Published at 7th of June 2024 05:48:31 AM

Chapter 145

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Chapter 145

Men are really pigs!

Zhi Yao hadn't spoken to Pei Chiyao for three days out of anger!

It infuriated her! It infuriated her!

But angry or not, Zhi Yao still had to enjoy Pei Chiyao's care.

"Good girl, open your mouth and eat."Updated chapters on novelbin(.)com

Pei Chiyao knew he was in the wrong, as he had indeed mistreated Zhi Yao the other day. Her body was almost devoid of unspoiled skin, and when he woke up early and saw the bruises, Pei Chiyao felt heartbroken himself.

Although the little lady didn't want to talk to her these past few days, it didn't stop Pei Chiyao from caring for and making amends to Zhi Yao.

Clothes on her body, food in her mouth, on the first day, Pei Chiyao even had to carry her to the bathroom...

After feeding Zhi Yao today, he received a phone call.

The moment Pei Chiyao saw the caller ID, he frowned, his initially good mood suddenly turning gloomy.

Zhi Yao keenly noticed Pei Chiyao's change in mood, but the little lady didn't ask about it.

She didn't want to talk to him!

She was still waiting for Pei Chiyao to peel pomegranates for her!

What Zhi Yao didn't expect was that after taking that call, Pei Chiyao hurriedly prepared to leave.

"Baby, I'll be out for a bit. Stay at home and be good. Wait for me to come back and feed you dinner."

After saying that, Pei Chiyao left.

He didn't even tell Zhi Yao where he was going.

This infuriated the little lady!

After mistreating her like this, he dared to leave without consoling her!

The more Zhi Yao thought about it, the angrier she became, especially when she recalled overhearing Pei Chiyao mentioning the Pei Group on the phone. She hurriedly opened Baidu and searched for an address.

After completing these preparations, the little lady felt reassured to proceed.

Now... it was time for the fox to strike!


The little fox was incredibly fast, and coupled with her small size, she blended seamlessly into the crowd, appearing as but a fleeting white blur that people would only notice from the corner of their eyes. By the time they turned to look, Zhi Yao would already be gone.

She dashed into an elevator full of people, hiding in the corner as everyone remained focused on their phones, completely oblivious to the little fox among them.

Seeing this, Zhi Yao finally relaxed.

When the elevator reached the 99th floor, Zhi Yao smoothly slipped out.

Wasn't being a fox the most convenient? Now she could go wherever she wanted without anyone stopping her!

Thinking of this, Zhi Yao became even more proud.

She sniffed the air, a fox's nose was highly sensitive, and soon, she caught the faint scent of sandalwood - Pei Chiyao's aroma.

She followed the trail to a large office door.

Just as the little fox was about to push the door open, a familiar voice rang in her ears.

Straining to listen, it sounded like a woman's voice.

"Ah Yao... I..."

The voice was very soft, Zhi Yao couldn't make out the words.

But the one thing Zhi Yao could confirm was... it was a woman's voice.

Hmph, Pei Chiyao really had the nerve to meet another woman behind her back!

Zhi Yao bared her teeth, about to charge in, when suddenly, she felt herself being lifted into the air.

Wait... lifted into the air?!

She turned her head in alarm, only to meet a pair of eyes.

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