Published at 21st of June 2024 05:26:00 AM

Chapter 160

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Chapter 160

Xu Mo panicked and ran quickly without choosing a path.

Sui Yan ran two steps and then stopped, shouting to Sui Yu and Sui Zhi: "Brothers! Help me catch Little Mo!"

Xu Mo was startled: "Sister is cheating!"

Originally, Sui Yu and Sui Zhi didn't want to listen to their little sister, after all, this little girl had just said that they were not as good-looking as a certain Qi.

But just because they didn't want to listen to Sui Yan, it didn't mean others wouldn't.

So Qiao Ze, Bai Qingrui, and the others quickly began to surround and encircle Little Xu Mo, and seeing this, Sui Yu and Sui Zhi gritted their teeth and joined them.

Because if they didn't act, their sister's attention would be stolen by these guys!

Xu Mo looked desperate: "Brothers, you shouldn't do this!"

Bai Qingrui rolled up his sleeves: "Who told you to bully your sister?"

Xu Mo hissed: "When did I bully her? I just spoke the truth!"

Qi Linhan locked Xu Mo's arms from behind: "If you dare, say that again in front of your sister."

Xu Mo: "..."

Sui Yan bounced over, stood on her tiptoes, and tapped Xu Mo's head: "What did you just say?"

For the first time, Xu Mo got angry with his sister: "Hmph!"

Sui Yan was also furious: "You can't talk about me like that! You're the stupid one, you're stupid!"

Xu Mo used a slightly louder voice than Sui Yan: "I'll say it! You're stupid!"

Sui Yan: "You're stupid!"

Xu Mo: "You! Are! Stupid!"

Ti Zi, passing by, looked cold and indifferent. Well, these two childish brats are at it again!

Sui Yu and the others, originally in a spectator mood watching the brother and sister quarrel, gradually realized that these two kids only had this one line of dialogue!

Qiao Ze waved his hand: "Let's go, nothing worth watching."

Sui Yu also looked indifferent: "Let's go home."

Sui Yan felt her confidence grow a little: "That's right! Ti Zi only has Sui Yan, but Little Mo has everyone else."

Xu Mo didn't want to accept this reason, but he couldn't stay angry at his sister forever. So he reluctantly let out a "humph": "Okay then."

Sui Yan comforted him by patting his head: "Alright, I'll definitely play with Little Mo often from now on."

Having been soothed by his sister's petting, Xu Mo lost all his anger: "You have to keep your word, or I'll tell Mom!"

Liu Hua hugged her two kids: "Okay, if your sister does that again, I'll hit her for you."

Xu Mo felt a little embarrassed: "Mom, don't hit Sister."

Xu Yi, sitting in the front passenger seat and watching the three people in the back row, couldn't help but smile wryly.

These three were all so childish and adorable.

By the time their cars arrived at the Bai Family Old Mansion, the two kids had completely made up.

Sui Yan was particularly cheerful, pulling Xu Mo as she ran here and there: "Little Mo, there's a small pond over there, the little fish in it are super cute!"

Xu Mo agreed with his sister: "Yeah yeah!"

Sui Yu, Sui Zhi, and the others, who were two steps behind getting out of another car, looked bewildered: "Weren't those two kids just arguing a moment ago? How did they make up so quickly?"

Qiao Ze was used to it: "Aren't they always like this?"

Sui Zhi glanced back: "Qi Linhan really left, huh? This time he was so decisive. Usually, you can't even chase him away."

Bai Qingrui overheard his words and casually explained: "Qi Linhan? His family home is right next door, that mansion over there is his family's. Not too close to us, but not too far either."

These old mansions would be spaced apart, plus the mansions took up quite a lot of land...

Sui Yu and the others looked in the direction Bai Qingrui pointed, and although they couldn't see anything, it didn't prevent them from understanding Qi Linhan's little intention.

Qi Linhan was such a dog!

Sui Zhi kicked a small stone on the ground: "No wonder every year when we said we were going to the capital to pay a New Year's visit to his family, he always made excuses."

Qiao Ze sneered: "Scheming!"

"Wow! New little fish!" The little girl's cheerful exclamation drifted over from afar.

Liu Hua called out to Sui Yu who was with them: "Sui Yu, your aunt and the others are asking us to hurry up and eat!" Xu Mo and Sui Yan, you two stop playing around too, and come over here quickly!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!