The God of Basketball - Chapter 218

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:33:15 AM

Chapter 218: [Quasi-elite level players]

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If what happened to Li Zhen's family was just a storm in the teapot.

Then Bruce Lee counterattacked to kill Adidas, killing the Wizards with a key cover and two magical three-pointers. Undoubtedly, a violent tsunami has been set off. Its wave of public opinion in the basketball circle is like McGrady scored 13 points in 35 seconds last season.

Everyone is discussing or imitating Bruce's last performance.

Interestingly, both have to thank Adi.

The propaganda made by the Adi team before this game was too violent.

They used all their resources to promote the game, so this is why the influence of public opinion reached its first peak since the new season.

Adi suffered a loss. Because they can't accuse Arenas of being good enough, in fact, Arenas has completed 98% of his pre-game rant, he scored 58 points in the basketball holy place Staples, and overshadowed Kobe. Limelight. But who can think of Bruce Lee, whom he most despised before the game, strangled his fateful throat at the last moment?

In the last fifty-five seconds, it was as if Tyson had devastated the child and taught Arenas.

From Arenas' own quotation, it can also be seen how confident Bruce was at the time. He even predicted in advance where he would shoot.

This is too arrogant.

Just like the fledgling soldiers, in the decisive battle, single-handedly use fancy skills to kill the battle-hardened general.

Arenas spread Bruce Lee's Cotai Strip with his reputation.

This made Ms. Wang Junzhu had to catch a plane to China the next morning. She didn't expect that the crazy game last night brought such a huge commercial benefit. The marketing department of the Li Zhen brand made an assessment last night, and they believed that the game was worth at least US $ 50 million.

Therefore, as the owner of the exclusive foundry, King Anne must quickly return to the factory to open the assembly line to make the most active preparations for the second sale of the upcoming Christmas.

Gilbert Arenas finally realized at noon the next day how positively the words he said last night had affected Bruce's business empire.

"So, I am helping him to tell a legend, and I am the opposite character in that story, did I highlight his image?"

Gilbert finally realized.

However, it is already too late.

When Bruce became a hot figure in major sports channels, and occupied the headlines of major media.

No matter how he regretted it, it was too late.

After this game, the media has listed Li Zhen as a quasi-elite player, and is a quasi-elite player whose commercial influence is expected to reach the superstar level. (On average, each team will have two to three elite players, above and below the All-Star.)

In California, Li Zhen was even grandly recognized as the future All-Star. The Los Angeles media gave him unprecedented grand treatment to reward him for his bravery in guarding Staples when the army was under pressure last night.

Now everyone knows he is a ruthless character.

Those voices that could not bear the jealous intention to launch a fierce attack on Li Zhen also began to subside automatically. After all, Arenas is in front of me ... Few people in the current league dare to boast that they can score 58 points at Staples.

The next afternoon, "Slam Dunk" magazine arrived at the Lakers Training Hall in person. They were extremely attentive to take a new cover photo for Li Zhen and Kobe Bryant who had just completed minor finger surgery.

"Slam Dunk" hopes to create the feeling of the Lakers double star.

So, this is a photo of two people.

Since Bryant joined Nike, he gradually got rid of the nickname of "Peter Pan" and gave himself a new name of "Black Mamba". Therefore, when shooting, the staff even got a black fake snake wrapped around Kobe's body.

But Bruce led a real white fox with high performance.

This is a good metaphor.

Kobe is as fierce as a viper.

Bruce is as clever and cunning as a fox.

More and more voices in the city of angels tend to form a ‘Bruce-Kobe’ purple gold double gun connection.

This makes Andrew Bynum extremely uncomfortable, because not long ago, the fans were still thinking about creating a new ok combination.

What is more uncomfortable for Bynum.

"Stop the ball, yes, sway a bit, use your feet hard. Don't be afraid of the defender, you can eat opponents of inferior height with your bounce speed and wingspan. Use your shoulders and forearms to stretch the space, pay attention to your movements Be aggressive and concealed. At this time, opponents are easy to foul. At this time, you are particularly tested on your control of the body, Shouxing and strength ... "

After finishing the shooting, Kobe Bryant started special training for Li Zhen.

He unreservedly taught Li Zhen some offensive skills. He hoped that Li Zhen could play a more important role in the next month: What Li Zhen is lacking now is offensive ability. When Kobe Bryant was on the court, it didn't matter if his offensive ability was not strong. But as Kobe truce, he lost a more relaxed environment, he needs to assume more important responsibilities outside.

"I hope this month will allow you to transform." Bryant has encouraged Li Zhen more than once.

This affected Bynum, who was training on the other side: he thought Kobe Bryant was completely inclined to this rookie.

In fact, he also saw Phil Jackson ’s compliment on Bruce Lee on TV last night: "He is smart, hardworking, persistent, educated, full of wisdom and mobility. He lives healthy and has no bad habits, and never accepts The beautifully dressed girls who hang out outside the gymnasium ... "

Zen master is full of beautiful words.

This made Bynum worry about at least one month of competition.

But the thing that made him a little reassured is that the general manager Kupchak and the vice president Jim Bass stood by him, and he took the initiative to talk to him earlier today: we are very optimistic about you, we think you can be in Kobe In the absence of the core role.

Moreover, Bass also promised: "We will let the coaching staff give you more playing time, after all, you are our future."

Jim Bass and Kupchak are now completely in favor of the baby shark Bynum. Even Jim went to his father to stir up this morning: "Bruce Lee has too many entertainment cells. He is entangled with too many female stars, which will make our team lose focus."

But it is clear that the smart and smart old Bath will not be affected by this shallow view.

He just said: "I know you are more supportive of Andrew Bynum, and I also like him very much. Bryant's injury next month is his chance, he also needs to prove that he has the strength to control the game, since joining last year He has never shown his strength to turn the tide. And Bruce has been killing more than once this season. "

Old Bath's attitude is obvious, he encourages competition.

The friction between young players is conducive to the growth of the team's strength, he believes in Phil Jackson's ability to integrate, and ... Andrew Bynum and Bruce are inside and outside, no matter how big the conflict is.

But what he did not expect was that his son would go to the coaching staff to exert pressure. And give Phil Jackson a death order: "Kobe Bryant is not playing, we can sacrifice some records. But Bynum must get more than 30 minutes of playing time per game, he is our future, our future depends on What height can he reach. "

Phil Jackson was still happy because Bruce passed a higher standard of physical fitness test this morning. Li Zhen is expected to play 20 minutes in the game next.

But now, Jim Bass is strongly about to improve Bynum's playing time to 30 minutes.

This makes the problem a bit tricky.


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