The God of Basketball - Chapter 247

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:31:57 AM

Chapter 247: 【Emperor's Heart Technique】

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Once upon a time, the Portland Trail Blazers were notorious representatives, gloriously called the prison team. Fraud, rape, shooting, almost all types of scandals can find a role model representative in the Blazers.

Damon Stadmeier, the flying squirrel, was suspected of possession of marijuana and was even publicly tested for urine by television. Ruben Patterson, who is known as Kobe's terminator, was sexually harassed. In addition, Rashid Wallace and Bunch Wells were the two thorns that made the wing players and even the referees in the league.

Compared with these people, Zacrandorf and Dalius Myers who are still on the team are simply the younger brothers. At most, Myers does not train to drink alcohol everywhere, and Zakrandorf only occasionally goes to bars for memorial services, speeding on the highway, and routinely enters the police station for urine tests every summer.

The work content of the Portland uniform team in recent years is similar to that of the probationary priests in the prison, and they are all doing decriminalization work. That's why they really want to get Li Zhen this summer: Rose Garden really needs a good player with a positive image and good academic performance.

Of course, now Brandon Roy is also very good, he has changed the team's temperament to a certain extent, he is leading Portland's young talents to play a new situation, although the record is very touching, and Bruce is the best rookie The upsurge of the award made him lose the situation of Pingchuan in October and November.

Time Warner live-streamed the game throughout the California region.

Fans are interested in this, and every California fan wants Bruce to gain the upper hand in this direct dialogue.

But it seems that Bruce and Brandon have a very close relationship.

Their unpretentious hugs before the start of the game left the news that Bruce Lee, who was reported by the street tabloid this morning, spent the spring with Hillary Duff last night.

In fact, Roy Li Zhen's touted each other before the game is even more "crazy". Roy claims that Li Zhen is the most talented and talented passer he has ever seen. He can see the opportunity from the mist and pass the basketball to the hands of every open teammate. Li Zhen said that Brandon Roy is a phenomenal rookie. He is on the path of superstars. In the future, he will be Kobe Bryant's biggest enemy.

Mutual praise between each other dilutes the gunpowder smell of the game.

But when the whistle of the game sounded, the two restrained but paranoid young men immediately took on a fighting stance.

After Andrew Bynum defeated Aldridge on the jump ball, Li Zhen took over the basketball and went straight to the frontcourt. Portland's point guard Jack tried to block Li Zhen from the three-point line. The 2005 first round 22 show has a mature and stable style of play, and the offense and defense are well-balanced.

However, equilibrium can no longer control Li Zhen.

Luke Wharton just ran over to cover Li Zhen a little, and Bruce's lightning pace had been precisely cut into the paint zone like a scalpel. When Li really hit the face, Zach Randorf, who weighed nearly 300 pounds, took the initiative to dodge: This guy is known for being lazy in defense, but did not expect to be so lazy.

This gave Li Zhen a chance to make a layup easily ...

Li Zhen was blinded.

He was intimately colliding with Randolph.

"If you come in next time, I won't give you a face." When returning to halftime, Randolph also put on a posture of "letting you go".

This made Li Zhen angry and funny. I thought to myself: I won't sign you until I know it.

Looking back, Brandon Royla opened the singles, and Morris Evans tried his best to block him on the flank.

However, Roy took just a few tentative steps to get Evans through, and then stopped in a jumper: Roy's action was solid and his technique was complete. Especially at the moment of the last shot, it is difficult not to associate Kobe Bryant on the sidelines.

Time Warner's director also cut the camera to Kobe on the sidelines, and Kobe nodded with his mouth closed.

He quite recognized Roy, and he did not object to the fact that Portland media referred to Brandon Roy as Huang Mamba. If it was not because of Li Zhen's relationship, he would even appreciate it in public.

Yi Bian fights again, even though Li Zhen wants to break in and get a good touch with Zakrandorf to see if he has fallen recently.

However, when Bynum took the free-throw line as a cover, and quickly got rid of Randolph's control like a deer, he couldn't help but pass the basketball in. The little shark received the basketball and jumped up quickly.

After the dunk, he did not forget to pat his chest with both hands, and then made the gesture of overlord.

This caused cheers from all the fans.

Since Bynum has repaired his relationship with Li Zhen, his performance has improved visually.

The legendary Lakers center Jabal, sitting in the VIP box, did not forget to make a speech to Sir Bass: "When a potential center meets an excellent point guard, his progress will be very fast. Give Andrew three years, he will be in Bruce's With assistance, become the top 3 center in the league. "

Three years?

Old Bath chewed this sentence carefully.


Roy hits a difficult jumper again, and he kills Morris and Luke Wharton as easily as he eats a burger. His offense was too natural.

"This guy is mature as if he has been playing nba for ten years."

Jenny Bass couldn't help but joke next to her father. She could see that her father's mood seemed not so good in recent days.

At this time, Jim Bass looked up at his beloved daughter, and Jenny was undoubtedly the most capable of his seven children. And she has an intimate relationship with Phil Jackson, which plays a vital role in the future stability of the Lakers.

However, deep down he didn't like Phil Jackson that much. He believes that Jackson is too old to be worthy of a daughter who still looks beautiful. And: "So, Jackson is still looking for part of the team's equity?"

"He hopes to serve the team better, so that he will have a greater sense of belonging." Jenny is open to this matter: "We should let this famous coach be bound to our battle In the car. "

Jim Bass on the side was extremely opposed: "He is an ambitionist. When he was in Chicago, he would fight players against the management. If he gets equity, he will overhead our entire family."

"Be more confident, Jim. Do you think Phil Jackson has the ability to influence us? Don't you believe your father's authority so much?" Jenny asked her younger brother instead.

When the Bass family talked about these matters in public, other people in the box, including Kupchak, Jabal, and even the magician Johnson, set their sights on the stadium. They did not want to blend in. This is the emotional intelligence that adults should have.

The game on the court is still in order.

Bruce's ability to break through and his organizational talents are clear, and the Blazers' weak defense has been cut by him. Bynum, Odom, and Wharton were all expressive under his inspiration.

The team also established a small lead.

"It seems that we haven't played a triangle attack for a while now." The Magician tried to break the silence after the Bass family fell silent for a long time: "Bruce's organizational talent is still underestimated. He is not a system player, but a system of his own. Players. "

Hearing this, Jim Bass said, sourly: "So ... does that mean we don't need a head coach next."


The vip box was silent again, and the atmosphere was rather awkward.

Each team's top executives have such intrigue, just like a workplace that is entangled with each other.

However, your coming and going will not affect anything, because the team leader is always the leader. Using Chinese emperor's mind technique to analyze, he could not wait to fight together.

But tonight Jerry Bass seemed to have a dim sum, and he rubbed his eyebrows. Then standing up, he decided to go to the toilet.

When he got up, Li Zhen returned to the bench after playing for 6 minutes in the first quarter, scoring 2 points and 5 assists. His physical fitness is still an objective factor shaving his playing time.

Judging from the performance of the first six minutes alone, Li Zhen is slightly better. Although Brandon has scored 9 points, 1 assists and 2 rebounds, he is in the No. 2 position. But ... the Blazers trailed by 3 points after all.

The game is still going on.

After Li Zhen got off the ground, Phil Jackson regained the triangle offensive posture.

But ... in the absence of Kobe Bryant, the Lakers did not have a real one-on-one attack point. So, nonsense.

Portland quickly seized the opportunity to overtake the score.

At the same time, Roy also began to switch his role. He frequently instigated the offensive and used his unpretentious assists to drive the team's overall offensive. Whether it's Aldridge, Zacrandorf, or Webster, extrajudiciary Outlaw.

Portland presents the grandeur of the Young Guards.


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