Published at 7th of June 2024 05:50:22 AM

Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

The wolf and the fox were originally two completely different species, for such species to be combined, it was unprecedented...

Zhi Yao's mother always kept her hidden in the cave, refusing to bring her out, it turned out to be because of this...

"Bastard offspring?" Zhi Yao looked at the Red Fox lying on the ground, furrowing her brow. "Do you know who my father is?"

Zhi Yao had been raised by her mother alone since childhood. She had asked her mother about her father before, but her mother always avoided the topic.Yoouur favorite novels at n/ovel/bin(.)com

Yet the Red Fox acted as if he hadn't heard Zhi Yao's words, saying for himself, "Your mother is the disgrace of the entire Fox Clan! She is clearly the last Nine-Tailed Red Fox in this world, yet she doesn't care about the Fox Clan at all, polluting the Fox Clan's bloodline! Your mother is a b****!"

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!"

Zhi Yao struggled to get out of Pei Chiyao's embrace, glaring at the Red Fox, her anger reaching its peak. "What gives you the right to say that? My mother has no obligation to consider the Fox Clan. Who she likes is her own business. Why should she preserve the bloodline for the Fox Clan?"

Hearing Zhi Yao's words, the Red Fox was so enraged that he coughed up blood. "Indeed, you are the bastard offspring born of your mother. Your mother deserved... everything she's suffering now is retribution, retribution!"

As the words fell, he suddenly transformed into his original form, intending to flee.

Initially, he hadn't even noticed Pei Chiyao's aura at all...

The Red Fox glanced back at Pei Chiyao, feeling that the man emanated an ancient, powerful, and mysterious aura. He had no way to refute it, only a natural sense of dread.

The Red Fox's speed was extremely fast, but not faster than Pei Chiyao's gun!

Accompanied by two "bangs," the bullets hit the Red Fox's tail directly.

A fox's agonizing scream and wail echoed throughout the room, and the Red Fox immediately collapsed on the ground, convulsing.

Zhi Yao clenched her fists tightly, suddenly erupting with immense anger!

She walked to Pei Chiyao's side, reaching out her hand. "Give me the gun."

Pei Chiyao raised an eyebrow, saying nothing, and handed the gun to Zhi Yao.

Zhi Yao had seen this thing before. In the past, people often went hunting in the mountains. No matter how fierce or vicious the beast, it would die from this thing if the trigger was pulled.

She raised the gun, aiming at the Red Fox.

The Red Fox's golden eyes suddenly widened, staring at Zhi Yao in disbelief. "Zhi Yao, have you gone mad?!"

Zhi Yao's gaze held an unprecedented determination. Although her eyes were still brimming with tears, her hands were steady. "I'll ask you one last time, who is my father? Where is my mother? Tell me everything you know!"

The Red Fox was convinced that Zhi Yao wouldn't fire.

He would kill her, he would kill her mother... She wouldn't allow anyone to harm her mother!

She leaned into Pei Chiyao's embrace, borrowing his strength to stand steady.

Her body was trembling. She had actually... killed Uncle Red Fox.

"Well done, Yao Yao." Pei Chiyao lowered his head slightly, kissing the little girl's forehead.

"If you didn't kill him, he would have killed you. Against an enemy, you must never be soft-hearted."

He looked at the little girl, feeling like something in his heart was about to overflow.

This was his Yao Yao, his pride.

He had known all along that his little girl was not the kind of fragile, indiscriminate kind-hearted person.

Zhi Yao closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again, her eyes full of confusion. "Pei Chiyao, do you really think my mother is alive?"

Even the Red Fox didn't know where her mother was.

And... who was her father?!

The Red Fox said her father wasn't a fox, then what was he?!

Pei Chiyao pulled Zhi Yao into his arms, letting her sit in the crook of his strong embrace. "Good girl, Yao Yao, your mother must still be alive. Would you like to tell me what your mother looks like? Perhaps... I can help you."

Zhi Yao put her arms around his neck and nodded. "My mother is very, very beautiful."

Just a glance would make one forget to breathe, such beauty.

A beauty that would make all the radiant splendors in the world pale in comparison.

Such a beautiful woman should be very eye-catching. If she appeared, there's no way Pei Chiyao's people wouldn't have noticed her.

Either someone had hidden her away, or her mother had taken the form of a fox.

But a Nine-Tailed Red Fox should be an even more striking existence than her human form.

Pei Chiyao pondered all this, occasionally glancing down at the sleeping little girl in his arms.

The little girl's hand tightly grasped one of Pei Chiyao's fingers, as if clinging to her last lifeline in this world.

Pei Chiyao leaned down and kissed her a million times.

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