Published at 21st of June 2024 05:25:21 AM

Chapter 173

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Chapter 173

Xu Yi stood up and took Liu Hua's hand: "Let's go back first. You and Yan need to prepare the medicine tomorrow, so you need to rest well tonight."

Liu Hua waved at Sui Yu and Mo: "Yan, Mo, let's go home."

Before leaving, she turned her back to Sui Yu and them, saying: "If you two truly love each other, then be together properly. Don't keep involving Yan in your relationship. Even if she really dislikes you two, she won't stop you from being together."

They were all her children. Liu Hua wouldn't be so heartless as to stop them from being together.

Only... the more Liu Hua and Yan appeared indifferent, the heavier Sui Yu and the others' hearts became.

After leaving the hospital, Liu Hua leaned on Xu Yi a little tiredly.

Xu Mo walked at the back, looking at his sister walking unhurriedly in front. He couldn't help but sigh again.

His sister seemed different from before, yet also the same.


Just as she was about to get into the car, Yan vaguely heard Qi Linhan calling her.

She shook her head, thinking she was imagining it. She had already put one foot into the car when Qi Linhan's voice came again: "Yan! Wait!"

Yan turned around dazedly and saw Qi Linhan standing not far away, waving at her.

She stood there, pausing for a few seconds, before hearing Liu Hua say, "Yan, do you want to go talk to him?"

Liu Hua probably understood the things that happened between the few of them in their previous life, and clearly knew that Qi Linhan often protected Yan when she was between 18 and 20 years old.

So now she could still suggest that Yan go have a proper talk with Qi Linhan.

Yan looked at her mother with some surprise, then followed her gaze towards Qi Linhan.

"Mom, you all wait for me for a bit." She hesitated for a moment, but still made up her mind.

Qi Linhan looked at the girl walking towards him in disbelief, muttering, "Yan..."

Yan's gaze was still cold: "Do you have something to say?"

Qi Linhan wasn't bothered by Yan's interrogative tone at all, and even wanted her to say more: "Yan, I've never liked Lu Yunling."

Yan tilted her head: "I know, and you've never liked me either."

Qi Linhan was taken aback, and hurriedly grabbed Yan, who was about to leave: "No! I like you!"

Back home, Yan quickly cleaned herself up, then sat beside Ti Zi and chatted with it for a while.

Ti Zi didn't make any noise throughout, only listening patiently and quietly to the girl's ramblings.

It seemed calm, but its heart was a little surprised.

Being able to react and go rescue Yan Yan without any regard for its own safety during the car accident, Shen Nian must really care about Yan Yan, right?

Only, some hurts couldn't be erased just by making amends.

Even if Yan Yan forgave them, the relationship between Yan Yan and them would probably never go back to how it was before, right...?

"Ti Zi! You're spacing out!" Yan waved her hand in front of Ti Zi.

Ti Zi lowered its head and nuzzled Yan's knee: "Wuu~"

Yan Yan should go to sleep and rest well!

Yan stroked Ti Zi's head: "Ti Zi should also stay here and rest obediently. Maybe a lot of things will be resolved by tomorrow."

Who knows if today's car accident was planned by someone or just a coincidence. It was probably just a coincidence, right?

Mo even said the driver looked like he was drunk.

Yan sighed and flopped herself onto the big bed.

She didn't sleep well, having nightmares all night.

When she woke up groggily, she found it was already 8 AM.

If this were before, she wouldn't want to get up until 10.

But recently, her schedule had become like her previous life, and she was more used to getting up early.

As she went downstairs, Yan saw Bai Yuanmo sitting in the living room, slowly sipping tea.

Seeing Yan, he immediately became overjoyed: "Yan, come here. Let your brother see how our Yan is doing? You seem to have lost a lot of weight."

Liu Hua said with dissatisfaction, "Yes, this child was thin to begin with, and now she's almost become skin and bones."

Sui Yan laughed wryly, "Mom, it's not that exaggerated!"

In her previous life, she was even thinner than she is now.

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