Published at 25th of June 2024 10:45:53 AM

Chapter 1408: Chapter 1408: Xie Yunzhou Invests in Liao Chujings Series

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Chapter 1408: Xie Yunzhou Invests in Liao Chujings Series

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Hua Xuanhe saw how determined Shi Xi was, so he had to give up on persuading her. Ill help you with the acquisition, he said.

I still have some money on hand. It might not be enough, but its enough to buy some shares, Shi Xi said.

She was a little rich woman!

Alright. Hua Xuanhe nodded slightly.

Oh right. Shi Xi suddenly remembered something. Xie Yunzhou seems to be very busy recently. Dont tell him about this for the time being.

Hua Xuanhe was surprised. He thought of Xie Yunzhous situation and agreed. Ill try to avoid him.

Shi Xi heaved a sigh of relief.

She wanted to ask Xie Yunzhou for help.

However, she did not want to get involved in the Xie familys situation.

Im about to get off work, Hua Xuanhe said. Would you like to go back to the manor with me for lunch?

Shi Xi looked at the sky outside the window.

She still wanted to have dinner with Xie Yunzhou.

The manor sent a tiger over, Hua Xuanhe said. Do you want to see it?

A big cat?!

Shi Xis eyes lit up. Okay! However, can you raise a tiger?

Third Uncle went on an adventure in the wild and met an injured tiger. He brought it to the manor for treatment. Its almost healed now, Hua Xuanhe explained. Its going to be released back into the wild.

I see Shi Xi was enlightened.

There were still people in the Hua family who liked to explore the wild?

Hua Xuanhe asked his assistant to gather information on Xian Wei before bringing Shi Xi back to the Hua family manor.

Brother, youre back. Hua Ruoling smiled when she saw Hua Xuanhe.

However, when she saw Shi Xi following behind Hua Xuanhe, her smile immediately disappeared. Her tone was extremely unwelcoming. Youre here.

Hua Xuanhe frowned slightly. I brought Xi Xi back for dinner.

Oh, Ill go accompany Grandpa. Hua Ruoling tried her best to maintain her gentleness, but her eyes were still filled with dissatisfaction.


Hua Xuanhe looked at his watch. Lets eat first. Well go see the tiger in the afternoon.

Shi Xi nodded. Sure.

Since she was already here, it didnt matter.

When Hua Ruoling heard this, her eyes narrowed slightly.

They were here to see the tiger!

It was a wild tiger found in the wild and had an extremely bad personality.

Every time they applied medicine or checked it, they would first knock it out before they dared to touch it.

Because it had to be sent back to the wild, everyone had been feeding live chickens and rabbits recently.

Hua Ruoling turned around to look at Shi Xi, a carefree smile on her face.

Heh, Shi Xis small body.

It should be enough to feed that tiger, right?

In the manor, everyone did not have to eat together.

Grandpa Hua liked the quiet. He would only eat together during festivals or when there were guests.

At that moment, everyone else was working outside. Only Hua Xuanhe and Shi Xi did not care much about table manners.

Ive seen that Xie Yunzhou and Yan Linlang have been interacting quite a lot recently. Hua Xuanhe seemed to have mentioned it casually.

Im not sure. I rarely ask about his work.

Therefore, she didnt want to tell Xie Yunzhou that she wanted to buy Xian Wei.

Many people want to suck up to Yan Linlang. This is normal. Hua Xuanhe was deep in thought. However, Xie Yunzhou is quite close to the Liao family. He even invested in Liao Chujings drama.

[Vast Clouds Rising]? Shi Xi asked subconsciously.

Hua Xuanhe glanced at Shi Xi. It seems to be the name. I didnt pay much attention to it.

Shi Xi: ?!

She had never asked about Xie Yunzhous investment, nor did she care who invested in Liao Chujing.

She didnt even care about Liao Chujings recent movements.

She had been approached by Zhu Lin for [Vast Clouds Rising], and Zhu Lin had told her that Liao Chujing had accepted the role.

In the end, Xie Yunzhou was the one who invested in this drama?

Shi Xi did not even want to move the chopsticks in her hands.

She had lost her appetite.

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