Published at 21st of June 2024 05:32:23 AM

Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Qiao Ze’s voice trembled a little. Sui Zhi looked up at him in confusion, also shocked in an instant.

“Brother, stealing pandas is against the law!”

Sui Yu: “...”

He rolled his eyes and bounced the little panda girl in his arms.

The little girl's soft voice came: "Sui Yan is not a panda!"

Sui Zhi and Qiao Ze's voices instantly stopped as they looked closely and realized that the "little panda" was their sister.

Sui Zhi couldn't help reaching out to pinch the little ears on top of Sui Yan's head. "Sui Yan, aren't you just too cute?"

Sui Yan rubbed her eyes. "Of course Sui Yan is always cute no matter what!"

Qiao Ze gently nudged Sui Zhi with his elbow and coaxed the little girl, "That's right, our Sui Yan is the cutest no matter what."

Sui Yu pushed these two away. "Go do your homework and stop blocking us."

Sui Zhi was speechless with a black face. But then he heard Sui Yu say, "Sui Yan don't be afraid, shall we have some candy?"

Qiao Ze frowned. "What's wrong with Sui Yan?"

Sui Yu said lightly, "Had a nightmare and got scared."

Sui Zhi followed Sui Yu, sometimes tugging on Sui Yan's little ears, sometimes pinching her little paws. Hearing this, he was also worried sick.

"What did Sui Yan dream about?"

The little girl pouted, sniffled, "I forgot..."

Sui Yu pushed Sui Zhi's hand away and comforted, "If you forget then forget it, Sui Yan don't be afraid."

He held the little girl and sat her at the desk, feeding her another piece of chocolate.

With the chocolate in her mouth, Sui Yan became sleepy again in a daze.

But not long after, Liu Man came to knock on the study door. She stood in the doorway and said, "Kids, dinner is ready. Sui Yu, is Sui Yan with you?"

Sui Yu carried the girl who was about to fall asleep again and walked out. "Aunt Liu Man, Sui Yan is with me. She just had a nightmare and ran to sleep alone in the living room."

Liu Man felt a little guilty and patted her own head. "It's all my fault for not watching Sui Yan properly." She reached out to take the little panda girl and gently pinched Sui Yan's face, "Sui Yan be good, don't be afraid."

Half asleep, Sui Yan subconsciously nuzzled against her. "Aunt Liu Man, Sui Yan is not afraid."

"Auntie, what happened to Sui Yan?"

Liu Hua looked at Sui Jinhong and explained patiently to Ye Anning, "Sui Yan felt she was the cutest in the world, so I teased her a bit and she cried."

Ye Anning: "Oh..."

Sui Jinhong: "I see..."

With Liu Hua putting it that way, Sui Yan also felt a little embarrassed. Her small face flushed slightly, but she still stubbornly said, "Sui Yan really is the cutest, even cuter than little pandas!"

Only then did the two notice the one-piece outfit the little girl was wearing. Ye Anning's eyes shone with amazement. She reached out to pinch the little one's paws. "Sui Yan is just too cute!"

Sui Yan was even more stubborn. "Hmph, of course!"

Sui Jinhong figured he'd have more clothes like these delivered to the little one in a couple days.

The furry little cub was truly adorable!

Liu Hua glanced at him. "Done looking? Can leave now?" Of course she knew Sui Jinhong was afraid she would hit their daughter.

Sui Jinhong hurriedly nodded. "Then I'll head back. Anning..."

Just as he was about to take Ye Anning home, he saw her staring at Sui Yan with shining eyes. Ye Anning said to Liu Hua, "Auntie, can I eat dinner at your home today?"

Liu Hua smiled with narrowed eyes. "Of course you can."

Ye Anning immediately waved Sui Jinhong away. "Dad, go home for dinner. Help me tell Mom I'm eating at Aunt Liu's."

Sui Jinhong coughed. "Alright."

Ye Anning looked expectantly at Liu Hua. "Auntie, can I hold Sui Yan?"

Liu Hua tutted and directly handed the little girl to Ye Anning. "Here you go, hold her. Remember to put her down if it gets too heavy."

Ye Anning satisfyedly rubbed Sui Yan's head and pinched her little ears on top. "Okay!"

Sui Yu looked at Ye Anning in surprise, a little unexpected that she had this side to her.

Sui Yan was delighted. She held Ye Anning's face with both little paws and smooched her loudly. "Sis, Sui Yan is super cute right?!"

Ye Anning nodded. "Yes, yes!"

Little pandas really are cute!


Author's note:

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!