Published at 17th of June 2024 09:29:43 AM

Chapter 69: Chapter 69: 029 you call this ordinary?_l

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Chapter 69: 029 you call this ordinary?_l

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Translator: 549690339

The Head of the Literature and Art Department immediately pinched Pu Xiaohans arm, conveying with her gaze [So cool!]

[l am totally smitten!]

Pu Xiaohan smiled, urging her to maintain her composure, and then she took Bai Lian to the backstage,

The senior transfer student was very well-known at the school.

Several members of the student council, after watching the piano performance and hearing that shed arrived, all went backstage to catch a glimpse of her.

Bai Lian had taken off her school uniform jacket and was only wearing a white T-shirt with a water-ink colored white crane embroidered on it. She looked over the longsword that Pu Xiaohan had custom-made, weighing it in her hands.

The longsword had a black exterior with golden patterns, as tall as half her height, and weighed a bit over one jin.

Pu Xiaohan originally feared the longsword might be too heavy and difficult to swing, but Bai Lian handled it as if it were light as a feather.

It was as if what she held was not a jin-heavy iron sword, but a mere feather.

Bai Lian examined it for a while, then swiftly drew it from its sheath.

Although the longsword was not sharpened, its cold gleam was evident, reflecting in her dark pupils.

Bai Lian, with one hand on the hilt and the other loosely holding the sheath, hair pinned up at the back of her head, held the cold sword as though she were a swordsman in white traveling the world.

The imposing aura on her naturally radiated with the longsword in hand. She methodically returned the longsword to the sheath, then turned to the side, Is it my turn?

Go up from here, the members of the student council came to their senses and pointed out the place to get on stage, The piano has already been moved away.

As Bai Lian parted the curtains and stepped onto the stage from backstage, a few people hurriedly surged out.

To watch the transfer students performance up close from below the stage.

In the outside corridor, the President of the Student Council and the Head of the External Relations Department were seeing Ren Wanxuan out.

What were you doing backstage? the President asked them.

Ren Wanxuans piano had been on TV and had won awards; everyone in school wanted to see it, but opportunities to watch Ren Wanxuan perform were few and far between. Shed been specifically requested to close the show this time because sponsors who had long supported Xiangcheng No. 1 High School were visiting, so the school had invited her.

The council members all knew that even before the rehearsals, people on the Baidu Tieba forums were already looking forward to it.

They were all there to watch Ren Wanxuan.

We just got back from watching it, Pu Xiaohan and the others had already taken their leave; the Literature and Art Department Head stayed back to explain to the President, Bai Lian is about to perform, we were just heading out to watch.

The new student? The President naturally was also familiar with the name Bai Lian, Then Ill go have a look too.

Sure, the Literature and Art Department Head waved her hand, Just remember to applaud then, the new students performance isnt that professional.

After they left, Ren Wanxuan turned to the President, Bai Lian?

That transfer student, the President hadnt paid close attention to the performance schedule and now pulled it out to see, l didnt expect shed also participate in the performance, a sword dance, huh? But I heard she isnt professional.

Ren Wanxuan looked at the lengthy performance program.

She was scheduled at the very end, a deliberate arrangement by the school authorities to keep the audience in their seats.

Third from the last was Bai Lians performance.

Ren Wanxuan withdrew her gaze casually, Doesnt the second-to-last program clash with mine? Lets swap it with the one before.

Students liked to form cliques.

Ren Wanxuan and her group either had wealthy families or powerful connections; anything they faced at home could be resolved for them, and they were used to being the center of attention.

The Ren Family had even donated a canteen exclusively for Ren Wanxuan.

Mixing with ordinary students over time made class tensions quite apparent.

The more the ordinary students dared not provoke them, the more arrogant and proud these individuals became.

The President looked down at the performance program.

The second-to-last was a popular music duet, which didnt clash with the piano performance, but he certainly wouldnt deny Ren Wanxuan face. Okay. He swapped the second-to-last act with the third-to-last one.

Outside, on stage.

A group of boys, after watching Ren Wanxuans performance, leisurely got up, horsing around and preparing to return to their classrooms.

How was it? Did you record it?

l did, but you cant upload it on Baidu Tieba, Ill show you secretly later

The school celebration hadnt started yet; rehearsals were not to be leaked.

Until once again, a beam of light fell onto the stage.

Whats the performance about? some asked while leaving the auditorium.

Its Bai Lians, I heard its a sword dance, Wang Yu got the news from the Literature and Art Department and started speaking with his phone, Just now, the Literature and Art Department people said to give the new student some face and to go support her.

Thats more like it. Shes so good-looking, its not like she can do everything, a boy laughed, The kids from Class 8, who seem to know how to do everything, are the ones who often make me doubt myself. Ill stay to support her.

Well, thats about enough, some classmates were in a hurry to get back to their classes, Ill watch the new students performance on the day of the school celebration..

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