Published at 21st of June 2024 05:26:31 AM

Chapter 149

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Chapter 149

Ti Zi growled lowly again, and Shen Nian clenched her fists: "Ye Anning, let's capture that man first."

Ye Anning coldly dragged Sui Yan behind her: "Mo, take your sister to find a sturdy rope."

Sui Yan was the first to object: "No way, this guy was caught by me and Ti Zi! Sister can't make me go!"

Ye Anning also remembered the little girl's ferocious actions just now, and shook her head: "Okay, okay, then hide behind me and don't run around."

Xu Mo frowned: "Sui Anqing, go to the drawer under the TV in the living room and get a rope."

Sui Anqing knew he couldn't be of much help here, so he quickly ran in to get the item.

The others approached the man pinned down by Ti Zi. Sui Yan stretched out her hand and felt the man's chest. Then, to everyone's shock, she took out a small pocket knife from the man's clothes.

The man seemed to want to say something, but Ti Zi gave him a cold look, forcing him to swallow his words.

Ye Anning smiled: "Who sent you?"

Shen Nian handed the rope Sui Anqing found to Ye Anning: "Don't ask for now, let's tie him up first. They'll be back soon, we can talk then."

Sui Yan hadn't had a chance to act, so she could only squat nearby with her face cupped in her hands: "Sister, this guy is quite formidable." The little girl thought for a moment, then took out a small packet of medicine from her little pocket, "Make him eat this, and he'll be powerless for days."

Ye Anning felt a bit helpless yet amused: "Okay."

Ti Zi looked at them and cooperatively placed his sharp claws on the man's neck, threatening him to open his mouth and obediently take the medicine.

From start to finish, the man dared not say a word, only watching helplessly as he was tied up and taken to their home by three girls, two boys, and a wolf.

Sui Yan squatted curiously in front of the man: "Do you know Lu Yunling? Was it her who asked you to come and capture me?"

The man: "...Mmm mmm!" Could they at least remove the tape covering his mouth so he could speak?

Sui Yan held the pocket knife, tossing it around in front of the man like a juggler: "You don't need to talk, just listen to our questions. Otherwise... I'll neng kill you!"

The man: "..."

Ye Anning, Shen Nian and the other four looked at the man who instantly became as quiet as a chicken with complicated expressions.

The other three were speechless again. If they weren't childhood friends, they would definitely think Sui Anqing was being sarcastic.

Sui Yan high-fived the only one in the family who could appreciate her taste: "Right, I think it's super pretty too."

Xu Mo felt a bit mentally exhausted: "Sister..."

Sui Anqing interjected weakly: "Xu Mo, if you don't like this, you can give it to me. I want it."

Xu Mo got defensive in a second: "Don't even think about it! This is a gift my sister gave me!"

Although his sister's taste was questionable, this was still a gift she had specially chosen for him!

Sui Yan generously patted Sui Anqing's shoulder: "Anqing, it's okay, I'll get you both gifts next time."

Sui Anqing nodded contentedly: "Okay then."

The certain man who witnessed everything felt that this world was a bit magical. The little girl who had just acted so swiftly and ferociously... had such terrible taste!

Apparently... when God opens a door for someone, He really does close a window at the same time.

And even puts a lock on the window!

It was probably because his gaze was too obvious that Sui Yan vaguely sensed it. She looked at her brother expectantly as he accepted her gift, then smiled sweetly at the man: "Do you want a gift too?"

The man shook his head in horror.

After Ye Anning and Shen Nian had difficultly digested everything that had happened today, they started causing trouble.

Shen Nian suggested sincerely: "Ah Yan, didn't you say you wanted to learn how to style hair last time? Let's practice on this guy."

Ye Anning nodded: "Right, I learned a few hairstyles from those makeup artists at your brother's company last time."

Sui Yan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

She very democratically asked the man for his opinion, and the man, feeling a certain sharp wolf claw behind him, nodded with difficulty.

Sui Yan smiled, her eyes crinkling. "Although you just tried to capture me, since you're being so cooperative now, I'll go a little easier on you when I beat you up later."

The man: "..." Thank you for your kindness.

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