The Door - Chapter 7

Published at 24th of May 2024 05:21:14 AM

Chapter 7

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Hi there everyone! Here is the next chapter of The Door!



The Door (Chapter 7)


Elite Shade



Eli looked through the window at the sleeping figure of Baily. His left arm was in a cast, and he had two IV bags hooked up to his right arm. The bed he was laying on had been adjusted so that Baily's upper body was in a reclined position, instead of just laying down. His chest was covered with a blanket, so Eli couldn't see the bandages from where the doctors had treated his broken ribs and punctured lung. The left side of his face was badly bruised, and he looked like he hadn't eaten a good meal for a while.

He had bright red hair that was around medium length, but looked like it had been ripped out in a few places. He had five o' clock shadow. His jaw was sharp and angular, and his nose looked like it had been broken a few times. Overall, if Eli had to guess, he would have said that the man before him was in his early twenties.

"Are you sure you two have never met?" Judy asked as she reached up to gently take Eli's hand in her paw and squeezed. He looked down at her and shook his head.

"To the best that I can remember, I've never seen him before," he said. He, Judy, and Nick continued to look at Baily as he rested, until Robbie appeared from around the corner.

"Okay Eli, the Doc's ready for your final examination," he said before taking a turn to look at Baily himself. Judy thanked Robbie and started to lead Eli by the hand towards the direction Robbie pointed them in.

"I spoke to the two officers who brought him in," the beaver said to Nick just before Nick turned to follow Judy and Eli.

"What did Packer and Rams have to say?"

"... That when they asked him why he was all smashed up... he answered because he was homeless and that there was a group of other humans that apparently took offence to him and other homeless humans being around," he said in a voice that was lacking his usual cheerfulness.

"Two humans appear for no apparent reason here. They do not know one another, but they both appear to have suffered for a while back on their own world." Nick's brow furrowed as he started to consider what he knew so far. Despite his lazy demeanor, Nick Wilde had actually proven himself as a very capable detective, and not just because of his first hand experience as a con-artist.

"What do you think it means?" Robbie asked, recognizing the look on Nick's face.

"It might mean nothing, but I suppose that we'll find out more later, one way or another," Nick said with a smirk as he clapped Robbie on the shoulder before jogging to catch up with Judy and Eli, just as they were turning into the examination room. Judy looked at Nick with a quirked eyebrow, not saying anything as she continued to walk with Eli to the examination table. Nick mouthed to her, behind Eli's back, the word Later. Judy hopped up to sit next to Eli on the table. Noticing how nervous he looked, she took his hand again and started to stroke it.

"Alrighty, when the doctor gets here, it'll just be one more checkup, and then we can start shopping for your new room!" Judy said enthusiastically, prompting Eli to smile. After a few more minutes of waiting, a Panda doctor came in carrying a clipboard.

"Alright Eli, are you ready?" he asked in a kind and soft voice.

"Yes Doctor Williams," he said nervously. The panda smiled at him before pulling out his stethoscope.

"Okay then Eli, how's about you take off that shirt then?"

Eli quickly complied, and after nearly a half an hour of breathing tests, reflex tests, having his stitches re-examined, blood work, and the like, the doctor was finally finished.

"Okay, that's the last of it!" Doctor Williams said cheerfully as he finished scribbling on his clipboard.

"Just a few discharge forms for you," he said while looking at Judy, "to fill out, and you are all good to go." He smiled as he turned to leave.

After Judy filled out the proper paperwork, she, Nick, and Eli exited the hospital. There were a few reporters just outside, and they immediately started to swarm the three.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you here?"

"Are your species about to invade?"

The many questions and flashing lights from the reporters and photographers sent Eli into immediate panic mode. He froze on the spot, and couldn't think of anything to say. Judy saw this and immediately started to flash her badge.

"Alright! Alright! That's enough! This is official ZPD business, and absolutely NO COMMENT!" she yelled. The various animals shrank back from her, which was especially impressive considering how much taller most of them were in comparison to the rabbit officer. Seeing their opportunity, Judy looked up to Eli and flashed him a smile as she gently took his hand and led him to the car, which Nick had already unlocked and started up.

"Thanks Nick," Judy said after they had taken off.

"Anytime Carrots," he replied with a smirk. "So, where to first?"

"Well, I think our first stop should be to get Eli's furniture, what do you think about that sweetie?" Judy asked as she turned in her seat to smile at him. Eli smiled back.

"That sounds okay," he said.

"In that case, I know just the place," Nick said as he quickly took a right, straight into Sahara Square. He immediately hit the AC as the car started to heat up. "I got a friend who happens to own a furniture store." They pulled into a parking lot. Judy looked up to see large sign on the top of the building in front of them.

"Francesca's Furnishings?" she asked curiously. "Nick... this friend... are they at all like Finnick?" Judy's tone had changed to one that was slightly accusatory as she looked at the fox.

"Calm down carrots," Nick said as the three got out of the car and quickly made their way into the air conditioned store.

"Francesca's just a friend who was always willing to give me a discount on my various furniture needs," he said as he took his Aviators off. Judy crossed her arms, but said nothing. She then looked to Eli, who was noticing the stares he was receiving from some of the other customers. She quickly took his hand and smiled up at him again.

"So, where do you want to start?" she asked the boy gently. However, before he could answer, a well-dressed, blonde female ferret appeared from underneath a nearby couch and quickly made her way over to them.

"Oh Nick! It has been far too long, you cheeky fox!" she said as she quickly stood up and kissed him lightly on both cheeks. He noticed Judy scowling at him slightly, and gulped.

"Hi there Francesca. It certainly has been a while. I'm here with my partner Judy, and my friend Eli," he said gesturing to the two. The ferret looked up, and her eyes went wide. Apparently, she had only just now noticed the human holding the paw of the rabbit.

"Oh, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintances," she said after a moment of hesitation.

"Hello," Judy said coolly to the ferret. She then looked up at Eli, and gave his hand a quick squeeze. It took a second to register, but then he understood.

"Hello," he said softly.

"We're here to find some furniture for Eli," Judy said as she gestured to the boy.

"What did you have in mind?" Francesca asked, oblivious to Judy's disposition. Judy felt Eli's grip tighten a little, and looked up to see a faint worried expression on his face. She took a breath, and then smiled.

""Well, since he's moving in to a brand new place, he's going to need quite a few things. A bed, a desk, a dresser," Judy listed off while Francesca's eyes started to sparkle.

"Understood!" the ferret suddenly said, loudly. "Right this way!" she exclaimed as she quickly headed in the direction of the beds.

"She's certainly... something Nick," Judy said as the three speedily moved to catch up.

"Yeah, she really has a passion for furnishings," was his response. He wanted to say more, but he decided to keep his muzzle shut for now.
That statement, it turns out, was actually an understatement. Once they had caught up with her, she started to question Eli about various pieces of furniture, apparently completely over his appearance at this point. She grilled him thoroughly, and immediately started to bark orders to the twin elephant employees, who hurried to follow her commands. She had them set up several pieces of furniture in an open space. There was a bed, a desk, a comfortable chair, a dresser, and several other pieces.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked Eli as he looked around.

"Um... it's... really nice." He looked to Judy.

"Do you like it sweetie?" she asked. He quickly nodded, blushing at Francesca's giggle.

"He is quite the shy one, no?" she asked Judy. Judy couldn't help but smile at that.

"A little."

"So then, I take it that this is what you would like to buy?"

Judy looked to Eli and smiled a little wider as she saw him look at the desk.

"That's right!"

"Alrighty then." Francesca snapped her fingers, and the twins immediately started to pack the furniture while she and Judy talked about prices and shipping.

"Alright, and with the special friend discount," she said while looking to Nick, who quickly made his way over to Eli, "here is the final price." Judy looked at Francesca's pink clipboard and smiled, before quickly looking to Nick and quirking an eyebrow, which he saw.

Oh boy, Nick thought.

"We will have the furniture shipped to this address later today!" the ferret said excitedly.

"Thank you Francesca, you've been a big help." Judy said, failing to prevent herself from warming up to the bubbly ferret as she escorted them back to the entrance.

"It is truly my pleasure miss Hopps!" she said, immediately hugging Judy at the entrance. "And please remember us for all of your future furniture needs!" She let go of the surprised rabbit. The three made their way back out in the baking sun to the cruiser, and were quickly off to their next destination, with Nick panting while cranking the AC up again.

"So you and Francesca?" Judy asked.

"Are just friends, that's it," he said, actively avoiding looking in Judy's direction, sensing a future scolding.

"So, the next stop?"

Judy just continued to stare at Nick before answering.

"Well, now that we got Eli's new furniture out of the way, I think we should go clothes shopping next," she said. She looked back at Eli, who was staring out of the window, excitedly looking as they passed from Sahara Square into downtown. She smiled at the look of excitement on his face.

"As it just so happens, I have a friend who..." Nick trailed off as he saw the look Judy was giving him.

"I swear, this is also just a friend," he said, trying to placate his partner. Her face softened, slightly, but she still quirked an eyebrow.

"Okay," she said evenly.

Nick sighed as he made several turns and pulled up to a clothing shop with a sign reading Eddie's Attire. Judy smiled a little before she, Eli, and Nick got out of the car. Eli was still looking around as they walked to the front doors, only barely noticing some of the looks he was receiving. They entered the shop, and Judy started feeling a sense of deja vu.

"Hey Eddie!" Nick happily called out to a large hippo, wearing a large Pawaiian shirt and jeans, who immediately bounded over to them.

"Nick! How's it goin'? I just got in a new shipment of..." he trailed off after noticing Judy, who also froze when she saw him.

"Uhh... hello there... officer..." he gulped.


A short time later... 


"Well, at least we were able to get a decent discount," Nick said in an attempt to appear aloof.

"We are seriously going to need to have a long talk about your past in the near future Nick," Judy said as she and Eli loaded the last of his new wardrobe into the trunk. Nick's ears went flat.

"Oh come on now carrots, how was I supposed to know that you busted Eddie for selling counterfeit Poochie handbags?" he pleaded as she turned to him and held out her paw. He gave her the keys as she climbed into the driver's seat while Eli sat in the back. Nick sighed before getting into the passenger seat.

"So..." Nick said a little awkwardly, "anyone else thinking about lunch?"

"I could eat..." Eli said. Judy smiled at him in the rearview mirror.

"Well, I happen to know just the place." She gave Eli a wink as she made a quick right.


Back at the hospital... 


Baily's mind was foggy as he slowly came to. It took him a moment to remember where he was and how he had gotten there.

So it wasn't all just a dream, he thought when a certain beaver male nurse entered. He turned to see Baily looking at him, making him jump a little.

"Oh! I didn't think that you'd be awake already, buddy," Robbie said, smiling at the new human. It was just at that moment when Packer entered through the door as well, now dressed in a regular blue T-shirt and jeans.

"Hey there," she said casually to Baily. He was holding the tattered backpack in one hand, which he set down in a nearby chair. "Just setting that there, and reassuring you that it has not been opened or rifled through at all. Not once." Chaz said, attempting to look innocent. Baily smiled at him.

"So what happens now?" he asked.

"Well," Robbie began, "you are going to stay here until you're all healed up."

"Then," Chaz started up, "we're going to see about finding you some living arrangements until you can get back on your feet."

"What?" Baily asked, not fully understanding.

"Well, it just looks like you could use some help is all, and Rams just might be able to set up a job for you with his aunt if you want. But we can go into more detail about that later. For now, you gotta rest up."

"Um... o-okay. Th-thanks," Baily said, still put off by the kindness he was experiencing.

"No problem." the wolf smiled as Robbie chuckled to himself, and quickly began to change the IV bags.


Back to lunch... 


Judy, Nick, and Eli were walking back to the car, with Eli smiling a little more than usual.

"Alrighty then!" Judy said in her usual chipper voice as they all piled into the car. She smiled at Eli again in the rearview mirror. "Now, next up is the computer. I'm gonna stop you right there Eli!" she said, cutting him off just when she noticed him open his mouth. He shut it and started to blush.

"Eli buddy, you're not gonna win this one," Nick said looking back at him. Eli just sat back and looked down, blushing.

"You know carrots, I actually have a buddy who..." he trailed off at the look she was giving him. The two officers were surprised to hear laughter coming from the back seat just as Judy stopped at a red light. They both turned to see Eli giggling at the two of them, a hand over his mouth.

"Sorry," Eli said as he tried to regain his composure.

Judy smiled at him, and then at Nick, before turning back to Eli.

"No need to apologize sweetie," she said before turning back to the wheel and started driving again when the light turned green. Nick looked to Judy and then back at Eli and gave him a thumbs up. Eli wasn't sure why, but smiled and nodded nonetheless. After a few moments of driving, Judy sighed.

"Okay, Nick... you say that you have a buddy who might be willing to help us find Eli a computer?"

Nick smiled at her. "Oh yeah, me and Reggie go way back," he said, putting on his Aviators.




Once more, I'm hoping that you all enjoyed this newest chapter! Please feel free to leave me a review telling me what you think!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!