Published at 21st of June 2024 05:26:48 AM

Chapter 140

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Chapter 140

Liu Bing Rong said in a low voice, "When you get to the capital, your family will probably stay with the Bai Family?"

Liu Hua glanced at him sideways, "You've certainly done your research."

Zhu Yue laughed dryly, "This, this wasn't really investigated..."

Liu Hua had some understanding of this group of people, so she didn't bother making up excuses. She quickly finished her meal and went home.

Liu Hua walked hand-in-hand with Sui Yan like close sisters, but suddenly stopped. She stood still, pondering for a moment, "Yan, do you feel like we've forgotten something?"ViiSit no(v)3lb!n(.)com for new novels

Sui Yan held a stuffed doll Zhu Yue had just bought her and a model Liu Bing Rong bought in one hand, while a lollipop Zheng Xu bought was in her mouth. She thought carefully, "I don't think so."

Ye Anning and Shen Nian watched as Zhu Yue and the other two reluctantly left, then feebly spoke up, "Auntie Liu, the others are still at the police station..."

Liu Hua was startled, "Oh, that's right."

Sui Yan blinked, "Yeah, they are."

Liu Hua waved her hand nonchalantly, "Never mind them. I'll just send Sui Yu a message letting them know we're heading home."

While typing the message, she muttered, "If this incident hadn't happened, I would have taken you all shopping at the mall."

Sui Yan nodded seriously, "Yes, I couldn't even buy the newest chocolate at the supermarket."

Without looking up, Liu Hua said, "Your grandparents bought some for you. They were out having fun but rushed back as soon as they heard about this."

Sui Yan frowned, "Grandpa and Grandma finally got a chance to go out, why tell them!"

Liu Hua tapped Sui Yan's head, "You would know! I didn't want to tell them now either, but your dad told them."

Sui Yan crunched hard on a candy, "Humph! Dad, really!"

Ye Anning glanced at Sui Yan, "Yan, Dad bought you a bunch of gifts to comfort your wounded heart."

Sui Yan kept a straight face, "I knew Dad was the best."

Liu Hua raised her head to look at her daughter, narrowing her eyes dangerously, "Oh?"

Sui Yan paused mid-bite, "But Mom is still better than him."

Liu Hua continued looking at her phone, "Mmhmm."

Qiao Ze's gaze was gloomy, "Reality will sober you up."

Qi Linhan held a conservative view, "I think the chances of your sister getting me a gift would be higher."

Sui Yu didn't comment, only giving a wry chuckle.

Xu Yi saw through it all - he felt his son was still too young.

In the early evening, Liu Hua and Sui Yan merrily bid farewell to Ye Anning and Shen Nian, then entered the house hand-in-hand.

In the living room, seven pairs of eyes stared at them unblinkingly.

Sui Yan accurately located one familiar figure and bounced over, "Ti Zi! I bought you so many jerkies! The super, super, super delicious kind!"

Liu Hua also shook the bag in her hand, "And a little bunny plushie to keep Ti Zi company when sleeping."

Ti Zi meowed happily - it knew! Of course, in Yan and Mom's hearts, it was the most...second most important!

More important than those silly betting people!

Xu Mo was utterly dejected, "Sister, what about my gift? Did you forget me?"

In the midst of frantically squeezing Ti Zi's soft fur, Sui Yan paused. She calmly stood up and nonchalantly glanced around.

Then the little girl took out a lollipop from her shopping bag and handed it to her brother with a serene expression, "Here, a gift specially bought for little Mo."

Xu Mo didn't know whether to be angry or dejected - "Sister, do you think I'm that gullible?"

It was obvious at a glance that she had bought that for herself!

Liu Hua felt a little guilty for neglecting her son, "Little Mo, Mom forgot to get you all gifts. I'll definitely remember next time."

Xu Mo didn't mind his mother's oversight too much, as he was happy to see her doting on his sister.

But he did feel dejected over his sister's neglect. Angrily, he ran up to Sui Yan, "Sister, I'm going to stop talking to you for a whole day!"

Sui Yan didn't dare to argue: "Then, how can Little Xu Mo forgive sister?"

Xu Mo said fiercely, "No way! We must cut off from each other for an entire day!"

After the little boy finished speaking, he didn't give his sister a chance to talk and went straight upstairs to his own room.

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