Published at 7th of June 2024 05:49:08 AM

Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

Do you mind?

Zhi Yao was momentarily stunned when she heard this, then shook her head, "No, I don't mind! It's not like you're going to keep her."

In fact, Zhi Yao's thinking was as simple as can be.

She minded if Pei Chiyao kept cats or dogs because, to her, Pei Chiyao was more like her owner.

She was a little fox, she didn't understand love or the intricacies of human relationships. What did things like fiancé, marriage, mean? She didn't get it.

She only had the most primal sense of possession.

All she knew was that it was enough for Pei Chiyao to keep her, a little fox, for life.

He couldn't keep any other cats, dogs, or even fish or turtles!

If he dared to keep other little animals, she would leave! No! She would drive him out of the Ling Family!

Pei Chiyao never expected Zhi Yao to give him this answer, and he was momentarily taken aback, before asking: "Yao Yao, what if I fell in love with someone else?"

Fall in love with someone else?

Zhi Yao tilted her head, thinking, her expression a mix of confusion and anxiety. After a long while, Zhi Yao seemed to have figured it out and was about to speak.

Just as Pei Chiyao thought the little girl would definitely find it upsetting, Zhi Yao said in a rather carefree tone: "Then you can fall in love, Pei Chiyao. I've just realized that I love a lot of people too. I love Father, I love Mother, I love my brother, and I love Sister Su. I also love my fans. I can't be so selfish as to only let you love me."

"You can go love someone else too!"

After saying this, the little girl really wanted to give herself a round of applause. She was so smart! To be able to say such sensible words, Mother would surely praise her for growing up too!

Pei Chiyao's face immediately darkened.

At this moment, he really wanted to slaughter the entire Ling Family of wolves.

Especially since out of all the people Zhi Yao had just listed, he was the only one not mentioned.

The man's expression was utterly unpleasant, he gritted his teeth tightly, as if he wanted to swallow Zhi Yao whole.

Just as Zhi Yao finished speaking, the award ceremony of the film festival was also coming to a close.

The little girl was completely oblivious to Pei Chiyao's expression, her eyes fully occupied by the beautiful women walking around.

Pei Chiyao was about to explode with anger.

What a heartless little thing!

He thought Zhi Yao had finally awakened to love, but little did he expect, she was still so naive!

But just as Jiang Zhu finished speaking, Pei Chiyao suddenly struck out.

He moved extremely fast, punching Jiang Zhu in the face with full force. Immediately after, Jiang Zhu was quickly pinned to the ground by Pei Chiyao's bodyguards who had been hiding nearby.

The man stepped on Jiang Zhu's mouth with his shoe, grinding it down violently, his eyes filled with bloodlust, "You dare yell at her again and see what happens?"

He was so angry yet still couldn't bring himself to be harsh with Zhi Yao, let alone an outsider.

Screams erupted from the surrounding crowd as people fled in all directions.

Fortunately, the live broadcast had already been cut off by then.

Brother Sun was also present at the venue, originally helping Zhi Yao network when he heard the commotion. Turning his head to see this scene, he felt uneasy.

Panting heavily, he ran up to Pei Chiyao, but before he could open his mouth, Pei Chiyao dismissively said, "You deal with this," and swept Zhi Yao into his arms, leaving in great strides.

After Pei Chiyao left, his bodyguards beat Jiang Zhu up again.

It wasn't until Brother Sun came to his senses that he hurriedly told them to stop.

Watching this unfold, Shen Yilian was not angered, but rather excited.

This was the man she loved!

Unrestrained, bold, bloodthirsty.

The invincible Ares who had once dominated the underground fighting rings.

In recent years, Pei Chiyao had been uncharacteristically low-key in the entertainment industry. Apart from movie premieres, she hardly heard any news about him.

She really missed him, which is why she defied her father's orders and came back.

Although she was furious with Zhi Yao earlier, at this moment, Shen Yilian didn't feel shortchanged at all.

Because she had once again witnessed this side of Pei Chiyao.

Once again, her desire to conquer and possess him was reignited.


She's just a vixen, nothing more.

She took something out from her handbag - today, she would definitely make Zhi Yao suffer complete ruin and disgrace.

Shen Yilian went to the restroom, tidied up her appearance, and then swiftly headed in the direction where Pei Chiyao and Zhi Yao were before.

Zhi Yao was carried into the lounge by Pei Chiyao. The young lady hadn't fully grasped what was happening until the man's fierce kisses left her gasping for air. Only then did Zhi Yao come to her senses, "Pei Chiyao, you..."

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