The God of Basketball - Chapter 280

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:30:34 AM

Chapter 280: [Bruce Lee, who is expected]

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Bogut was sent off.

Swift was sent off.

James Dolan was also sent off ... and it is likely that he will be held accountable.

Because his words were indeed too harsh, the most important thing is that he didn't have front row tickets yet. He had been standing there before, and the security staff did n’t even say he was. He even shouted. Was n’t he caught? Please go out quickly.

"Li Zhen is the biggest winner of this game. He got the oldest triple-double record, and it is not difficult to see from the cheers of the fans on the scene that he has become the owner of Madison Garden. This is faster than I thought. I originally thought he would need at least a month to catch discerning New York fans! "

Although the game is not over yet, McBrin can't wait in the studio to summarize the speech to the audience in the United States.

"Although the Lakers have been emphasizing that they have benefited a lot from this deal, Paul Gasol will bring them championship titles and the like. But from the performance tonight, after Li Zhen got 100% of the core position, he He also showed his skills at the All-Star level, but he is still only 19 years old. "Reggie Miller's words changed very quickly since he changed his mind:" Who is the ultimate winner is still difficult to judge. "

The discussion in the studio was quickly interrupted by an interview with the player channel.

The director switched the camera.

Their reporter interviewed James Dolan, the Knicks boss who had just been deported.

James Dolan didn't care about the referee's penalty.

"A player like Bogut, I am willing to pay for any player in the league to beat him!"

The boss of Doran said with fortune that it was like the boss of the 76ers publicly speaking, as long as Buckley beat Lambir, he paid for it.

"I don't allow anyone to maliciously hurt Bruce. He is now the most important property of the Knicks! Look at his performance tonight. He is like a piece of art. Is anyone deliberately hurting him?"

James Dolan was very angry, and he sternly emphasized: "Our club will definitely file a complaint with the league. Bogut has at least three bad black elbow attacks on Bruce. He must be severely punished, and no one wants his player because of one A normal layup or rebound is a career loss. "

After James Dolan finished speaking, he walked away.

And his voice also left a strong resonance in espn.

This is indeed the case. Who wants his players to be injured by dirty little moves or even have their careers scrapped?

Li Zhen played so well tonight, but Bogut was so dark.

In contrast, no one will stand on Bogut's side.

"It seems ... James Dolan likes Bruce Lee very much." Bill Walton took the time to sigh with emotion.

When he said this, the camera just swept the Knicks bench.

McBrin said: "When your team has a bunch of junk contracts with strange looks and strange ways of playing, you can hardly dislike the handsome and brilliant Bruce Lee.


The American audience was easily persuaded.

In terms of face value, the Knicks are above average except David Lee. Isn't all the other ... Is it a crooked melon?


Li Zhen apparently did not know that Bogut was being slammed violently on TV, nor did he know that Bogut was already equated with ugly paintings in the hearts of North American viewers.

It was only a pity that he was sitting on the bench, and why Swift appeared suddenly.

How good it would be if Bogut attacked him.

I only got 4 points of strength and 1 point of explosiveness from Bogut tonight.


Li Zhen sighed.

He feels that he can only score 80 points in this game.


The whistle sounded quickly.

competition is over.

132: 111.

The Knicks won the home victory without blood.

When the colorful ribbons were flying, more than 20,000 fans also found their long-lost passion.

They have long been reluctant to leave.

After all ... this is the first victory of Madison Gardens since New Year's Day in 2007.

I have to say that Li Zhen brought surprises to the Knicks far beyond expectations. They originally thought that Li Zhen might just be a good rookie in the draft. But now, the triple-double data seems to prove that Li Zhen is a historical rookie! !

Their joy grew irresistibly.

What a wonderful night.


"If the alliance does not take Bogut seriously, should we go back to the 1980s?"


The words of the smiling assassin at the press conference seemed very unconvincing.

After all, he was the source of chaos in the 1980s. As the leader of the Bad Boys Corps, the man who led the Pistons to the championship and won the finals mvp will one day be a justice messenger and criticize others for making small moves on the court?

The press conference was full of laughter and laughter.

The New York media thinks this is too dark and humorous.

Fortunately, everyone is in a good mood today.

Li Zhen ’s outstanding performance brought a rare victory to the team, and the triple-double data made countless discouraged fans re-see hope.

Therefore, in the post-match press conference, the New York media, known for its sarcasm and sarcasm, also seldom slowed down and asked questions calmly and calmly.

Thomas, of course, blasted Li Zhen.

"I have followed him since he was at Stanford. He is a representative of a new generation of point guards. I think he will soon be the first point guard. Jason Kidd, Stephen Nash, are all past tense. Chris Paul? Deron Williams? Their understanding of position 1 is far less than that of Bruce. So, you must believe that Bruce is the best point guard in the next decade. He will lead the Knicks to take off. "

"I know that Kupchak has been advocating what a great deal he made, saying that they will impact the championship and the like. But, don't be too happy, it is likely that the Knicks will get it before the Lakers champion."

"As long as we enter the playoffs, Jerry West's draft picks are worthless. I admire his elaborate calculations, but this time, he may be disappointed, he is the middleman who loses most People. Kwame Brown and Eddie Griffin leave Bruce is very mediocre, the Grizzlies will continue to sink. "

"Tonight's victory is just the beginning of the New York revival, and time will prove that the Knicks are the biggest winner of this tripartite transaction."

Isaiah Thomas is not humble.

The reporters in the audience who he said were very guilty. Although Li Zhen's performance tonight is beyond imagination, it brings infinite hope to fans and the media. But ... your character failed too fast, right?

Winning the championship before the Lakers? are you crazy? We still don't know how to deal with these garbage contracts.

Entering the playoffs this season? Brother, do n’t you know what we are doing now? We are now the penultimate in the east ... Amount, and won the penultimate change, but still a far cry.

And ... what Li Zhen is the first point guard in the next ten years, taking Stephen Nash, Jason Kidd, Chris Paul, Deron Williams as the backing. The two old players may not say anything, but can the two young point guards have no idea? Next time they meet Li Zhen, can they not die?

Why can't you be humble and keep a low profile?

The New York media are a bit worried about Thomas ’s big mouth, but their pens are unambiguous, and they are even more flamboyant ... No one is more proficient in the exaggerated artistic technique than the New York media.

So, when Li Zhen saw "King of New York, Bruce Lee glory returns from the local newspaper the next day!" "The first show is a triple-double, the first person in history" "The new owner of Madison Gardens, the great chess player of the New York revival" "We have the championship before the Lakers" "A small goal: the playoffs" "Bruce Li, a man destined to change basketball "... and other titles, he not only has the illusion of brain standby.

Is this ... too exaggerated?

Just a game, hold me like this?

Li Zhen rubbed his temple helplessly, no wonder people said that New York is both heaven and hell.

Holding it like this does not give room for progress at all.

"You have to consider the mood of the New York media. Since 2002, they have succumbed for five years. You don't know how they spent these five years. Now it's easy for you to be a shocking talent, sure It's a good blow, otherwise people will forget the praise of the New York media. "

Bill Duffy said to Li Zhen very seriously in the restaurant: "And, last night you got the youngest three pairs in history, Chamberlain, Oscar, Jason Kidd are not as fierce as you."

"By the way, did you watch the five best **** last night? All five **** are you! Two of your dunks, two of your assists and dunks, and an aerial turn no-look-pass, the Knicks whole Team history rarely has such a majestic night. "

Bill Duffy was extremely excited and joyful. This morning, his mailbox was filled with emails from various rich local sponsors.

Old-school businessmen in New York have sharper eyes than vultures, when they saw Li Zhen perform so bravely last night, plus the earthquake-like spread among the fan community.

They sent quotations one after another, for fear of falling behind.

"By the way, Bogut was suspended, 16 games, plus a fine of $ 20,000. It is even worse than Anthony's fight. You have to thank the New York media. They almost scolded the Australians as terrorists. The conversation even made people feel that a terrible diplomatic incident happened last night. "

Bill Duffy continued: "The New York media is really magical and worthy of being the center of the United States and the center of the world."

Li Zhen took a breath and thought to himself: This Bogut is really miserable. There was no income for 16 games in the ban, and there was a $ 20,000 fine. And most importantly, it also loses the 4 most important forces and 1 explosive force for survival inside.

Ugh! You still have to be decent!

Li Zhen stretched out lazily, and he was ashamed and justly climbed up from the bed.

But his straight, loose pants were slightly embarrassing.

Bill Duffy coughed twice and thought, the young man is in good health.

I played so tired last night, and I can still stand up for the next day.

It seems that the gossip girlfriend is really just gossip.



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