Published at 21st of June 2024 05:28:26 AM

Chapter 112

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Chapter 112

Ti Zi could no longer bear it and half climbed onto the bed, raising her paw and retracting her claws. She carefully poked the soft, fluffy cheek of a certain little cub.

Sui Yan was sleeping soundly, letting out soft hums and smacking away Ti Zi's paw: "Mmm... Stinky Ti Zi!"

Ti Zi looked up at the ceiling helplessly, then patted the little cub again.

Disturbed too much, Sui Yan drowsily opened her eyes: "Ti Zi is annoying! I won't play with you..."

Ti Zi lowered her head: "Meow~"

You stinky cub! Your alarm has been ringing for a while now!

Sui Yan rubbed her eyes in a daze, finally realizing the piercing sound of the alarm clock.

She instantly became alert: "Sorry Ti Zi! I just forgot!"

Seeing the little dimwit was finally awake, Ti Zi wearily turned off the alarm: "Meow!"

Cub, go wash your face and brush your teeth!

Sui Yan sat dazed on the bed for a while, almost lying back down again.

After an inner struggle, the little cub finally crawled out of bed sluggishly to get ready.

Early in the morning, Sui Yu was drinking water when he stepped out and saw his precious little sister wearing a red padded jacket like a little Fuwa doll, clutching a bar of chocolate in front of his door.

"Brother, Happy New Year! Here's some chocolate for you!" The Fuwa doll smiled with crescent-shaped eyes, struggling to raise her little paws.

Sui Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled tenderly: "Why is Sui Yan up so early today?"

The little cub looked proud: "Sui Yan set an alarm clock yesterday!"

Sui Yu chuckled and stroked his sister's messy hair: "Sui Yan is awesome! Do you want me to braid your hair nicely now?"

The little cub was clearly a bit hesitant: "Brother, do you know how to braid small braids?"

Sui Yu pondered: "Hmm, I don't, but we can learn together. Sui Yan, go get your little hairbrush, and I'll check on my phone how to braid small braids."

The little cub thought the suggestion was acceptable, so she nodded seriously: "Okay!"

The most important thing during the New Year is to visit relatives and friends, but since Liu Hua and Xu Yi had no relatives, they only made a quick round to a few nearby homes before returning.

Sui Yan sat cross-legged on the sofa at home, looking a bit bored: "Mom, a lot of uncles and aunties from next door went to pay New Year visits."

Liu Hua was also bored: "Yes, they're at home entertaining guests, and we can't just crash their gatherings."

Sui Yu let out a yawn: "Sui Yan, let's go to the backyard and play, we shouldn't bother Mom and Uncle Xu here."

As Sui Yu led her away, Sui Yan said: "Brother, if I'm not here, can Mom not have a younger brother for me?"

Sui Yu caught a glimpse of Liu Hua's angry expression and immediately scooped up the little cub and ran: "Kids shouldn't ask so many questions!"


In a parking lot not far from Liu Hua's residential area, there was an inconspicuous black car, though the emblem on the front didn't look so simple.

Inside the black car were two elderly people, one of whom was watching a video on her phone while tears streamed down her face.

"My daughter..." Lady Yang Huijun cried openly, her well-preserved face with few wrinkles still revealing her stunning youthful beauty.

She caressed the woman's face on the phone screen, murmuring softly.

Bai Qingrui looked a bit pained: "Grandma, Aunt is doing well, and it's the New Year, we should all be happy."

Yang Huijun wiped the corners of her eyes: "Yes, we should be happy... Will she, not want to see us?"

The other elderly person beside her clasped her hand: "Even if that's the case, it doesn't matter, we owe our daughter after all."

The man in the front passenger seat turned around: "Grandma, our parents didn't come, should we get out and go to Aunt's house now?"

Old Master Bai Yiping nodded firmly: "Let's go."

This group of people had an extraordinary air about them, but since there were indeed many visitors today, not too many people paid attention to them.

Bai Qingrui and Bai Yuanmo got out first to open the doors for the two elders, their expressions tinged with barely noticeable tension.

They had previously looked up Liu Hua's address, so they now found their way to Liu Hua's door without much trouble.

But even after reaching the doorstep, they hesitated for a long time, unable to bring themselves to knock.

After agonizing for who knows how long, the villa's main door suddenly swung open, and a little Fuwa doll-like figure came tumbling out.

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