The God of Basketball - Chapter 477

Published at 1st of March 2023 05:22:39 AM

Chapter 477: [Recruitment by Draft]

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"Come to me later. I brought Victoria's latest underwear and the style designed by your mother."

Before Li Zhen left the arena, Scarlett Johansson deliberately lie in Li Zhen's ear and said such a tiger and wolf.

However, when Li Zhen returned to the hotel, he saw another look on TV.

"Leverly should go home and have a good chat with her parents. They must know better than her how to stay away from a dangerous man."

"A handsome, tall, and attractive man like Bruce must not try lightly, they will devour young girls like demons."

"Mature women like me, he has no chance to show."

Scarlett spread her palms proudly on TV: "We don't eat that one!"

It is really oily to eat with a wrap.

Li Zhen shook his head helplessly in Kobe's room, Bryant then turned off the TV. "If I were you, I would conquer this woman."

Black Mamba said fiercely. He was a man who challenged all kinds of disobedience, with the unique style of his time, otherwise he would not have done it because of Shaq... made mistakes.

Of course, Li Zhen is not willing to delve into this topic with him.

After all, he couldn’t tell Kobe that Scarlett Johansson even ordered him another hotel room tonight.

This kind of fake cat and mouse thief shouting thieves, Kobe Bryant in the 70s doesn't understand. He was still a teenager, only knowing to ask a woman to clink a glass with a wine glass at the ball and ask for a mobile phone number.

However, on the offensive side, no one in active service knows better than Kobe.

Kobe pointed out the shortcomings of Li Zhen in the recent period.

Of course, before this, he praised Li Zhen's performance in the paint area to about 12 feet. Li Zhen's ability to score in the restricted area is becoming more and more adept. His tie-drawing skills and layup feel have been well received.

Many people even started to say that he has surpassed Tony Parker's dominance in the three-second zone.

This benefited from the sparring of Francisco Garcia, Matt Barnes, Ramon Sessions and Jeffries.

These four will appear in the training ground and will be called by Li Zhen to train in the past. Li Zhen increasingly catches the logic of shooting in the game against them, especially the feel of the layup in the gap between the basket.

The kind of dexterous style even reminds people of Spurs famous iceman George Gervin, elegant and charming. If it weren’t because Li Zhen’s bounce height has always been relatively touching, it can even be called the combined version of glider and iceman.

It is worth mentioning that Garcia, Barnes, Sessions, Jeffries, because they often accompany Li Zhen on the training ground, their defensive ability, especially for the breakthrough guard's defensive ability, has made a great difference improvement.

Especially Garcia, this guy is now advancing by leaps and bounds, and has stabilized in the last four games.

Quentin Richardson was very uncomfortable. He originally expected to get a tens of millions of annual salary in New York. He actually returned to the bench. He didn't read his Buddha's number very much, he was entangled with Isaiah Thomas every day, hoping that Thomas would pay attention to the humerus for many years and give him more time.

However, this year's Isaiah Thomas is not the Thomas of the past.

The old smiling assassin's ears were soft and could not bear to please. But now, he is pretending to be happy every day, happy all the time, all kinds of praise in the New York media enduring, and the star eyes that the team boss worships every day.

Ordinarily pleased, he no longer put it in his ears.

What's more, he recently understood one thing: To be prosperous, one must follow the instructions of production safety, and must not interfere with laymen. Now that Jamie Lin, Bruce Lee and others have agreed to Garcia, it means Garcia is very strong.

In this case, why do you want to change it?

He hit a haha ​​and passed.

Respect the profession!

"The height of your team's penalty zone is still a bit lower."

Kobe Bryant said to Li Zhen without any worries: "There will still be some problems with the Celtics and Orlando Magic. Although your flanking defense has reached the league's first-class level, your team except Eddie Curry , Not even a player with a height of more than 210."

Li Zhen nodded.

This is indeed the case.

The newly joined Foyer is a center with a very thick chassis. He is hard to complain, but his barefoot height is shorter than Randolph.

Although Shelton Williams was proud after joining the Knicks, he finally played the team basketball that he really wanted. And in teamwork, I also vaguely found the big landlord who swept the ncaa that year. But he is only 202 in height.

This made the Knicks' restricted area always subject to air strikes.

Although the flanks and the top of the arc on both sides can largely screen the attackers, but the ability to pocket the bottom of the penalty area is still not as good as the top teams.

Encountered the Lakers' three-high lineup, it is estimated that he will be scorched.

Fortunately, there are few teams like the Lakers in the league.

"We almost reached a buyout contract with Eddie." Li Zhen said for no reason.

Eddy Curry's role in the Knicks is getting smaller and smaller, and he feels it himself.

Therefore, when the wealthy James Dolan offered to buy out his contract, he did not resist much.

I just hope to stay on the team as an individual coach.

This ridiculous request made Li Zhen dumbfounded at the time. Just like you, still being a physical trainer? Teach everyone how to eat a plate of pizza in three bites?

Even more humorous, James Dolan agreed.

The reason is that Eddy Curry told him emotionally: "It doesn't matter if I don't pay for work, I just like the atmosphere of the team."

Dolan has now become more and more emotional by Isaiah, and he even agreed to this absurd request.

"Your boss does have money!"

Kobe Bryant lamented: "Actually, he can also buy out Stephen Marbury's contract. In this way, you don't have to pay the luxury tax, which is conducive to your summer recruitment."

Li Zhen nodded.

"They are indeed in contact now, as if to buy out Stephen's original contract and sign another long contract."

Li Zhen said.

With the team's outstanding record, James Dolan doesn't care about money at all.

Currently, the two players do not insist too much on the ratio of the buyout amount. It's about 70% of the original contract.

"However, we have no plans to recruit. Our future plan is the draft." Li Zhen told Kobe.


Bryant was dumbfounded.

Relying on the draft?

Is it too good?

I've heard of relying on the draft to rebuild, and it's really the first time to rely on draft.

"You can guarantee that you can choose what you want every time, and it will be effective immediately." Kobe said with a smile, he disagreed.

Li Zhen frowned, but he was very serious:

"It might work!"



[Suddenly sad, add more tonight. The code is updated until three o'clock in the morning, more and less is a fate! 】

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