The God of Basketball - Chapter 125

Published at 16th of January 2023 05:25:58 AM

Chapter 125: [Summer League]

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The popularity of the new album exceeded everyone's expectations, including Double Star.

No one thought that these two albums would be so hot, and even less ... 20 albums of two albums took turns to grab the top charts.

From the first weekend, the major entertainment media began to tout endlessly.

"We underestimated the musicality of these two albums. They are advanced and epoch-making. Bruce Lee, as the songwriter of the two albums, his talent has even touched the boundaries of 2016, and even further."

When authoritative media like The New York Times gave such positive reviews on their pages.

One can imagine what kind of storm these two albums are making in the United States and the world.

Moreover, the storm is getting worse.

Sister Olson originally thought that the two albums would be sold when 300,000 albums were sold together. But the first week has not been completed, the sales volume of the two albums exceeded 580,000. If it was not for the audiovisual company to make production, this number would be added up.

"Your royalties will be an astronomical figure. It will definitely easily exceed your one-year salary at NBA." Ashley couldn't help but roar at Bruce on the phone after seeing the first week of numbers.

Then, she hoped that Li Zhen could take the time to shoot mv.

"This will help you get more awards, and I want to make you a real superstar of the times."

Ashley said vowedly over the phone.

But Bruce knew very well that he weighed a few pounds, and he told Ashley: "I never expect great achievements in music, and I have little idea of ​​becoming a superstar of the times. I know how much talent I have, facts I ’m exhausted now. "

"It doesn't matter, Bruce. Even if you can't write songs in the future, these two albums are enough for you to eat for a lifetime. And ... we don't have to be original singers, you have proven your talent. Do you know? You are now The popularity around the world is skyrocketing, and you are becoming an idol sought after by boys and girls. Come on, let's work together to create miracles. "

Ashley's words were full of magic.

But ... Bruce didn't cooperate with her in the end, just squeezed out one morning to the studio and filmed the mv of three songs. "Radioative", "24kmagi", "runawaybaby", the mv style of these three songs are all exaggerated party style, a little change the scene and clothing, jumped together and finished, there is no plot at all.

Li Zhen likes this and can sweat a little.

Interestingly, the director of MV actually swore to the point: "Bruce, you are definitely a genius in acting. You should enter Hollywood and become the most central actor in Vanity Fair. Leonardo is yours. At the age, there is absolutely no such good acting skills as you, not to mention, he jumped and did not have your shoulders high. "

These flattery remarks did not make Bruce happy. On the contrary ... he thinks the entertainment world is too hypocritical.

He decided to return to the training hall to continue sweating and redouble his efforts to irrigate his talent.

After all, basketball is my favorite.

Moreover, in the career of basketball, Li Zhen has unlimited future.

But in terms of music, he thinks he's done. Twenty songs have already made him search his stomach and scratch his brain, and then maybe a melody and lyrics may suddenly appear at a certain time, but it is definitely impossible in the short term.

Because ... he always feels like he is plagiarizing, not creating. I feel that these songs existed originally, I just sang it out. There is no relationship with his own talent, because now he is given a piano, and he can't create any songs at all.

Not like basketball.


Although playing iron, but there is a process of shooting.

"Bruce, if I were you. I would never practice here now." Nick Young said quite frankly: "Don't you know how hot you are now? The boys and girls are crazy for you, You are already the hottest newcomer in the entertainment industry. "

"Anyway now Phil Jackson won't let you go to the Summer League, why don't you just go to Hollywood and walk around smartly."

Li Zhen did not know how to answer Nick Young.

It ’s a scumbag ’s move to go to Hollywood, and Bruce, as a positive young man with a strong root, how can he do that kind of thing? He even refused even Lindsay Lohan's initiative to give a hug, how to take the initiative to hook up with others?

This is very immoral.

As for the reason for not going to the Summer League, Phil Jackson thinks Bruce Lee is too dangerous to participate in the Summer League.

With the release of Li Zhen's hot album, he became a newcomer singer in European and American phenomena. Those rookies of the same year who were already ‘hateful’ to Bruce suddenly became more itchy.

Where is the summer league? A group of rookies, marginalists, and even temporary workers without a contract to familiarize themselves with the team's tactics in order to compete for nba opportunities.

Bruce neither needs to be familiar with tactics, nor does he need to win opportunities.

Why go there?

Phil Jackson's attitude is quite simple: just practice in Los Angeles, practice a little thicker, better than anything.

However, this attitude made Li Zhen once again become the target of the basketball media. They feel that Bruce is avoiding, and because of Bruce ’s recent reputation in the music industry, he has made a lot of money. So some media even rumors: The Bruce team is starting to terminate the contract with the Lakers because he makes more in the entertainment industry.

Such rumors did not cause any trouble to Li Zhen, but instead caused a group of rookies to eat sour grapes. What to say Thanks to the Lakers for choosing a super rookie for Hollywood, Bruce Lee once again cut down five double figures on the bulletin board this week ... and so on.

The gesture they present is one: Why? Why should he take advantage of something good? Why are so many girls chasing him crazy, but not me? My muscles are obviously stronger than him. Why did the Olsen sisters only have a panic for him and did n’t send me a wave? Was my breakthrough not sharp enough, or was my back singles not strong enough?

Li Zhen did not respond to this.

He is not interested in participating in these boring topics.

And when the rookies of the same year frantically rubbed the heat in the major summer leagues, and made them hot, Li Zhen heard the long-lost positive energy sound again, and finally irrigated the 10 point talent space.

This made Bruce rejoice.

At this time, the Lakers, who are playing in the Summer League in Las Vegas, have bad news: Jordan Farmar, who has played strongly in recent games, sprained his waist and he must return to Los Angeles to cultivate.

The Lakers' point guard line also became empty.

At the same time, Kupchak exerted pressure on the Zen master. "We paid him wages, not for him to score various consecutive championships in the major music charts. He needs to do something for the Lakers. Now the entire basketball circle is laughing at us, we can not let this phenomenon continue to develop, In any case, he will appear in the Summer League, otherwise I can not explain to angry fans. "


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