Published at 21st of June 2024 05:25:16 AM

Chapter 177

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Chapter 177

Su Ziye tried to make conversation: "Did Ti Zi come too?"

Sui Yan was a bit annoyed with him: "...Yeah."

Seeing that Sui Yan didn't seem too keen on talking to him, Su Ziye felt a bit awkward and scratched his nose.

Sui Yan didn't even look at him. After taking a few deep breaths, she entered her own waiting room.

Ti Zi was comfortably sprawled on the soft carpet, almost tempted to roll around on it.

Sui Yan walked in slowly: "Ti Zi, so this is how you are!"

It actually loves rolling around! How cute!

Ti Zi became serious in an instant, lying there aloofly: "Woof~"

The dignity of the Wolf King is inviolable!

Sui Yan poked its big head: "Silly!"

Ti Zi: "Woof!"

You too!

The two of them playfully bantered back and forth, but in the end, Sui Yan admitted defeat: "I won't play with you anymore. When is our plane going to arrive? Didn't Big Brother say it would be at 4 o'clock?"

"Knock knock"

Ti Zi raised its head: "Woof!"

It's here!

Sui Yan took out a bow tie from somewhere and tied it around Ti Zi's head: "Got it! You stay here and be good. I'll go check."

Ti Zi was a bit speechless: "Woof~"

As speechless as it was, it was still indulgent enough not to take off the bow tie.

When Sui Yan went out, she specifically peeked outside to make sure that Su Ziye wasn't there before she dared to go out.

Ti Zi was lazily sprawled on the ground. Before long, it saw Sui Yan poking her head out from the door: "Ti Zi! Let's go!"

Ti Zi stood up elegantly and sauntered out slowly.

Sui Yan blinked her eyes, her face full of annoyance as she called out: "Don't walk with that cat-like stride! You're a wolf!"

Ti Zi raised its head: "Woof!!!"

I'm going!!!

Ti Zi found it all exhausting to watch.

Sui Yan munched on a lollipop as she strolled down the street, looking around. She bought some candy here, some milk tea there.

Before long, she was carrying an armful of snacks.

She simply sat down on a street-side chair and started eating those foods.

"Ah Sui!" A voice that was familiar yet unfamiliar rang out from some unknown corner.

Sui Yan looked around bewildered.

"Ah Sui, I'm over here!" Su Ziye emerged from somewhere.

Sui Yan averted her gaze and hugged her stack of food, preparing to go home.

Su Ziye caught up to her: "Ah Sui, you're out shopping here too?"

Sui Yan answered without hesitation: "No, I'm done shopping and going home. Also, I'm not close with you, so don't call me Ah Sui."

Su Ziye pondered for a moment: "Then what should I call you?"

Sui Yan didn't want to engage with him: "Just call me by my name."

Su Ziye thought about it: "Then...Sui Yan?"

Sui Yan frowned slightly: "You should just call me Ah Sui."

Su Ziye smiled: "Okay."

Sui Yan mustered her last bit of courtesy: "I'll go first, goodbye."

Su Ziye had a slight urge to continue following her, but his intuition told him that if he kept following, Sui Yan would get annoyed with him.

So he suppressed his little thought: "Okay, goodbye."

Meanwhile, not far away at the corner, Qi Linhan stood with a gloomy expression, watching Sui Yan's figure disappear into the distance. Only then did he turn and return to his own villa.

Su Ziye...that guy clearly had ill intentions!

Sui Yan's good mood for the day was ruined. She really disliked people without a sense of boundaries, acting as if they were close when they weren't.

The butler had been waiting at the manor gate since early on, originally intending to bicker with Sui Yan as usual and confiscate her fried chicken.

But he sensed her mood: "Miss Sui, are you in a bad mood today?"

Sui Yan was expressionless: "So, you dare to try confiscating my fried chicken again?"

The butler quickly shook his head: "No, no, I don't dare confiscate it."

Sui Yan gave a cold snort and went off to find Ti Zi with her fried chicken.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!