Published at 21st of June 2024 05:28:31 AM

Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

Sui Yu, who was waiting for Qi Linhan downstairs to discuss something, stretched lazily and looked at the time impatiently.

"What's taking this kid so long? He's just putting a child to bed."

Sui Zhi, who had been beaten up by the group, carefully set aside his sister's toys before sitting down. "It's not you who got beaten up, why are you frowning?"

Ye Anning also came over, carrying her signature wolf's tooth club. "Where's Yan? That brat's run off to play again?"

Qiao Ze looked around thoughtfully. "Qi Linhan's not here either?"

Sui Yu stood up. "He went upstairs to put Yan to bed, but for some reason, he hasn't come back down for a long time."

Shen Nian looked puzzled. "Why did you let him take Yan upstairs?"

Ye Anning seemed to understand. "That stinky Yan probably wanted Qi Linhan to carry him." She gripped her wolf's tooth club tightly. "I'll go find those two."

Sui Zhi also stood up. "Let's go beat up Qi Linhan."

We can't let only him get beaten up!

The group charged upstairs to a certain cub's room but found...

"Qi Linhan, why are you lying by Yan's bed!" Ye Anning lowered her voice, furiously asking.

Qi Linhan had been sitting on the floor, leaning against the bedside while playing on his phone. The sudden intrusion startled him.

He raised his hand helplessly. "Yan grabbed me, I can't leave."

Sui Yu came closer and saw that the sleeping Sui Yan was still tightly gripping one of Qi Linhan's fingers with his little paw.

Ye Anning stared silently, feeling sour. What should she do!

"Woof~" Ti Zi had also come in at some point and growled at Qi Linhan.

Qi Linhan sighed. "Don't tell me you're jealous too."

Ti Zi bared its teeth, barely resisting the urge to bite him.

So what if it was jealous! It's not its fault the cub likes this man so much!

Perhaps there were too many people in the room, causing some noise.

The little lump on the bed mumbled sleepily and slowly opened his eyes. "Big brother Linhan..."

Qi Linhan immediately turned to face the cub. "Yan, did we wake you up?"

Sui Yan pouted. "Hmph! Ti Zi is bad! Yan will cut ties with Ti Zi for a whole hour!"

Qiao Ze's voice carried a hint of jealousy not easily detected. "A whole hour, that's so long."

The cub took him seriously. "Big brother Qiao Ze, really? Then Yan will cut ties with Ti Zi for just half an hour."

Qiao Ze clicked his tongue. "...Tsk! Isn't this just shooting myself in the foot?"

Ye Anning tossed her wolf's tooth club aside and cracked her knuckles. "Enough talking, let's beat up the stinky cub!"

Sui Yu and Shen Nian immediately cooperated by pinning the cub down on the bed.

The cub felt like he was acting out a scene from a TV drama, so he began his "masterful" performance.

The adorable little lump defiantly tilted his face up, putting on a defiant expression. "Hmph! Even if sister beats me up, Yan still wants big brother Linhan to hug me!"

Ye Anning stretched her claws towards the cub. "Then I'll beat up your precious big brother Linhan again!"

Liu Hua, who had noticed the kids were missing, came upstairs and heard her cub's continuous giggles from inside his room.

She smiled helplessly and pushed open the door. "Kids, it's time for dinner. Stop playing for now."

The tormented cub broke free from his siblings' grip and pounced towards his mother. "Mommy! Sister was tickling me!"

Ye Anning lowered her head guiltily and rubbed her nose.

Liu Hua looked disdainful. "Did you provoke your sister again?"

She knew her cub - he always loved to deliberately annoy others for fun.

Moreover, the kids were just playing around. They all knew their limits, so she was too lazy to intervene.

But Sui Yan, the drama queen, began his theatrical performance. The cub sprawled on the floor, blinking his eyes to make them look wet and teary. "Wah~ Yan is no longer mommy's favorite cub anymore..."

Liu Hua was uncooperative with the cub's act and waved her hand dismissively. "Can you change your line? You've said that one too many times already."

Unhappy with being told to change his line, the cub refused. "No, Yan wants to say this one!"

He had spent so long choosing this line, finally satisfied with it!

Meanwhile, Ye Anning, Sui Yu and the others stared at the cub in shock, deeply impressed by his "masterful" performance.


Author's Note:

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!