Published at 21st of June 2024 05:30:20 AM

Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

After brushing his teeth in the bathroom, the little cub haphazardly wiped his small face with a towel, then took small strides out of the bathroom.

"Mommy, mommy! I just heard Ti Zi meow!"

Liu Hua grabbed the little cub to change his clothes: "Ti Zi was just being happy, I just gave your brother a beating."

Sui Yan looked at Ti Zi, then at the genuinely aggrieved Sui Yu. She hesitated and said, "Mommy, you can't hit people."

Liu Hua teased her, "Didn't you say your brother was bullying Ti Zi?"

After changing clothes, Sui Yan ran over to Ti Zi and squatted down, gently stroking its fur, "Ti Zi, can you forgive your brother?"

Ti Zi felt a little guilty, wishing it hadn't played so roughly.

The little cub scratched her head in perplexity, "From now on, Yan will watch over brother and not let him bully Ti Zi!"

Sui Yu felt a little weary and simply sat on the carpet, watching Ti Zi's performance.

However, with Liu Hua present, Ti Zi sat obediently, gently nuzzling Sui Yan, "Meow!"

The little cub's eyes curved, "Brother, Ti Zi has forgiven you!"

Not wanting to ruin Ti Zi's cute image in Sui Yan's eyes, Sui Yu played along, "Really? Thank you, Ti Zi."

Liu Hua watched these two deceiving her little cub, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Alright, enough playing. Go downstairs and help out. Yan, come eat breakfast with mommy."

The little cub obediently took her mother's hand, "Okay!" She turned her head every few steps, "Brother! Ti Zi! You two play well together!"

Sui Yu smiled falsely, "Yes, I'll get along well with Ti Zi."

Ti Zi: "...Yan, save me!"

Seeing the little cub go downstairs with her mother, Sui Yu smiled at Ti Zi and extended his hand, "Let's go downstairs too, little Ti Zi."

Ti Zi: "...Stop smiling, please!"

As soon as Sui Yan went downstairs, she was attracted by the colorful decorations in the living room and ran with small steps to Sui Zhi's side. "Brother, what are these for?"

Sui Zhi was tying a ribbon into a butterfly knot, "This is for hanging on the wall. What's wrong, Yan?"

The little cub stood on her tiptoes, stretching out her small hand, "Let me see!"

Sui Zhi ruffled his sister's hair, "Okay, okay, here you go. If you like it, I'll make a few more for you."

Sui Yan's eyes lit up, "Then have brother crouch down a bit."

Sui Zhi raised an eyebrow but obediently crouched down, "What does Yan want to do?"

The little cub looked down at her fingers, "Then can brother keep wearing it?"

Seeing his sister's hesitant look, Sui Zhi sighed, "Yes, brother will keep wearing it."

Sui Yan immediately cheered up again and scurried over to pull Qiao Ze, "Brother Qiao Ze, doesn't Brother Zhi look good?"

Qiao Ze was suddenly pulled over by his sister, looking at Sui Zhi with a dazed expression. Then...

"Do you have some special hobby or something?" His expression was indescribable.

Sui Zhi clenched his fist but suddenly broke into a brilliant smile, "Yan, this butterfly knot looks so good, why don't you put one on your Brother Qiao Ze too?"

The little cub's eyes lit up, "Okay!"

Sui Zhi picked up a dark green ribbon and deftly tied a butterfly knot, handing it to his sister, "Come, have Yan put it on Qiao Ze."

Qiao Ze backed away in horror, "Yan, I..."

The little cub held the large green butterfly knot in her little hands, looking up at Qiao Ze with anticipation.

Who could resist that?

Qiao Ze almost instinctively changed his words, "I like the butterfly knot Yan gave me."

Liu Hua nearly laughed herself into a fit seeing this scene. It seemed her sons were all wrapped around their sister's little finger.

To avoid being "caught in the crossfire," Liu Hua found an excuse to slip away.

And the green butterfly knot-wearing Qiao Ze and the pink butterfly knot-wearing Sui Zhi looked at each other and immediately retreated into their own worlds.

Only the little cub Sui Yan clapped happily, "Looks good, looks good!"

The dragged-down Qiao Ze felt a little reluctant, "Yan, why don't we choose a ribbon to make a butterfly knot for Brother Yu as well?"

The little cub looked puzzled for two seconds, then eagerly nodded in realization, "Okay! What color should we choose? We should also choose one for Ti Zi, since it gets along so well with big brother now!"

Sui Zhi and Qiao Ze glanced at each other again, knowing full well that those two who often vied for their sister's affection couldn't possibly get along well.

Putting that aside, Sui Zhi squatted next to his sister, and they spent a long time picking colors together.

After heated discussion among the three, they chose a bright red ribbon for Sui Yu and a fresh green one for Ti Zi.

Sui Yan looked amazed, "Brothers, you're so good! These two, and your two, they're all the best-looking colors!"

Sui Zhi and Qiao Ze forced a smile, "Of course."

They definitely need to keep the little cub away from these things in the future!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!