Published at 7th of June 2024 05:48:19 AM

Chapter 153

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Chapter 153

Zhi Yao was frightened to tears and grabbed Pei Chiyao's hand, saying, "What should we do, Pei Chiyao? I'm only five hundred and twenty years old this year."

She was still a baby!

How could she have a short lifespan?

Upon hearing Zhi Yao's words, Anthony couldn't help but spit out the mouthful of tea he had just taken, spraying it all over the ground.

Five hundred and twenty years old?!

He stared at Zhi Yao in disbelief, "You... you're an old vixen?"

An old vixen?!

The moment those three words came out, Zhi Yao's gaze towards Anthony changed instantly. The little girl had never been so angry in her life!

"You're the old vixen! Your whole family are old vixens! Hmph!"

She snatched the gun from Pei Chiyao's hand and pointed it directly at Anthony, "You'd better apologize quickly, or I'll shoot you."

Anthony: "..."


When Pei Chiyao pointed the gun at him earlier, he wasn't the slightest bit afraid. But why did he suddenly feel... that she would actually open fire when this old vixen pointed the gun at him?

The little girl was so angry that tears were about to well up in her eyes. She had never been called an old vixen before in her life.

Pei Chiyao always called her "baby", "baby", and her mother and brothers all said she was just a cub. Zhi Yao felt that her vixen life had been severely undermined!


At that very moment, Anthony heard Zhi Yao's thoughts again and unconsciously said, "But I haven't seen a spirit creature over five hundred years old for a long time."

Nowadays, due to air pollution and various other factors, the living quality of spirit creatures has been declining sharply. Most spirit creatures can only live for a little over a hundred years, either dying from air and environmental pollution, or... being captured by humans.

In any case, a spirit creature over five hundred years old could be considered an old monster in Anthony's eyes.


Zhi Yao was shaking with anger!

After all, what girls care about most is their age, and even though Zhi Yao was a vixen, she was no exception.

How dare he say that about her! Infuriating!

The little girl's hand began to tremble, and she pulled the trigger with a shaking hand, "Bang!" The sound instantly echoed throughout the hotel room.

"Okay, but you have to take me there first."

This Anthony seemed like a cunning person, and Pei Chiyao couldn't let him go so easily.

He nodded, "Okay."

Finally, he looked at Pei Chiyao again and said, "But I must tell you, once you go to Xuanling Town, it's not so easy to come back out. You may end up being trapped there for life, and then..."

His words were cut off by Pei Chiyao, "It seems you've been there before. Since you were able to come out, I believe you can take me out too. If you don't, I'm confident that with my abilities, I'll eventually be able to get out, only then I might just bring a vixen and a corpse with me. What do you think?"

This was an outright threat.

Anthony looked at the man half a head taller than him and recalled his unclear identity, feeling somewhat apprehensive towards him.


He said through gritted teeth, "Shall we set out now?"

"No, in three days."

He needed to take care of some matters first.

His top priority was to remove the seal on Zhi Yao's body, so he naturally wanted to set off as soon as possible.

Especially after hearing Anthony mention the words "short lifespan", even though he knew from the start that Anthony might have been talking nonsense, no one knew what kind of negative impact that seal on Zhi Yao might have.

Of course, the sooner it was resolved, the better.

"Prepare yourself for these three days. In three days, someone will come to get you."

With that, he held the girl who had already cried herself into a daze and was about to fall asleep tightly in his arms, and turned to leave.

But as Anthony watched Pei Chiyao's back, his hand suddenly moved from inside his pocket.

In the next instant, a slender silver needle, so small it was almost invisible, shot towards Pei Chiyao's back!

But to Anthony's great shock, something incredible happened at that very moment!

The silver needle, which seemed about to pierce Pei Chiyao's back, suddenly dropped to the ground...

This... this was too bizarre!

You should know that the silver needles were treasures he had stealthily stolen from Xuanling Town on his previous infiltration. There were only ten of them in total, and he had cherished them dearly, having used only three so far. But why... why were they completely ineffective against this man?!

The so-called silver needles had in fact been sharpened to the point of being able to slice through iron like mud, and their tips were even coated with a deadly poison. The venom was so potent that getting pricked by it would lead to death within a minute.

While he was still in shock, that man suddenly turned his head.

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