The Door - Chapter 19

Published at 24th of May 2024 05:20:36 AM

Chapter 19

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Hello there dear readers! Here we are with chapter nineteen of The Door! As always, feel free to leave a review!



The Door (Chapter 19)






Elite Shade




"So I take it that ya forgot that I was up here." Mike said as he stretched and yawned a bit.


"I'm sorry Mike!" Eli said, still reeling from what Judy just said to him.


So it's true...she wants to adopt me... He thought to himself as he held his hand up for Mike to step onto, setting him down on the couch next to him.


"Meh, don't sweat it Eli." Mike said, casually shrugging, before he started to look around, now noticing the fox and rabbit. "Those your folks?" Mike asked innocently, bringing Eli back to the situation.


"Uhm..." He said, not knowing what to say, instead just looking down. "It's...complicated..." he mumbled, aware of Judy's eyes on him, unable to bring himself to meet her gaze. Judy frowned for a moment, before smiling politely at the mouse.


"I'm Eli's legal guardian sweetie. My name's Judy, what's yours?" She said in an attempt to sweep the awkward moment under the rug, whilst Nick simply rolled his eyes.


"I'm Mike." The little mouse said as he held out a paw, which Judy shook. "But everyone calls me Big Mike."


"Well it's nice to meet you, Big Mike." Judy said, still smiling, despite the sense of dread she was now feeling in the pit of her stomach.
It was too early to ask him! Oh cheese and crackers, how am I going to fix this?!


"We should probably get in touch with you parents, so that they don't worry. After that, would you like to stay for a little bit?" Judy asked after letting go of his paw.


"Sure!" Mike said happily, "But first, can I use your bathroom?"


"Of course, it's up the stairs and to the right."


"Thanks!" mike said, shrugging his backpack off and jumping onto the coffee table, setting it down out of the way, before hopping off and racing towards the stairs. Eli watched curiously as his new friend expertly scurried up the steps, clearly having learned long ago how to navigate in a world where there are many different species with furniture much larger than himself, before he turned to see Judy with her ears drooping, wringing her paws pensively. There was an awkward silence for a few moments.


"Eli, I am so sorry." Judy began, trying to think of something that will fix this awkward tension.


"Why?" Eli asked, while Nick looked on at the two of them, saying nothing.


"Because, sweetie, I'm worried that I might make you feel pressured-" She began, only to have Eli cut her off.


"No...I mean...why would you want" Eli asked. For so long, all he had ever known was simply being shuffled from one place to the next. Never since Mary had anyone made him feel as though they cared for him, like he mattered. And this showed in his face as he asked the question.


Judy was slightly taken aback, and she looked at him perplexed for a few seconds, before answering. She hopped up onto the couch next to him, and gently, but firmly, took his left hand into both of her paws, and made direct eye contact, deciding at the last second that a blunt approach was the best approach.


"Eli, I want to adopt you...because I want us to be a family. I love you Eli."


Eli's eyes went wide as he looked at the small grey bunny in mild confusion.


"...Really?" His voice was little more than a hoarse whisper.


"Really." Judy said confidently, smiling before reaching up to gently kiss him on his forehead. "Now, sweetie, I don't want you to feel pressured to say ye-" Judy was surprised as she was cut off again, but this time by Eli pulling her into a hug. She felt his warm tears drip down onto her cheek, and she reached around as best she could to hug him back.


"Yes." Eli whispered, which Judy heard just fine. She smiled brightly, despite the total I told you so look that Nick was giving her right over Eli's shoulder. After a few more moments of hugging, the two broke apart, and both seemed to be in need of a tissue, which Nick handed them both while smirking.


"Thanks Nick." Judy said as she wiped her moist eyes, "Now Eli, there's going to be a few details that we're going to have to go over for the proper documentation, but just know that we can take care of that later, okay?"


"Okay." Eli said after blowing his nose, having already wiped away his tears. They heard a flush, followed by the sink running, before Mike was bounding down the steps.


He must have had no trouble with my step stool. Judy thought as the little mouse then quickly scaled Eli's jeans, before jumping onto the coffee table next to his backpack. He unzipped it and pulled out a miniature version of the latest phone, and started dialing a number.


"Hey mom?" He said when someone picked up on the other end, "It happened again. Yeah, I'm alright, I'm just at my new friend Eli's house. Is it okay if I stay over for a little bit? Okay! Thanks mom! See ya in a little while!" He excitedly ended the call.


"I take it that you mother said that it was alright for you to stay?" Judy asked.


"Yup!" Mike said excitedly, completely oblivious to the emotional release of Eli and Judy just moments ago.


"Then maybe Eli would like to show Mike his new Gamestation?" Nick suggested, after having already discreetly disconnected it from the living room tv. He had the console, the controllers, the games, and the wires all gathered up in his arms.


"Uh...okay." Eli said.


"Sure!" Mike said excitedly. The two grabbed their backpacks and followed the fox up the stairs, with Mike once again riding on top of Eli's head. Once Nick had the game system all hooked up to Eli's tv, and set up the mini controller that had come with the console, for Mike's sake, he let the two be as he made his way downstairs, taking a seat right next to the widely grinning Judy. No sooner had he taken a seat, before he found Judy's arms thrown around his shoulders as she pulled him in close for a hug, kissing him on the cheek.


"Thank you Nick." Judy said, leaning her head against him, a few fresh tears streaking from her eyes.


"Anytime, Carrots." Nick said, gently stroking her ears. "I swear, you rabbits are just too emotional. So Eli's probably going to fit right in with your family." He said, before receiving a playful punch to the shoulder.






Baily shivered as he waited at the bus stop. Phyllis had ended his shift early for a seance, and he had yet to be trained to commune with the spirits, as she had put it, so he was getting the rest of the day off. While he didn't mind, especially since she told him that he was still going to be paid a full day's wage, he was now wishing that he had thought to get himself a warmer coat, since his place of work was in a district named Tundra Town for a reason.


He was relieved when the bus came to a stop, and after the shuffle of many different, but mostly climate appropriate, mammals out the doors, Baily was able to get on and take a seat, smiling at the much warmer air from the heater. He rode it, noting that the heater was cut off due to the bus passing through a tunnel into Sahara Square. Baily removed his coat as the bus continued for a few more stops, before getting off in Savana Central. He was still grinning as he walked a few blocks to his new apartment, provided by the Fresh Start program.


After riding the elevator up, he was soon putting his key into the lock, and opening the door of his new home. It was a little on the sparse side, but Baily didn't mind. He locked the door behind him before checking his phone, seeing a text from Sophia.


Hey Baily! I found a few more books of new age stuff just lying around at my place, want me to bring them over later, after my shift?
He smiled to himself again, before sending a text back.


Sure. I just got off work early, so I'll definitely be here. Baily hit send, before heading to his fridge and grabbing a cream soda, his favorite. He then turned on the tv, and started surfing channels, before getting the urge to lay out a spread with his cards. As he was doing that, there was a sudden newsbreak.


"This just in." A female news anchor said while shuffling some papers in front of her. "We have confirmed reports of more of the mysterious mammal species, known as Huemanns, suddenly appearing in other cities and towns, all across the country. We have also received further confirmed reports of human sightings in other countries as well! All of the reports have also confirmed that the majority of these mammals appearing are children."


Baily froze, his hand over the last card of the spread, as he listened to the report.


"What's more, every one that has been interviewed by authorities has either claimed, or shown evidence of, lives of abuse, neglect, loneliness, and pain. It's the one correlating factor between the many different cases, and is now leading most to view this not as an invasion situation, as was alleged by former field reporter, Chet McSprinter; but more of a refugee situation. The most confusing aspect of which, is that none of the Huemaans that have turned up claim to have any knowledge of how they appeared on our world. We will keep you further updated on this story, as it unfolds."


"...Huh..." Baily said as he sat there, before taking another sip of his drink, and finishing the spread, reciting his mantra once again.
The answers will probably be revealed in time. He thought to himself.






Edwin was seething in rage as he listened to the newest update on the humans on the radio of his brother Charlie's car. Already he was frustrated with how little he was able to observe of the boy Eli's movements during school hours, just barely getting away without being noticed by the school security, only to hear of mammals no longer considering the appearance of these strange creatures an invasion. On top of all of that was the condition he had come to find his brother's car in when he made for its hiding place. All of the windows had been smashed in, the side mirrors smashed off entirely. There were dents and dings all along the doors and the hood, and the interior had been completely shredded. On the side of the car had been a little sticky note.


Next time, when you park your car, maybe don't go blocking the entire alley. was the message written on it.


"Charlie's going to be pretty steamed when he gets his car back." Edwin mumbled to himself after switching off the radio, before pulling out his tape recorder and pressing record while waiting at a stop light.


"It would seem that the ignorant masses are dead set on viewing these human mammals with pity. This confirms my belief that i have no other option. If I am truly to study them as they need to be studied, uninterrupted, then I am going to have to enact my plan by revealing just how dangerous this species can be. Their lack of claws, sharp teeth, and other hallmarks of predators make them seem harmless to most. Therefore, revealing a human in a savage state and broadcasting it online will surely be enough to change the public opinion in my favor." Edwin said, his eye once again twitching. He opened his mouth to continue before being interrupted by a loud horn blaring behind him, before the frustrated driver of a speedy-looking red car sped around to where he was still sitting at the light, and stopped right next to him. Edwin watched as the window rolled down, and he was on the receiving end of a stern glare from the driver, a sloth.


"I know..." He said, still glaring.


"You know what?" Edwin asked, confused.


"How hard it must be..." The sloth continued.


"I'm not sure that I understa-"


"For colorblind mammals..."


"Oh, well, you se-"


"To not know the color green..."


"Ah yes, I am very sorr-"




"Okay, sir, I get it-"


"Here's a hint..."


"Sir, I am sorry for any inconvenie-"


"The very top light..."


"Yes, sir, that's the one I should pay attention to."


"Means go..."


"Yes, well sir, I promise you that-"


"And the bottom one..."


"Means stop, yes I get it." Edwin said, about to drive away, groaning when he noticed that the light had already turned red again.


"Means red...And another thing..." Edwin groaned again, his eye starting to twitch once more.


"I don't..."


"Sir, please-"


"Have the time..."


"I would like to point out that you are kinda the only one keeping yourself here-"


"To wait all day..."


"As I said, you yourself are the only one now-"


"For someone at a..."


"Yes, green light, I get it, sir if you could just-" Edwin said quickly, before being interrupted again.


"Green light..." Edwin waited and watched the sloth for a few minutes, expecting him to continue, while other cars blaring their horns at the both of them, cringing as he just now noticed the light turn red again.


"Who's completely..." Edwin was stared open-mouthed at the sloth, who apparently wasn't finished slowly berating him.




"Sir, once more I apologiz--"


"To their surroundings." The sloth said, interrupting Edwin for the final time, as the light changed to green again, and the sloth in the red car peeled out, racing away, clearly speeding. Edwin watched him speed away, his eye twitching even more. He then put the car in gear, and drove off as well.



Later on...



"There's a health pack Eli! I'll hold off the zombies here while you go get it!" Mike said.


"Thanks!" Eli said, his character really needing the boost. He truly was enjoying playing Deceased Ascending 4 with Mike, but he was still feeling especially excited from the knowledge that Judy really wanted to adopt him. He felt butterflies even as a swarm of zombie animals started to overwhelm his and Mike's characters.


"Oh geeze, oh geeze, oh geeze." Mike was practically chanting as he and Eli tried to evade them, to no success. "Awwww...well, that was still pretty fun!" Mike said. Just then, a song started playing, and Mike whipped his phone out, tapping the screen.


"Hi mom. Oh, okay, alright I'll text you the address." Mike said, before looking up his current location on the GPS app he had on his phone, and then sending his mother the street address. "So it looks like I gotta head on home soon Eli. Wanna hang out again?"




"Cool! Maybe we can do that at Isaac's house...y'know...since I and my whole family are mice and all...and the house is mouse sized..."


"Oh, okay." Eli said, suddenly picturing the buildings from Little Rodentia. They made their way down the stairs, Mike once again getting to ride on top of Eli's head, and explained to Judy that his mom would be picking him up shortly, which she did not too long afterwards, exchanging phone numbers with Judy, and apparently was excited that Mike had made a new friend, as much as Judy was excited that Eli had as well.


"It was a pleasure having him over Mrs. Musculus." Judy said to the white mouse in the jeans and blue t-shirt.


"Sorry again about Mikey, this is the fifth time he's fallen asleep on a friend's head and ended up waking up at their home." Mike rolled his eyes a little.


"Moms." Mike said with a knowing smile up at Eli.


"...Yeah." Eli said, smiling down at his new friend.


Moms... He thought.



And there you have it folks! Chapter 19! Once more, I hope that you enjoyed it, and will leave a review!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!