up a few different times, but I just kept getting worried that it would disrupt his tutoring sessions," Judy said, looking away, her left foot tapping rapidly against the chair. Nick smiled at the sight.


"So, are you just not going to mention it to him?"


"I will, after he gets home today, I swear!" Judy said, her left foot continuing to drum absentmindedly against the chair.


"Alright then," Nick said, walking out of the kitchen and into the living room, starting up the gaming console, before making his way over to the couch, controller and tv remote in paw.


"What are you doing?" Judy asked as she followed him out.


"Well, I gotta have something to do while we wait," he said simply, selecting his save file.


"Wait for what?"


"For when Eli gets home from school."


"... Okay?"


"That way, I can make sure that you finally mention the word adoption to him, and quit dragging this out." Nick said to the stunned bunny.



Back at the hospital...



"Emmitt, I really think that this would be best for little Sarah."


Mr. Otterton looked at his wife with a smile. For the past few days, they had been discussing taking in the human toddler.


"I agree... granted, humans seem to grow much bigger than us... but she's just so sweet."


"And when we brought the kids by to meet her? They all just got along so well!" Mrs. Otterton smiled wide at the memory of their boys and Sarah playing.


"Granted, she thought that they were cute, and kept calling them puppies," Emmitt said.


"She's still a baby though."


"She would disagree with you on that," Mrs. Otterton said, with a slight chuckle.


Just then, Robbie rounded the corner, spying the two otters.


"Well hey there Mr. And Mrs. O," the beaver male nurse said cheerfully. "I take it that you're both waiting to see little Sarah?"


"That's right, Robbie," Emmitt said.


"Well, the doctor is just about finishing up her examination, so she'll be ready for visitors in a little bit."



Tundra Town...



Baily, Arnie, Sophia, and Chaz were all standing in front of a small shop. The sign above read Eyevory Tusks, and depicted the yellow outline of the face of an elephant with a green eye outline in the center of its forehead, all on a field of black.


"This is it!" Arnie said, clapping his massive rhino hand against Baily's back, almost sending him sprawling. "Oh, sorry, Baily," he said as he helped the human steady himself.


"Geeze, Arn," Chaz said as he sipped coffee from a paper cup.


"It's alright, really. Arnie, I honestly can't thank you enough. First you help me get set up with that wonderful apartment, and now this," Baily said, touched. Sophia smiled and reached over to gently squeeze Baily's shoulder.


"It's no problem whatsoever, buddy," Arnie said, smiling, before his face took on a serious look. "Now, before you go on in, there are some things about my Aunt Phyllis that you should know about."




"First, she has a tendency towards... pageantry. She likes to put on a show... all of the time... so, yeah. Secondly, she's very... particular, about how things are set up in and around the shop. All of it having to do with Feng Shui, and auras, and stuff like that."


"I understand, Arnie," Baily said.


"I really don't think that you do," Arnie said. "She can also be a little... insistent."


"Arnie, I promise you, I've dealt with a lot worse than what you're describing." as Baily said that, he felt a paw reach out and take his hand in it, giving it a gentle squeeze. He turned to see the lioness being the one holding his hand comfortingly.


"I... well... I figured that you did indeed have a tough time of it back on your home world, I just wanted to give you a bit of a heads up is all," Arnie said, smiling at the sight. "Alright then, shall we enter?" Everyone nodded, and he opened the front door, eliciting a jingle from a bell above. There was a scent of lavender as the four entered the warm shop. Heavy purple curtains were drawn across all the windows, with a chandelier glowing brightly from the ceiling acting as the main source of light. Across from the counter there were several rows of books, all seeming to be New Age related in some way or form. Within the glass of the counter there were several different crystals on display, all high priced. Along one wall were shelves with many sets of tarot cards, rune stones, books on divination, books on horoscopes, and even crystal balls, all with price tags in plain view.


"Aunt Phyllis?"


There was some shuffling coming from an open doorway n the back, above which was a sign. Fortune Readings it read, showing a picture of a crystal ball with two eyes staring out from the center. A large form exited the doorway, revealing a mature-looking african elephant, wearing a shawl, and a bright purple dress. Her tusks, which were quite long, had many different runes and symbols drawn on them. She had large gold hoop earrings in her giant ears. A twinkling amethyst was on a gold chain around her neck, which shifted a little as she turned her head to take in her visitors.


"Little Arnie!" She happily gushed, pulling him into what would have been a literal bone-crushing hug for just about anyone else. "It's so good of you to stop by! And I see that you've brought with you some friends, and I do believe that I see our mysterious traveler as well," she said in a rush of words, her slightly scratchy voice filled with excitement.


"Welcome to Eyevory Tusks!" Aunt Phyllise released Arnie from her hug. He took a moment to catch his breath while Phyllis held out her even more massive elephantine hand to Baily, who took it only to find his hand turned over as she gently started to trace the lines in his palm.


"Oh dear, it would seem that you've had a bit of a bumpy start on your road to an independent life. Trouble at home when you were younger," she said as she let his hand go. "However, your palm indicates a strong will, so I am quite certain that things shall work out for you in the end. Now about the job."


"Woah now, Aunt Phyllis," Arnie said, after checking his ribs just to be on the safe side. "Be sure to take it easy with him now."


"Yes dear nephew, I shall indeed go easy on him," she said with a smile before turning back to Baily. "The position pays a little more than minimum wage, and you'll be working a forty hour week, after a training period, of course."


"Uh, yes ma'am," Baily said.


"Oh please, call me Phyllis in private, and Madam when we have customers," Baily nodded assent, and Phyllis continued.


"The position itself will involve stocking, working the register, inventory, reorganizing the furniture around the store depending on the day's chi flow, and readings, some by appointment, others simply walk-ins."


"I understand Phyllis," Baily said, smiling, only now noticing that Sophia was still holding his hand. She blushed and let go when she came to that conclusion herself. Before Baily could say anything, however, there was a loud crash from behind one of the book shelves that drew everyone's attention. Chaz walked forward, whistling innocently to himself.


"What?" He asked as he noticed everyone looking at him. "It was like that when I got here, I swear," he defensively said.


"Also, Baily, I should take this opportunity to tell you that, in the event that it ever comes up during your shift, that this store has a strict you break it, you bought it policy, which you'll be required to inform any and all customers of when appropriate."



West Mammalia Middle School...



The school day was almost over, at least, according to Edwin's wrist watch. He peered through his binoculars, waiting to observe Eli some more while pulling out his tape recorder.


"The best target, the one that would send the greatest message, would be the very first human to be discovered. As such, I am watching his movements in order to understand his daily routine. Once I have that figured out, enacting my plan will be a trifling matter. Of course, that's after I have gathered up the necessary ingredients and devices, which is so far proving to be a tad difficult, at least in a manner that will keep my identity hidden in the matter... still, a certain weasel has seemed like a promising lead. That said, I shall pursue that later on. For now, I will continue to observe... Eli."




Sorry for the long wait everyone. I hope that you enjoyed this latest chapter!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!