Published at 27th of May 2024 06:24:42 AM

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: 008 Vine Emperor_2

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Chapter 14: 008 Vine Emperor_2



Academic transition from humanities to science? No wonder the handwriting is so neat, its even better looking than print, the physics teacher had just been preparing for class and hadnt heard the conversation between Lu Lingxi and Bai Lian, It looks even more pleasant than Ren Wanxuans test papers.

He also found it strange that the transfer student had switched from humanities to science.

Although the test itself was simple, covering mostly basic knowledge, and she didnt do many of the major questions, in fact, whenever she did answer

Everything was correct, especially in physics.

She used authentic guange style, as a language arts teacher, Lu Lingxi did consider her to be a good student, with handwriting so well-behaved: In the past, scholars who took the imperial examinations would use this type of font.

Previous top scholars knew several styles of calligraphy, but would all use guange style during the palace examination.

Lu Lingxi had never considered that Bai Lian knew several styles of handwriting; nowadays, it was remarkable for young kids to learn even one style properly.

But now, very few people learn guange style anymore, as they prefer Liang style.

Lu teacher, dont worry too much, the physics teacher unscrewed the tea cup, Since she wants to study science, shell definitely be diligent. Dont look at her score of just 85 now, I see that shes not completely lacking in insight. Just you watch, by next years college entrance exam, she should be able to raise her score to 170, and with some effort, reaching the second tier of universities is quite possible.

He decided to pay more attention to this transfer student.

Of course, they did not know.

Making the transition from humanities to science, scoring 85 on a test of moderate difficulty, indeed also indicated some talent.

In their minds, the biggest challenge for Bai Lian would just be the transition from humanities to science, as it was already difficult enough to score well legitimately, let alone considering

That these 85 points were entirely the result of five days of study by Bai Lian!

And as for the many questions she hadnt answered it was simply because she hadnt started learning that material yet.


Bai Lian, relying on her own efforts, had carved out a territory for herself on the Xiangcheng Middle School forum.

Today, of ten posts on the number one middle schools board, eight are about Bai Lian, the empress.

Bai Lian herself was not aware of these discussions; although she was good-looking, she emanated an aura that made her difficult to approach.

Like her deskmate Yang Lin, she was either reading or solving problems, appearing very much like a top student.

Carrying the aura of a top student naturally, other students didnt dare to strike up a conversation.

After school in the afternoon.

Bai Lian had just been measured for size; her school uniform would not be issued for another two days. Among the sea of uniforms, she was the only one in her own clothes, a bit taller than the average girl, clean and strikingly beautiful, standing out like a crane amongst chickens.

Jiang He was squatting on the street corner opposite, and he spotted Bai Lian, shining brightly amidst the crowd, in a glance.

Why are you alone? Bai Lian didnt see the others who had been following Jiang He around, so she took him to the milk tea shop around the corner.

My brother is picking me up later.

The milk tea shop was crowded just after school let out, but they waited a few minutes for people to leave.

Bai Lian found a quiet table and sat down with Jiang He.

Bai student, the clerk served Bai Lian two cups of Cherry Fruit Tea, your milk tea is ready, straws are on the left, help yourself.

Bai Lian recognized that this was her deskmate, Yang Lin.

Bai Lian looked at the milk tea which clearly had more fruit pieces than others and smiled with her eyes, the expression shining and vibrant: Thank you.

She took out two straws, while Yu Guang noticed that Yang Lins exposed arm seemed to have a purple bruise.

Whats that? Bai Lian took her eyes off it and went back to handing Jiang He his milk tea.

The other person took out a colorful spherical object.

Jiang He took a sip lightly: A seven-layered, five-colored magic cube.

He had already managed to restore the center colors but was not familiar with the rest. Last night, after watching Jiang Fulais speed cubing restoration formulas, he was trying hard to replicate them.

Bai Lian opened her backpack and took out a large lump, having never seen a Rubiks Cube before, Are you restoring the colors of this sphere?

Jiang He nodded, discontent with his own speed: My brother can solve it very quickly, but I need two hours.


A guy who had just come in with a basketball spat out his lemon tea.

No way, little bro, the guy spun on his foot and turned sideways, wearing the school uniform, his features handsome and sunny, and kindly suggested to him in a heartfelt tone, Dont talk about it so calmly, have some sympathy for the average high school student.

Jiang He glanced at him and said nothing.


Whats with that look?

What look?

Hey, the boy got choked up for a moment but then greeted Bai Lian, introducing himself, Bai classmate, I am your

Zhang Shize. Bai Lian recognized him; he was the guy who sat behind her.

She had remembered everyone who introduced themselves to her.

Zhang Shize scratched his head, Oh, so you did hear us talking. Lu Ma said that if you ever need anything, just ask meIm the sports committee member!

They called Lu Lingxi Lu Ma in their class.

As Zhang Shize was talking, he saw the object that Bai Lian took out

It looked like a motor?

Bai Lian inserted the straw with one hand and played with the coils of the motor with the other, Whats wrong?

Zhang Shize:

Who carries this kind of stuff in their backpack?

He said goodbye to Bai Lian with an incredulous face and left the milk tea shop.

The group of boys waiting for him outside asked if he got the new transfer students contact info, implying that the new student was so pretty that they could only admire her from afar.

Ill ask tomorrow, Zhang Shize put his arm around his buddys shoulder, exclaiming with a sense of brotherhood, With you guys in the world, I can rest easy.

The brothers were just about to be moved.

Zhang Shize: Hehe, its great to have more than one useless person.


As darkness gradually fell, at the school gate.

Students who had been staying late for the honor student training had just finished their classes.

Ren Wanxuan was picked up and dropped off by a personal driver every day; she was on the phone with the driver, Ive finished my tutoring class, come to

Her eyes caught sight of a girl sitting under the streetlight at the corner of the crossroad, apparently waiting for something.

How come she kept running into Bai Lian at this huge school?

Could it really be such a coincidence?

Ren Wanxuan suddenly felt an irritation; observing the others silhouette, she pondered for a while and then instructed her driver, Take the car to the back gate; Ill wait for you there.

Whats wrong? the boy next to her asked her.

Nothing, Ren Wanxuan shook her head, not wanting to mention Bai Lian at all, Lets go to the back gate.

She turned coldly, re-entering through the school gate.

The boy, after a thoughtful nod, glanced faintly at the corner of the crossroad and said, Then Ill have my driver wait for me at the back gate as well.

Meanwhile, at the crossroad.

When is your brother coming? Bai Lian sat beside Jiang He by the roadside, watching the passing traffic.

The streetlights lit up one by one.

Jiang He reluctantly lit up his watch, Another ten minutes.

Okay. Bai Lian leaned lazily against the lamp post, taking out the coils again to play with.

When Jiang Fulai came to pick up Jiang He, what he saw was this scene

The girl sat casually by the roadside; her ink-black hair was casually held up by a brown wooden hairpin. She elegantly manipulated the motor in her hands, making the rough motor seem more like a piece of art.

Her facial features were strikingly attractive, and her droopy eyes conveyed a lazy demeanor.

For a moment, it was as if the moonlight too favored her, casting a hazy glow as if moisturized by the moons radiance.

Suddenly, he thought of a phrase

Tender yet lethal.

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