Published at 24th of May 2024 06:06:16 AM

Chapter 115: Drakes

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Chapter 115 Drakes

For a few tense moments, everyone waited for something to happen. Then, the cause for the alarm became clear. There was a flight of drakes inbound, with riders on their backs.

"One full wing of Drake Riders, 140 degrees low on the horizon." The guard Sergeant reported.

That was nearly behind Karl, but the guards on his side of the formation didn't turn away just yet. Training told them that an attack rarely came from just one direction, and if it was a flying enemy, they could easily circle the team to attack where it looked weakest. The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

"Once they're in range, odd numbers turn to face the threat." The guard leader announced, getting back a wordless noise of confirmation.

Karl had no experience with that sort of group training, but the students were willing to follow the church guard's orders and when Dana whistled, the mages all turned.

"They're nearly in spell range now. Call it when you want the attack to begin." Karl informed the guard leader.

"Hold fire. They might not be hostile, but the drakes would have sensed the presence of Dragon Magic a while ago if they've flown this far inland. That's the only reason the Drake Riders are ever willing to leave their borders." He replied.

Karl struggled to remember geography, but he was reasonably certain that the Drake Riders were from a nearby island nation, so they must have flown hundreds of kilometres across the Golden Dragon Nation without being intercepted, looking for the magic that had awakened these two new clerics. That was an impressive feat for twenty of the giant flying lizards.

"I will ask for details later, but what are the chances of attack?" Karl whispered to the guard leader.

"If they've come this far and haven't found what they're looking for, I would say ninety percent. They view themselves as the rightful heirs of the Dragons." He replied grimly.

Drakes didn't use magic or breathe fire. At least, Karl hoped that they didn't. But the riders on their backs most likely did, unless they were going to dive into melee combat and use the beasts the way that Karl would have Thor and Rae fight on the ground.

The flight of drakes circled the group once, as if verifying their targets, then as one, they dive bombed the group.

"OPEN FIRE!" The guard leader announced.

"Guards up!" the Sergeant added, causing the team to raise barriers all around them.

Thor didn't have a ranged attack, but Karl called out Rae with a simple mental instruction.

[Tie their wings and make them crash.]

Karl was in the odd numbered position, and as the team rotated to face the flight of Drakes, he joined them, waiting for the beasts to get close enough for their claws to rake across the [Guard] set up by the warriors before unleashing [Shred] into the belly and throat of the two Drakes closest to him.

"Mages, extend the barrier. Warriors fall back into a double rank." The guard leader ordered.

That was their best chance of survival, as the Elites had more individual power than the two clerics, and there were ten of them to the two Professors.

"Warriors to the outer ranks." Karl ordered, as that would let them mingle their [Guard] abilities with that of the soldiers. The ability was short ranged enough that despite their reluctance, the boys moved up.

Not to the front rank, but to the second, sandwiched between the professional soldiers. That was good enough for their spells to cover the perimeter, and they should be able to take a few more hits before the group would be in trouble again.

Two drakes broke off from the formation to chase Hawk as they realized their wing was under attack from above, but they didn't have the altitude to close on him that easily.

A wire thin Rend from Karl took one of the riders from the saddle, while Rae pulled the other free, sending them both tumbling fifty metres to the ground.

They managed to cast spells to soften their landings a little, but they were too close to the tracks, and the clergy guards were on them with [Slash] attacks instantly.

That made five loose drakes, who began to fly away, trained to return home in the event that their rider was lost, and two more that were downed by attacks.

The drakes dove again, but this time the mages didn't counterattack when the arrows flew. They focused on their barriers, keeping the vicious claws off them while Hawk attacked the drakes from above, and Karl coated the flying web being sprayed out by Rae with [Rend], turning the sticky silk into razor wire that tangled around two of the drakes, shredding beast and rider alike, before pulling them to the ground with a sickening sound that was definitely going to haunt Karl's dreams tonight.

Then, the most glorious sound in the world reached their ears. A helicopter was inbound, and the drakes turned to flee, unwilling to face the Elite forces equipped with military heavy weapons.

Of the twenty Drake Riders that had attacked, only ten were going home, and a few more beasts would survive to take a new rider.

"Move forward. Check for survivors. The inquisition will want to interrogate someone." The older of the two clerics ordered.

Rae raced through the long grass, pulling one of the dead drakes into her space before anyone noticed or had time to count, then she began checking the bodies.

[There are no living ones. Well, that one is kind of living, but not for long.] She amended.

[How so?] Karl asked as he moved forward, and the cleric hurried to join him.

The man was one who had been pulled from his seat by Rae, and his body was twisted in an unnatural way, with blood bubbling from his lips as he struggled to breathe.

The cleric got right to work, casting a healing spell on him, and then forcing a potion into his mouth to stabilize his condition.

Karl hadn't realized that the clergy could do that. Bringing a man back from that close to the edge of death was worthy of being called a miracle, and it was happening all over as the other Cleric and the students were working to save the clergy guards who had been mauled by the drakes or who had taken a magical arrow.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!