The Fox of France - Chapter 26

Published at 28th of June 2024 06:33:25 AM

Chapter 26: The Fort of Calais

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Chapter 26, The Fort of Calais

In that summer, Napoleon smoothly passed his graduation exam and successfully graduated from the Military Academy. He was assigned to the Raphal Legion and received the rank of Second Lieutenant in the artillery. On the day he left Paris, Joseph went to the stagecoach station to bid him farewell. Napoleon was dressed in a new gray-blue military uniform, a sword hanging at his waist, looking exceptionally spirited, except for being a bit short.

"You look quite like an officer," Joseph remarked, patting Napoleon's shoulder. "Work hard and become a general sooner."

"What's so great about being a general in France?" Napoleon whispered.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

"Don't say that in front of others," Joseph advised. "Do your best in the army, hone your skills, and it will benefit you no matter what you do in the future."

After bidding farewell to Napoleon, Joseph returned to school. He had just sat down at his desk when the school principal's secretary, Will, entered.

"Monsieur Bonaparte, the principal would like to see you," Will said.

Joseph quickly stood up and followed Will to the two-story building where the principal's office was located.

"Will, what does the principal want?" Joseph asked as they walked along a path beside the flowerbed.

"It seems to be related to some engineering matter. I don't have all the details, but you'll find out when you meet with the principal," Will replied.

As they entered the Count of Dupont's building, a wig-wearing servant opened the door for them and took Joseph's hat, saying, "Monsieur Bonaparte, the Count is waiting for you in his office upstairs. Please follow me."

Joseph followed the servant upstairs and into the office of the Count of Dupont.

"Ah, Monsieur Bonaparte, you're here," the Count said.

"Principal, what can I do for you?" Joseph inquired.

"Yes, it's about some engineering matters. Have you ever been to Calais? The town known for lace production?" the Count suddenly asked.

He then turned and walked inside the gate, leaving Joseph waiting outside. After a while, he saw the sentry return with a captain.

"Mr. Bonaparte, I am Captain Saisse of the French Navy. Commander Verluf is not currently at the harbor; he is in the fortress on the hill. I can arrange for someone to escort you there."

"That would be appreciated," Joseph replied.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?" Captain Saisse asked.

"I have some experience," Joseph answered.

"Good," Captain Saisse said. He then turned to the sentry and ordered, "Pierre, go get two horses for us."

Pierre left and returned with two horses. These were regular military horses used for commuting and pulling, not for charging into battle.

Captain Saisse handed the reins of a gray mare with white spots to Joseph and said, "Monsieur Bonaparte, follow me, and I will go at a slower pace."

Joseph thanked him and took the reins, mounting the horse without assistance. Captain Saisse stood by, ready to lend a hand if needed. Seeing Joseph mount the horse effortlessly, he nodded and mounted the other horse, then urged the horses forward.

The fortress was not far from the military dock, situated on a small hill just beside the harbor. They rode for only a few minutes before approaching the fortress.

As they arrived at the fortress, Captain Saisse dismounted, and Joseph followed suit.

"Welcome to the headquarters of the fortress. Commander Verluf is here," Captain Saisse said. He led Joseph along a stone path, past the front gun emplacements, through a maple grove, and to a small, two-story white building.

"This is the headquarters of the fortress. Commander Verluf is here," Captain Saisse said, leading Joseph to the building.

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