The God of Basketball - Chapter 317

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:28:57 AM

Chapter 317: [I think Li Zhen will annihilate the entire 03 generation]

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When Hamilton ran out of position in the desperate defense of the Western Forces, Li Zhen, who was deep in the army, shook his hand and looked back at the moon ... The collision of the two technical streams made the strong defense of the Western Forces collapse in the light of the wind .


Basketball obediently got into the Nets.

143: 143!

The two teams evened with 8 minutes and 21 seconds left until the end of the game.

All three attacks were spurred by Li Zhen. 2 points and 2 assists.

When the fans in Las Vegas shouted out Brue-lee's name again, Arenas' mood was called uncomfortable and suffocated. He believes that Li Zhen is nothing more than the advantage of the lineup. If he is to face Tony Parker instead of Kobe McGrady, he can definitely do better.

But leave him alone.

Now the whole world knows that Li Zhen has become the winner of the East Force. If it is not because his data is not as good as LeBron James, even he can be added to the All-Star mvp candidate list.

The New York fans in front of the TV were very happy.

Especially when they heard Kenny Smith boasting on the TV "Compared with Arenas' 0 points, 2 assists, 2 rebounds and 3 turnovers, I think the fans who voted this year are still very discerning. They chose at least one for the Eastern Forces. A point guard who can really lead the team to victory. "

Nothing is sweeter than this.

Although for Washington, this is the biggest face.

But who will be the first?

"Bruce has never let supporters down."

Kenny Smith continued to praise Li Zhen.

Kobe Bryant, sitting on the bench, was anxious.

He was originally able to win this game without a hitch. The 03 golden generation on the opposite side is fierce, but it is really different from these old fritters. It is definitely a difference between the sky and the cloud. If you are anxious, you can easily burst their heads.

However, he never imagined that his close brother had risen and led his team to reverse the situation, which caused the western region to fall into a passive state instantly.

"This kid's progress is really too fast, and his physical fitness has definitely made a qualitative leap compared to when he was in the Lakers."

Bryant pointed to Li Zhen and said to McGrady: "Look at his starting speed, you see his change of shape. And the most important confrontation, he actually didn't lose much to Tony Parker."

Tracy nodded again and again, and he said something that made Kobe quite sad: "The whole world says that your deal made a lot of money. But you only earn immediate power."


Black Manbabi knew this.

It's just ... what he didn't expect was that Li Zhen's potential was so terrifying. How long has it been since the strength has increased so much. In the past, playing Tony Parker still used his own rules to restrict. Nowadays, it can be tough and positive.

Although Tony Parker is a system player, he is only 70% of the Spurs in the All-Star game.

But Li Zhen's ability to knock out Tony Parker at 70% level does not mean that he has the strength of an All-Star.

Perhaps his pure strength has now ranked in the top 50 in the league.


Black Mamba sighed.

His desire to chase the championship this season has skyrocketed. You have to hurry up while you and Paul Gasol are at their peak and have more championships. Lest you regret it in the future.

Of course, no matter how sorry Kobe and the Lakers regret, they won't regret it like the Memphis.

Jerry West has submitted his resignation to Memphis after explaining the rookie game. He must admit that he has become the biggest loser in that three-way deal.

In his original calculations, Li Zhen was at most a traffic star with a very high degree of topic. There was no place in Tennessee. There was no crazy media and spotlights to provide him with a stage. He came to Memphis and was unable to lead the team to rebuild, nor could he bring much exposure to the team, because there is always a day when the traffic is exhausted.

Therefore, he chose to pick the New York draft pick.

His keen eyes told him that the New Yorkers' picks are worth a lot. If he can lock in his draft picks in the next few years, it would be tantamount to locking in the super genius of the United States in the next few years.

Even if the vision is worse, there is absolutely no problem to be stronger than Li Zhen.

And, what if you got Greg Oden or Kevin Durant?

West's wishful thinking was absolutely correct.

However, he never dreamed that the traffic star Li Zhen had not been a little bit unsatisfied after arriving in New York, and had not fallen into the endless internal friction of the Knicks locker room. Moreover, he surprisingly bonded the Knicks chaotic team relationship. In addition, Marbury, who didn't fear even Kevin Garnett, stood behind him, even taking the initiative to give up the ball.

As a result, the Knicks harvested a series of winning streak last week, only one step away from the playoff threshold.

Based on this situation, Jerry West had to resign.

Quit at this time, the face is a little more beautiful.

It was the ugliest step down when the Knicks confirmed the playoff tickets on the day when the picks he held devalued to nothing.


Stoudemire finally hit a stable mid-range jumper.

Kobe on the sidelines was relieved.

Tracy McGrady, who was nearby, also stood up and waved his fist.

This game is of great significance to this group of superstars who are in their prime.

Because this is equivalent to the close combat between their generation and the new generation, they are unwilling to leave the stage. Although it is said that a generation will eventually grow old, they do not think it is time to surrender the scepter.

However, there are always people who are young.


Li Zhen circumvented Tony Parker's **** in the frontcourt, leaping into the penalty zone like a smart fox, and suddenly jumped when Stoudemire was blocked by Little O'Neal, just like a glimpse of a backhand to float the basketball Into the net.

Tie again.

Slow motion replayed Li Zhen's glide trajectory.

Live fans cheered.

"It's a bit like your classic shot." Tracy McGrady said with a smile.

Bryant raised his eyebrows: "His waist is not as good as my twist. Flying's posture is not bad."

He pursed his lips, trying not to let pride show through.

He was very pleased that Li Zhen could have such a performance. For Li Zhen, he did not have the slightest jealousy. This is different from his feelings for LeBron. He even hopes that Li Zhen can surpass LeBron and take the scepter directly from himself. Although it seems impossible, but such thoughts have always been in my heart.

"Defense! Defense! Defense !!"

Black Mamba stood up, and he clapped his palms to remind the players to stand. He didn't want the Western troops to be crushed by Li Zhen at this time.

D'Antoni also quickly replaced Kevin Garnett with better defense and replaced Stoudemire, preparing to gradually improve his combat effectiveness.

However, the Eastern Force and Li Zhen did not give them time to gradually increase.

When Cameron hit an iron in a jumper in the frontcourt, O'Neal got a rebound and quickly passed to Li Zhen. The tacit understanding between the two was like years of cooperation.

Li Zhen ran towards the front with a basketball. Although Tony Parker was desperately chasing, Ray Allen also assisted.

However, they neglected Li Zhen to write the chakra.

This guy seems to be equipped with a 360-degree sweep camera.

He found that Ray Allen's brother Kang ran out of the first step in the three-point line. At the time, he passed the basketball from Ray Allen's side with a blow.

But it fell into Hamilton's hands, but it was Zhongzheng peace, no adjustment at all, just open your hand!


This three-pointer made the Eastern Forces finally overtake by three points.

At the same time, D'Antoni could only replace Kobe on the court.

As soon as Kobe Bryant came on the court, he used perfect technical moves to stage the four positions of the back singles. Although Hamilton worked very hard, he could only work in vain.


The hit of the basketball made the West bleed back.

Then, Li Zhen encountered Black Mamba's all-round defense in the frontcourt, although Li Zhen found a trace of space through a pick-and-roll and passed the basketball to the three-point line to Carter.

But Carter's jumper failed to penetrate Cameron's defense.

Basketball hit the iron, kg grabbed the rebound and roared, the west stabilized the situation.

At the same time, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade stood up quickly, and they walked to the technical table to prepare for battle.

Arenas also set his sights on Eddie Jordan at this time, as the general who claimed to be the first heart of the league, and had staged a lore and turned to celebrate in advance.

But ... Eddie Jordan is also difficult.

He can only say, look again, look again.

After all, LeBron James and Wade do n’t say anything, but they still think that Li Zhen can stay on the court to contribute.

However, when Bryant assisted Kevin Garnett dunk, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade walked onto the court, and the chemical reaction of the Eastern Forces immediately changed.

After Li Zhen no longer held the ball, his role quickly diminished.

Although he still runs tirelessly, but basketball is not in his hands, he is equivalent to useless walking.

Everyone knows that his shooting level is very low, so low that he can let go of two steps.


He didn't touch the ball for two consecutive rounds and was quickly replaced.

It was replaced by ... Gilbert Arenas.

General Arenas roared deliberately when he replaced Li Zhen.

I don't know if I was demonstrating to Li Zhen, or I was reminding myself not to score any more points.

"Actually, I think our lineup is enough to defeat the current West Force."

Back at the bench, O'Neal whispered with frowning.

The Hamilton next door has a heart, he has always been a representative of team basketball.

He didn't believe in any superstar basketball. The Lakers f4 was killed by them.

Therefore, the reticent man also said: "Bruce, I think you are the future of the alliance. The future of Generation 03 will completely die in your hands ..."


Man, if you are not crying, you will be a blockbuster.

Little O'Neill stared at him with wide eyes, thinking to himself, where did you come to the conclusion, is thinking too jumpy. As we all know, the Knicks are now a 10,000-year-old broken ship. Why did it bury the entire super-platinum generation?

Hamilton's expression was calm, although no one knew what he was thinking.

He felt that his ideas were not groundless.

In short, there is a reason.

Hamilton responded with a focused look to the little O'Neill's amazed look.

O'Neal couldn't help but give a thumbs up: Do all of the shooters from Kangda tell cold jokes like this?


O'Neal laughed first.

Then, his laughter alarmed Great O'Neal next to him.

O'Neal was the master who broke the casserole and asked why. He quickly asked why.

When O'Neal repeated Hamilton's conclusion, he suddenly smiled and became a three hundred pound black boar.

Then, the whole bench seat laughed.

Of course, some laughed, some unconsciously.

But no matter what, everyone thought that Hamilton was telling a wonderful cold joke.

No matter how you laugh, Hamilton is the poker face, and he is meticulous.

Activities in my heart are surging.


what's so funny.

He looked at Li Zhen.

He found that Li Zhen didn't smile either.

Because Li Zhen looked at Hamilton in surprise.

The positive energy in his brain was sending a faint radio wave, which made him inexplicably happy and familiar with Hamilton.

At this time, Li Zhen remembered that Hamilton was the top shooter trained by the Wizards at the end of Jordan's career.

No wonder that Positive Energy feels close to Hamilton.

No wonder Hamilton will suddenly make such an amazing judgment.

So, there is such a slight connection in Mingming.

It's as if some people have met a hundred times, and you still feel sick.

When some people meet for the first time, you are like spring breeze.

Special magnetic fields always exist.

This is the reason why Hamilton has no firm reason, but is so determined to throw out the "magical conclusion".


There is another major update tonight.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!