Published at 7th of June 2024 05:48:47 AM

Chapter 130

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Chapter 130

Zhi Yao was about to speak when the door was pushed open by Xie Tingyan. "Yao, Yao's sister, I really can't eat anymore. I was wrong, I was wrong. I'll admit on Weibo right now that I stole your account..."

His words came to a complete halt.


Xie Tingyan couldn't believe what he was seeing!

Holy crap, holy crap, what was that massive thing?

Zhi Yao was equally stunned, she had never expected Xie Tingyan to suddenly walk in and forgot to tuck away her tail.DiisCoover updated novels on n(o)v./e/lbin(.)com

Pei Chiyao was the first to react, snatching up a coat nearby to cover Zhi Yao's large tail.

But before he could explain, Xie Tingyan let out a sudden shout, "Ah! A tail! Is that the prop tail from The Legend of the Fox Demon?"

Xie Tingyan was a secret furry enthusiast who loved fluffy things like that.

Don't be fooled by his dorky persona - Xie Tingyan was actually a dedicated fan of The Legend of the Fox Demon!

Part of the reason he liked Zhi Yao so much was because of The Legend of the Fox Demon. After all, the little fox demon portrayed in it was just too adorable, making Xie Tingyan want to raise a little fox cub himself.

Zhi Yao stared at Xie Tingyan in disbelief, never expecting him to suddenly bring up The Legend of the Fox Demon. She thought... her identity was about to be exposed.

But Pei Chiyao calmly admitted it without batting an eye, "Yeah, Yao thought it was cute so she insisted on wearing it out."

No sooner had he finished speaking than they saw two streams of red liquid flow straight down from Xie Tingyan's fair face.

Zhi Yao: "???"

Pei Chiyao: "..."

Xie Tingyan: "Tail... hehehe... fluffy big tail... hehehe!"

The young lady had never imagined the situation would develop like this. "Xie Tingyan, you... you're having a nosebleed..."

A nosebleed?

More than just a nosebleed, it was like Xie Tingyan's brain had rusted over. He sluggishly raised his hand to touch his nose, unsurprisingly coming away with a handful of blood.

It should be mentioned that Xie Tingyan was also hemophobic.

Normally when tormenting others, he preferred methods that didn't involve blood. It was precisely because of this that his methods tended to be even more vile and vulgar, more likely to cause psychological breakdowns.

But at this moment, Xie Tingyan was in a completely feeble state.

The instant he saw the blood, Xie Tingyan passed out!

The disheartened solo fans gradually accepted Zhi Yao's existence. Coupled with the recent popularity of The Legend of the Fox Demon, who wouldn't ship Zhi Yao and Pei Chiyao?

Especially since Pei Chiyao had called Zhi Yao his "little fox demon."

[Hihihihahahaheehee: Help! He called her his little fox demon, I can't take it anymore, family, I'm officially shipping them!]

[BraindeadFoxDemonFan: Please don't kill me with this ship!]

[PeiChiYaoIsMyDog: ...How did I suddenly find myself kind of into this?]

[PeiChiYaoIsMyGod: ...+10086 to the comment above]


Pei Chiyao skimmed the comments but didn't read further.

He opened his email, which was full of scripts and movie offers from Uncle Sun for Zhi Yao to act, as well as some commercials.

Uncle Sun knew that Zhi Yao was Pei Chiyao's most cherished person, so he didn't dare take any roles for her without Pei Chiyao's approval. Anything concerning Zhi Yao was entirely up to Pei Chiyao.

He was halfway through reviewing the emails when Zhi Yao woke up.

The young lady rubbed her eyes, a little disoriented at first. "Pei Chiyao... where are we? Are we home yet?"

She drowsily reached for Pei Chiyao's embrace, wanting to snuggle into his arms.

Pei Chiyao gently patted Zhi Yao's head and shifted his posture to let her sleep more comfortably.

"Not yet, go back to sleep if you're tired."

She wasn't actually that sleepy, and became more awake after a few blinks.

"Pei Chiyao, what are you looking at?"

Zhi Yao rested her head on his chest, which was as hard and firm as ever - nowhere near as comfortable as her own.

"Looking at scripts."


Zhi Yao curiously asked, "But I thought you were going to retire?"

"These are all for you," he explained.

With this explanation, Zhi Yao suddenly bounced up from Pei Chiyao's embrace. Because her movement was too fast and abrupt, the young lady's head directly knocked against Pei Chiyao's chin.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!