The God of Basketball - Chapter 209

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:33:42 AM

Chapter 209: [Kobe injured, historical opportunity]

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Li Zhen, who was back in the dressing room, apparently did not know that his mother was talking to Hilary Duff, who was wrapped in dumplings.

In fact, before this, Anne Wang had more than once vomited Hilary Duff in front of her husband. As a Kochi woman, she harbored a natural 'resistance' to this girl star who made her name in Hollywood by her posture. They have insufficient IQ.

But now, when Hilary Duff praises her graceful figure and possesses the elegant and graceful temperament of an oriental woman, she still inevitably likes the girl wearing a mask.

Oh, woman. Who can really escape the praise of looks!

Li Zhen was sitting in the locker. He looked at Eddie Griffin beside him carefully trimming his beard one by one in the mirror. He still doesn't understand why Griffin is so optimistic about his appearance, and ... to be a good rapper, do you really need to keep each beard at 0.5 cm and tilt it slightly to the left?

Andrew Bynum has been complaining in the locker room. He explained to Old Winter why he attacked twice without success, and said that if he gives himself more playing time, he can definitely perform better.

What it means outside of the word is that he still thinks he has too little playing time. If he is given enough time, he can rule the restricted area of ​​Washington.

Bynum has always been like this, he looks like a spoiled child. I think that I have received too little, and at the same time I am full of unrealistic confidence in myself.

However, Phil Jackson promised that he would start his debut next.

Kobe stared at him coldly, and warned him: "You better seize every opportunity."

Peter Pan has always been strict with his teammates.

Kwame Brown was even sprayed with autism before this season.

But now, as Kwame performs better and better on the court, Peter Pan even sometimes takes the initiative to say hello to him.

This is how he is right and wrong.

But in Bynum's view, this is deliberately targeted. This is to help that nasty Bruce Lee suppress himself. And why is Kwame so good now? Wasn't it because of Kwame's depraved fellow who became Bruce's younger brother?

Bynum's recent thoughts are becoming more radical.

Li Zhen became his biggest imaginary enemy.

But he did not dare to provoke Li Zhen. Last time he said that Li Zhen ’s sneakers were uglier than Starbucks coffee because of his bad breath. The little fox's thug.

The little fox is now on the side of the team. He smiles to everyone, even the caddie who accompanies him, or the security guard who opens the door in the training hall. It felt like everyone inside the Lakers praised him ...

hypocritical! !

Bynum always judged Li Zhen in his heart.

But the sad thing is ... this can't change anything at all.

The second half of the game started soon.

Andrew Bynum made his debut, and he was paired with Lamar Odom, Luke Wharton, Kobe Bryant, Smash Parker: his offensive system last season.

In order to satisfy the 'seven-foot giant baby', Bryant even gave him his first offensive opportunity.

However, the sad thing is.

After Bynum tried his best to push away Heywood, but was unable to continue, he shot the basketball directly out of the court with his left hand.

Phil Jackson raised his eyebrows on the sidelines.

Bynum did show his size advantage and the completeness of his offensive action in this attack ... but it was always almost a bit. He grew up every day, the team can not give him ten years to realize his talent.

Look at others Bruce Lee, the first game over-completed the task. Every game has a strong output, and now it has become the most popular second tactical promoter outside Kobe Bryant.

Interestingly, Arenas once again hit the emergency stop jumper and pointed his finger at Li Zhen again.

He hoped that Li Zhen would hurry up and compete with him. He was tired of Smash Parker's defense. He hoped to find a place on Li Zhen's head.

However, Phil Jackson remained motionless.

He strictly followed the instructions given by the physical trainer. He did not want Li Zhen to play more than 15 minutes.

Therefore, the game continues to move forward.

Kobe Bryant kept his game with his injuries ... This is the Lakers' last season's model: Peter Pan struggled to score head-to-head, and the other four players watched from the side and became a super VIP audience without spending money.

However, Kobe's personal strength is ultimately limited.

Moreover, his injury seriously affected his ball control and shooting. He could only hit the penalty area again and again to create difficult injuries.

But even so, the efficiency is still not as good as the Wizards played by the Troika.

Arenas' strong scoring led to the offensive of Butler and Jamison. The densely intertwined firepower net of the three let the Lakers gradually fall behind.

The point difference starts from 0 points and expands slowly and irreversibly.

The biggest tragedy happened in the 10th minute of the third quarter.

At the time, Phil Jackson had already begun to play with Li Zhen and Eddie Griffin. After all, the point difference has expanded to 9 points.

But ... Kobe Bryant saw an opportunity at this time to attack.

Peter Pan's footsteps are indeed rapid, and the ability to capture opportunities is as fast as Black Mamba's predation.


When he entered the penalty area to complete the fleeting dunk, he collided with Heywood when he landed.

In a panic, he quickly supported Heywood's body with his hands.

This stabilized his runaway body.

But when he fell to the ground, the wound on his palm was completely cracked, and the blood dripped instantly.

I don't know whether it was the dunk that pulled the injury, or the excessively frequent singles before, or the strong support just now ... The referee blew the whistle, and he quickly stopped the game. Magic Johnson's affairs made NBA's blood control extremely strict, and Bryant had to clean the wound before he could play.

However, after returning to the bench, Lakers veteran Gary Petty told everyone: "Briant can't play, and he will miss at least the next five to seven games. His wounds need to be re-stitched."

This is bad news.

It means the Lakers are not just over this game.

Phil Jackson even reached out and patted his head.

At the same time, Reggie Miller emphasized in the live broadcast: "Arenas has scored 43 points so far. With his current feel, he is very likely to break the scoring record of away players at Staples Arena, and Take away the victory of this game in one go. "

"Kobe Bryant doesn't look like he will come back again. He only scored 29 points tonight, much less than Gilbert. Next ... Bruce is hard to change anything."

"Oh, Kobe has left the field. Well, it can be announced that the general has won a lot. He is about to complete his pre-match arrogant declaration. He killed Kobe. Immediately he will kill Bruce Lee. If he takes the victory and breaks the record I ca n’t imagine how sensational glory he will get after this game ... "

When Reggie Miller said this final word.

The Adidas team had a lot of fun, and Kobe Bryant's end made the game suspenseful.

At the same time, they also give their spokesmen an opportunity to create history.

The glorious moment of stepping on Peter Pan punching the little fox is coming, tonight is Arenas show-time! !


"We have no way out."

Li Zhen told his teammates before the game: "Kobe's departure has already disappointed more than 20,000 fans. We can't let them continue to make such a voice."




[Second more! ! 】



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