Published at 7th of June 2024 05:50:27 AM

Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

She didn't know, but Pei Chiyao knew.

Pei Chiyao chuckled lightly, "In pain?"

Zhi Yao nodded her little head, remaining silent.

He gently kissed Zhi Yao's forehead and said, "Me too."

Zhi Yao looked up at him in a daze, "Then what should we do?"

Pei Chiyao curled his lips, "I have a solution."

The next time Zhi Yao woke up, the sky was bright, and her whole body was sore and weak. Especially...

She raised her hand and looked at it, but there was nothing.

The little girl, with a tousled mess of hair, sat up from the bed.

She looked under the covers at her concealed body, and was truly terrified.

But strangely, she couldn't remember what had happened last night.

Yet Zhi Yao wasn't worried. She sniffed, and the surrounding air was filled with a faint scent of sandalwood, a smell that brought her immense comfort.

She buried her face in the pillow beside her and took a deep breath.

At that moment, there was a commotion at the door, and Pei Chiyao strode in. What he saw was Zhi Yao huddled on his pillow, curled up in a little ball, wrapped in a blanket like a white bundle.

He couldn't help but laugh, "What are you doing?"

Zhi Yao was startled and hurriedly turned around, but the blanket inadvertently slipped off, revealing her n*kedness.

Pei Chiyao raised his eyebrows, his eyes deepening in color.

"Baby, are you trying to seduce me again?"

Last night, it was really Zhi Yao who took the initiative.

Although he wanted it too.

Needless to say, the little girl's...

He took a few steps towards Zhi Yao, pulled the blanket back up, and said, "Be good, we can't do that now. We have to go home first."

Zhi Yao tilted her head, "What can't we do?"

With that tilted head move, her golden eyes sparkled, and if her mischievous ears had popped out, they would have certainly twitched along.

"What do you think?" His tone was teasing, with a hint of seductiveness.

But in an instant, a hazy memory resurfaced.

Wait... did she encounter that producer last night?

Pei Chiyao led Zhi Yao into a room where two people were sitting - one was the producer, and the other... was someone Zhi Yao had never seen before.

Looking at the unfamiliar man, she asked, "Is he the culprit?"

Zhi Yao was puzzled. She didn't even know him! Why would he want to harm her?

"No," Pei Chiyao said flatly. "Make him turn around."

As soon as he spoke, one of the bodyguards forcibly turned the producer's face towards them.

Zhi Yao nearly burst out laughing at the sight.

"Why does he have a pig's head? Were you a pig spirit all along?"

His face was swollen beyond recognition, purple and blue and bulging like a spilled paint palette. Even though he was originally unattractive, he now looked absolutely hideous.

The producer spoke, "Pei... young master... I was wrong... I really didn't know Zhi Yao was your... your person!"

He deeply regretted his actions. Last night, that person had almost tortured him to death!

Now, whenever he closed his eyes, he was haunted by those disgusting images.

Pei Chiyao ignored him and looked at Zhi Yao, "Do you hate him?"

Zhi Yao nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I hate him!"

"Do you want revenge?"

Zhi Yao hesitated a bit, "But haven't you already taken revenge for me?"

Upon hearing this, he took Zhi Yao's hand and firmly grasped her entire hand in his large one, "That was me, this is you. I punished him because he coveted you, but what about you?"

He was patient in teaching the little vixen, or perhaps he was simply patient with Zhi Yao in any situation.

"Zhi Yao, you were fortunate enough to escape. But have you considered the other girls who weren't so lucky? What happens to those unfortunate girls?"

According to Older Brother Sun's investigation, this man had done this before. Veteran actresses in the industry might sleep with him to gain some resources, but for newcomers... this dead fat pig was a miser, shamelessly taking advantage of them. The next day, he would turn his back on them, threatening to blacklist them if they dared to speak up.

Those poor, naive newcomers were truly terrified into submission.

After hearing this, Zhi Yao's disgust towards him intensified, and she wanted nothing more than to beat him up.

Pei Chiyao saw right through Zhi Yao's intentions and whispered in her ear, "Aim for his stomach, it's softer. Don't hurt yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little girl raised her leg and kicked the producer in the stomach with full force, "You bullied me and other girls, I'll beat you to death!"

She had used every ounce of her strength in that kick, and with the producer already severely injured, this kick made him scream in agony.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!