The Fox of France - Chapter 76

Published at 28th of June 2024 06:32:13 AM

Chapter 76: The Carrot of Peace (3)

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Chapter 76: The Carrot of Peace (3)

Following the planned strategy, Robespierre began publishing articles in numerous newspapers, vehemently attacking Lafayette for conspiring to start a war, undermine democracy, and become a dictator. He urged the people of Paris and all of France to open their eyes and thwart the ambitions of this schemer.

"If Lafayette's conspiracy succeeds, France will plunge into a more disastrous state than under past feudal monarchs. After all, Louis XVI was a legitimate king, but what is Lafayette? A pretender! So, are the lives sacrificed by the people in the Bastille and in the struggles that followed meant to serve this pretender? This is intolerable! Well, that Robespierre may be a rabble-rouser, but in this statement, he has been sharp in exposing Lafayette." Count Rodolphe looked at the article in his hand and smiled at a young man nearby. "Let's publish this article in 'Orthodox France.'"

"Count, publishing such a rebellious article in 'Orthodox France,' won't it harm our..." The young man hesitated.

"So, Phibs, I'll trouble you with this. Provide an editorial introduction to this article. Criticize the errors and transgressions within it and make people see the true face of these rebels. Even in the parts where they speak some truth, offer commentary. Can we not use one article to expose two types of rebels? " Count Rodolphe chuckled.

"You're right, Count," Phibs replied. "I hope that one day, we can hang all these rebels from lampposts!"

"There will be such a day, Phibs, don't worry. Believe me, there will be such a day. Everything will get better. There will be a day when Jacobins and Lafayette supporters are left hanging from lampposts, stinking up the place! But for that day to come, we must get to work immediately."


"The Austrians dare to threaten mighty France; this is absolutely an intolerable affront to France's majesty. These Austrians seem to have forgotten what the bayonets and military boots of France look like. I don't understand, with France being insulted like this, how can some cowards come out and call for peace..." Robespierre read this and couldn't help but laugh.

"Mr. Robespierre, others are tarnishing your reputation like this, and you're still laughing?" Saint Just complained.

"Reputation? Robespierre's reputation?" Marat, who was present, burst into laughter. "Does Robespierre even have a reputation left? Robespierre's reputation has long been that of a rebel and a bandit, hasn't it? I think the words used in that passage were quite gentle towards him. If I were to insult him, it wouldn't be just like this."Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

"Mr. Marat, this is not an article in a royalist newspaper, nor is it an article in the Lafayette Club's newspaper. It's an article from those moderate newspapers," Saint Just said.

"Those fence-sitters," Guesman chimed in. Guesman was a close associate of Marat, just as Saint Just was with Robespierre.

"Yes," Saint Just said, "but often, we need those fence-sitters on our side."

"Stop dreaming!" Marat said. "Let me guess, the name of the newspaper you have is 'Paris Business,' right? Its owner is Clavier, the banker, isn't it? How can a banker not like a war? Since Robespierre openly opposes the war, to be honest, they are being quite lenient with him. Besides, didn't you suggest that we propose measures to limit the price of food? If we do that, we'll be cursed even more."

At this point, Clavier shook his head and didn't continue with his sentence.

"Lafayette is overly concerned about the bigger picture," Fouch said.

"But we don't need to maintain the current state of affairs. I need a change in the bigger picture. Mr. Fouch, I wonder if you can provide me with some assistance? Everyone knows I'm a man of ethics, and I've never mistreated anyone who's helped me." Clavier looked at Fouch and said slowly.

"Do you need a war?" Fouch asked.

"Yes," Clavier replied briefly.

"But I've heard that due to the possible war and the turmoil, there are difficulties in recovering some of your bank's loans related to agriculture, influenced by the uprisings in the provinces. So, it's quite possible that you won't be able to withdraw money from your bank meaning that even with your deposit slips, you can't get your money from there!" Fouch asked again.

"Oh, you've heard those rumors too?" Clavier chuckled. "That's why I need things to become even more turbulent as soon as possible."

"This is a bit challenging, but your operation doesn't require such great turbulence," Fouch said. "In addition, I can help you make a connection with another friend..."


One morning, Joseph went to work as usual and happened to run into a worried-looking Lazare on the way.

"What's the matter, Lazarus? You seem to have something on your mind?" Joseph asked.

"Joseph, where do you have your money in the bank?" Lazare asked in return.

"I have some in Clavier's bank and some in..." Joseph replied.

"Oh my!" Lazare said, "Have you heard? Clavier's bank has just announced that due to difficulties in recovering loans related to agriculture and the uprisings in the provinces, they have temporarily suspended withdrawal operations in other words, even if you have deposit slips, you can't withdraw money from there!"

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