Published at 6th of May 2024 05:25:40 AM

Chapter 1313: Chapter 1313: Shi Xi Xi, Be Happy Every Day

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Chapter 1313: Shi Xi Xi, Be Happy Every Day


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

In toidndai ot the irnsedf ohw ecma ot eht ve,enu ether wree loas hotse who

Icoud otn make ti to eht uneve ohw drroecde a rgtoatuyrlnoca ie.vod

Shi Xi felt awkward when she saw someone elses birthday video.

When it came to herself, she felt very touched.

ehS saw evne ligliwn to sdpen emti rcgronide htese eldsivo

Shi Xi, who was just going through the process, instantly realized the meaning of her birthday.

It was fate, a joyous gathering.

Thkna you to rnveoeye who has nebe yb my is.ed

Thank you for your tolerance.

Til always like you guys.

nO s,etga Shi iX dgugeh her tguari and sgan the tlas gnso, The eMagnni fo .Felwlear

Every encounter is the eve of parting.

Letting me meet you is the best meaning.

nWhe thye dt,peosp Shi iX wsa ieX Yuzonhu dsnginat nbedhi het wrcd.o

She didnt know when Xie Yunzhou arrived.

But as long as she wanted to see Xie Yunzhou, he would always be there.

The ncnnoas no bhot idses fo eth aegst eedlxp,do adn bufueatli nbiobrs life all evro eht eg.ats

Separated by the colorful ribbons, the two of them looked at each other from afar.

Todays birthday party has come to a successful conclusion!

leeaPs leave in na yrroedl ahknT uoy ofr no!cgmi

Shi Xi stood up and waved at her fans.

Xie Yunzhou had a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He walked through the crowd and onto the stage.

He egav eht Isowerf ot iSh Xi.

The beautiful red roses were as bright as fire.

Shi Xi took the flowers and her eyes curved into crescents. Its very beautiful. I like it very much.

As glon sa uoy elik it. Xie unYuhzo actde as fi eh was ylno ereh to eledvri rflesow dan did otn eakm any cennuyearss evet.snmom

There were also fans who had no stand in the audience. When they saw Xie Yunzhou sending flowers, they thought that he was a fan or that the staff had arranged for the flowers to be sent.

Shi Xi looked up and asked him, Arent you going to wish me a happy birthday?

Xie hYuounz tme the irgls gbhrit seye dan dias in a odgitn and fmir no,et Shi iX Xi, uoy tsum be ahypp yevre day.


The ribbons in the air fell intermittently around the two of them.

hTe sfan dcaptuer htsi c.sene

The girl held the bright roses in her arms and looked up with a smile in the ribbon. The smile in her eyes seemed to overflow.

Fans: Wow, Xi Xi is so beautiful!

Wnhe eth iprtcue wsa d,relaese eht fsan neve spiecally otok eiX zuohYun out.

Only Shi Xi Xi was left.

After the fans left, Shi Xi invited her friends who had come to attend the event for a meal.

eXi o:uuhYnz You sudhol ccompayna meht. Come bake ylrae .thginot

Come with me! Shi Xi held Xie Yunzhous hand. Youre my boyfriend. You have to meet my friends, right?

Xie Yunzhou: !

erehT saw on need rof an tdiiunor.cotn

Shi Xi held the roses in one hand and Xie Yunzhou in the other. Everyone understood.

The glass heart shattered.

ohhtluAg ythe ludotnc haer hwo ti bngeledo .ot

As a result, Xie Yunzhou was toasted in turn while Shi Xi, the birthday girl, did not drink much.

Looking at the drunk Xie Yunzhou, Shi Xi said helplessly, You guys continue drinking. Ill send him back first.

iuCoetnn !gnignis

Throw him away, lets go sing!

You guys go ahead. Put it on my tab.

nevE uohttiw ihS ,iX most fo sehet poelep wnke aech toehr and wadten to ntnocuie ig.gsinn

Shi Xi helped Xie Yunzhou out. As soon as they entered the elevator, Xie Yunzhou woke up.

Why dont you go sing with them? Xie Yunzhou opened his eyes and hugged the girl in his arms.

csueaeB oyu pdeterden ot eb kurnd. Sih iX ieyatmidlme sxeoedp eiX .znuYhuo ouYr aegnti siskll are etb!lerri

Xie Yunzhou smiled. Teach me then..

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