Published at 25th of June 2024 04:58:17 AM

Chapter 86: Chapter 86: 035 is modest and does not compete, the garbage picker picks up _2

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Chapter 86: 035 is modest and does not compete, the garbage picker picks up _2

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Chen Gang picked up the wine glass, took a sip with his eyes lowered, and said nothing.

He silently supported the secretarys idea.

He knew very little about the Ji Family, but in his eyes, the Ji Family was no different from any other passerby.

We cant control Teacher Li, Ren Qian thought about Ren Jiawei and Ji Shaorong, and holding his temple, said, Lets not talk about this anymore.

The secretary-general stood by, listening with a slightly grim expression.

The meal disbanded.

Ren Qian went to deal with work, while the secretary-general took Ren Wanxuan home.

It wasnt until they were in the car that the secretary-general looked in the rear-view mirror and said, Miss, you need to step out of your own castle. If your cheese has been moved, you have to take it back yourself. Right now, youre like that mouse, squeaking away, but I think you can be a chirping bird.

Four oclock in the afternoon.

Jiang Fulais residence.

Chief Chen was still waiting for the two to get up.

His cell phone rang. It was his subordinate stationed in Xiangcheng. He hastily answered and stepped outside before speaking, Go ahead.

The voice on the other end was respectful, Sir, Xiangcheng No.1 Middle School said that their school anniversary is in a few days. Will you be attending?

The Chen Family had always placed great importance on Xiangcheng.

They allocated funds to Xiangcheng each year for the sake of protection, even though a large part of that funding came from the Jiang Family

Hence, even though Xiangcheng was on the edge of several countries with many escaped convicts,

no one dared to cause trouble across Purest Street.

Aside from Xiangchengs defense, another portion of resources was given to Xiangcheng No.1 Middle School.

This year, a distant, side branch of the Chen Family that remained in Xiangcheng produced a student with decent achievements. The Chen Family reported this and had Academician Ma secure a spot in the reserve camp for Xiangcheng.

Every year, Xiangcheng No.1 Middle School would invite the stationed forces to any celebratory events.

This year, because Chief Chen was also there, the subordinate called to ask if he wanted to go and watch.

Xiangcheng No.1 Middle School? Upon hearing it was Xiangcheng No.1 Middle School, Chief Chen paused and calculated the time, Ill check my schedule.

Wang Youfeng wasnt found yet, and he wasnt really in the mood.

The headmaster of No.1 said that they have a student this year who writes Lianti quite well. The subordinate evidently understood Chief Chen very well.

People from the Chen Family, especially the old master, favored young people who could write Lianti and play the guzheng.

If they could play The White Robed Journey, that would be even better. Thats why almost everyone in the Guzheng Association could play it, but not many could play it entirely.

With these words, Chief Chen obviously hesitated, Really? Then I do want to go and see.

Finally, there were sounds of movement from upstairs.

Chief Chen quickly hung up the phone and walked into the hall to look towards the wooden staircase entrance.

Jiang Fulai slowly descended the stairs after a shower, his half-dried hair slightly moist. He wore only a black silk robe, tied tightly at the waist, and his pale fingers held a laptop.

Young Master Jiang, Chief Chen lowered his voice.

Hmm, Jiang Fulai sat on the sofa and opened his laptop.

A servant served a simple meal.

Chief Chen sat down anxiously, Someone saw Wang Youfeng at the Azure Dragon Bar, so Ive already sent someone to stake it out.

The bar? Jiang Fulai browsed through papers submitted by team members, his light eyes slightly narrowing.

Jiang scion had never been to a bar in his life.

After a moment of thought, Chief Chen said, Im waiting for Mr. Ming to get up. Well go scout first. Mr. Ming wants to go to the fighting ring to find Teacher Zhu. Tongpa is putting too much pressure on them.

Jiang Fulai hummed in response, closed his laptop, turned around, and pulled out a black card from his drawer to give to Chief Chen.

Chief Chens eyes lit up, and he took it with both hands.

By the way, Chief Chen remembered that Bai Lian was wearing Xiangcheng No.1 Middle Schools uniform last time, Next week, Xiangcheng No.1 Middle School will have their school anniversary. Will you be attending the ceremony?

Jiang Fulai picked up his chopsticks and ate in an unhurried manner, I dont have time.

Okay, Chief Chen nodded.

Miss Bai doesnt have a performance?

He actually thought Miss Bai would have a performance.

But then again, Bai Lian is like Jiang Fulai, who would have the courage to ask Jiang Fulai to perform?

Are they tired of living?

The library.

At noon, Bai Lian and Pu Xiaohan went to eat hot pot across the street.

Pu Xiaohan only held out for the morning, wanting to go home to binge-watch after eating the hot pot.

Before leaving, she squatted beside Jiang He with a beaming smile, By the way, Little Brother Xiaoniao, our school anniversary is next Wednesday, and theres a program with your sister Bai Lian. Remember to come and watch if you have time.

Jiang He didnt speak, just slowly looked up at Pu Xiaohan.

Pu Xiaohan roughly knew there might be some issues with Jiang Hes personality and didnt mind it.

After speaking, she stood up and said to Bai Lian, If your family has time, make sure they come and watch, or itll be such a shame.

Bai Lian didnt know if Ji Heng would have time.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!