The Fox of France - Chapter 119

Published at 28th of June 2024 06:30:54 AM

Chapter 119: The Flying Clipper and the Maiden of Toulon

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Chapter 119: The Flying Clipper and the Maiden of Toulon

As Joseph and his entourage departed, Lucien let out a sigh of relief. He patted his chest and said, "Thank goodness, Joseph was in a hurry. Well, we can take a break now. It's finally daylight!"

After uttering those words, he suddenly turned to Napoleon and asked, "Napoleon, Joseph's visit to Toulon and the matter of Pauline in Toulon, almost everyone there knows about it. Do you think..."

Pauline grew nervous upon hearing this.

Napoleon reassured them, "Don't worry. Joseph is a cautious and rule-abiding person. He's responsible for highly confidential matters, which means he can't easily interact with the locals. Normally, he only deals with the researchers at the institute and the soldiers responsible for security. Those researchers are from out of town, so they don't know about this matter. As for the soldiers, I've already ordered them not to engage in any non-work conversations with anyone involved in the research. Furthermore, I've advised Joseph that, due to the inefficiency of the Kudon administration in Toulon, there are security risks, so it's best if he stays within the research institute. You know how cautious Joseph is, so this adds an extra layer of security. Besides, his institute isn't even located within the actual city of Toulon..."

"Napoleon, you are truly impressive!" Lucien genuinely commended Napoleon with a thumbs-up. "Now I can sleep in peace."

Napoleon replied, "So can I... But Lucien, don't relax too much. According to the current schedule, Joseph takes a day off every ten days. Toulon and Marseille are so close; you never know when he might suddenly return to check on your work."

Lucien shivered and said, "At least not today. Ah, I'm going back to sleep..."

As Napoleon had anticipated, Joseph had very limited interaction with the locals in Toulon. He didn't even enter the city; instead, he went straight to an estate in the suburbs.

The previous owner of this estate had already gone to meet his maker, and the Republic's government had naturally confiscated the property. There were many such estates in Toulon. When the "Naval Research Institute" needed a location, this estate was chosen for its suitability.

Suitability included several factors. First, the estate didn't produce much, so converting it into a laboratory wouldn't harm production. Moreover, the estate was located by the sea and had a nearly enclosed small bay nearby. A small harbor was constructed there for ease of experimentation and secrecy.

Once the location was determined, the rest of the work involved modifying the estate, erecting high walls around it, and preparing various supplies. All of this had been prepared before Joseph's arrival. Joseph's current task was to quickly get the institution up and running and produce one or two efficient smuggling ships.

Since Joseph wasn't well-versed in shipbuilding, he found himself with some spare time now. However, the presence of rebels hiding near Toulon made him too wary to relax or venture into the city.

One day, the weather suddenly cleared up. In the Rainy Month, especially near the Mediterranean, such clear weather was a rare sight. Joseph gazed at the rising sun and had a sudden urge to go outside. If he couldn't go into the city, then how about visiting the military camp near Toulon to relax? It seemed like a good idea. He remembered the time he and Napoleon had come to France and took a boat to the sea near Fort Malgrve, which offered beautiful scenery and was now a military-restricted area where no one else could enter. Resting there, fishing amidst the rocky bay, sounded quite appealing.

With this thought in mind, Joseph couldn't sit still any longer. He had a pass signed by Fouche, Napoleon, and Dawoo, allowing him to travel freely to any location in the vicinity of Toulon. He took a few people with him, ostensibly for a topographic survey, and, under the escort of a cavalry unit, set off in a carriage towards Fort Malgrve to go fishing.

The journey from the "Naval Research Institute" to Fort Malgrve was short, taking about half an hour. When Joseph arrived near Fort Malgrve, there was a flag-raising ceremony taking place.

The flag-raising at Fort Malgrve was different from elsewhere. At the highest point of the fort, a tall flagpole stood, and a soldier dressed in civilian men's clothing but with long lady's wigs was in the midst of raising a three-colored flag, under the watchful gaze of other soldiers.

"Hmm? Why are they raising the flag like this here?" Joseph couldn't help but find it peculiar as he watched from a distance. However, there was no one around to provide an answer.

The carriage arrived at the fort's entrance, and Joseph's aides showed the pass to the guard. After a brief inspection, the barriers were lifted, and a major came to receive him.

Joseph stepped out of the carriage and, accompanied by Major Andr, entered the fort. As they walked, he inquired casually, "Ah, Major, I saw your flag-raising ceremony just now, and it seems different from other places. Can you explain why there's such a ceremony here?"

Major Andr hesitated for a moment and then replied, "Monsieur General, General Bonaparte has issued orders that your work is of the highest secrecy. To maintain this secrecy, we are not permitted to converse with you. I can only accompany you inside, and after that, I'll have to remain silent."

Joseph listened and felt somewhat baffled. He couldn't shake the feeling that Napoleon's order was suspicious, carrying a scent of favoritism. He wondered what Napoleon was up to.

But he knew that asking directly wouldn't yield any answers, so he decided not to press the matter further.

After a tour of the fort, Joseph told Major Andr that he didn't need an escort any longer. Once the major left, Joseph sent his aides to inquire about the peculiar flag-raising ceremony and then set off to find a fishing spot. He brought fishing gear and sat on a large rocky outcrop behind the fort, ready to enjoy a day of fishing.

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