The God of Basketball - Chapter 50

Published at 16th of January 2023 05:28:43 AM

Chapter 50: [Return to the hope, regain the initiative]

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Coach McHani did not expect the team's chemistry to be so bad. Originally, in his calculations, although this lineup may have a short board on the defensive end, the offensive power must be higher than the original lineup.

Who knows ... tj Wharton has completely detached himself from the team system. His continuous shocks like the death squad did not bring benefits to the team, but instead let the team enter into a situation where it would not end.

And when he tried to make more adjustments, Li Zhen on the court even called a timeout and walked down angrily, which made him unexpected.

In his eyes, Bruce Lee is still the obedient little player, is this to rebel?

"We can't go on like this, Chairman Fraser." Li Zhen didn't even find the head coach at all, but walked directly to the chairman of the Stanford Sports Committee, and sincerely emphasized: "We are now completely in a situation of being beaten passively. , I ca n’t sit back and watch the team continue to do this. We finally created a situation like this today, I think ... you do n’t want the good situation to stop! "

Fraser froze.

At this time, Scott rushed straight up, he said with a rough voice: "Yes, Mr. Fraser. We can no longer run according to the current tactics, tj Wharton is no longer suitable for the current system, our pass cut The cooperation was completely interrupted ... "

Before Scott's words were finished, Coach McHani walked quickly. He smiled and shouted, "Hey, boys, what are you talking about?"

He tried to calm the matter down.

However, what he didn't think of was that he considered the most obedient player ... Bruce Lee looked directly at his eyes and calmly told him: "Coach, we are talking about the current tactical issues. We don't think we can continue to fight like this If you continue your tactics, our road to victory will end here. "


McHani was obviously stunned.

"Are you challenging the authority of the head coach? Do you really think you can defeat the University of Kansas? If you stick to your tactics and lose, who will be responsible?" Tj Wharton's sharp voice sounded.


An unexpected voice sounded. Looking back, Coach Jamielyn did n’t know when he had arrived here. His expression was firm, and he said with absolute certainty: "If I lose this game, I will take full responsibility. .. I will resign and apologize to all fans of the crimson team. "

Jamie Lin's remarks once again staggered McHani.

Isn't it said that the Chinese are the most obedient? Why did these two people stand up against themselves at the same time?

And the thing that made him never think of is.

"I support Coach Jamilin !!!" The scream of the team center Frank Benson sounded firm.

"I also support Jamielin!"

And Thomson.

"I also support ..."

Roy Hicks, Rex Dan, Ian House, Hank Craig ... More and more Stanford players are standing behind Jamie Lin.

In fact, they are also very dissatisfied with the current situation. Since playing the University of Southern California, they have followed Miracle Coach and Bruce Lee to create miracles. Their position on the campus is increasing day by day, even surpassing those of the football school team.

When they can see their names on the TV in the newspaper, the joy and pride can hardly be concealed.

However, with the return of coach McHani. Everything has changed, the harmonious training camp atmosphere, and the wonderful court reaction were overturned by tj Wharton.

Everyone has dissatisfaction in their hearts, and no one thinks that the miracle that is hard to create is destroyed by a spoiler who is suddenly killed.

So, when Bruce stood up first, then Coach Jamielin stepped up again.

They can no longer restrain their inner impulses.

One by one chose to stand behind Jamie Lin and Bruce Lee.

This not only made McHani unexpected, but also beyond Li Zhen and Jamie Lin's expectations. They originally thought that their rebellion was isolated.

As a result, after the first shot was fired, the situation of Liaoyuan was formed immediately!

The so-called fair and free heart is probably the case.

President Fraser's willpower has been largely biased towards Bruce Lee at this moment, although he knows that McHani is the team's official head coach.

But ... it ’s not him who created the miracle.

Moreover, as the chairman of the sports committee, can he not want the team to continue its miracle?

From the first five minutes of coach McHani's command, it is impossible for him to accomplish such a feat!

In the end, it was 9,000 fans who overwhelmed McHani's head coach.

When tnt's lens swept to the Stanford bench, all fans realized what struggles were taking place on the red team: Last night's Richmond article played a promotional role.

Richmond was also the first to call the exit sign.

brue-lee! brue-lee! brue-lee! !

When the shouts in the arena changed from sporadic to uniform, from regional to surf-like.

Frazer finally did not hesitate at all, he told Li Zhen and Jamie Lin: Just follow your tactics.

Then he called Coach McHani aside to appease ... even though Coach McHani was irritated and unacceptable. But ... Qingzhou has passed through the mountains. When 80% of the team's players choose an assistant coach, and when 9,000 fans in the audience are shouting the name of another person, it is futile for him to fight.

At the same time, Coach Jemilin picked up the tactical board and began to arrange.

When the camera reached this scene, everyone knew: Bruce and Jamiely won, and they took back the dominance from the peach-picking McHani.

Everyone is very pleased.

Li Zhen was most gratified, because when he saw the confident Jamielin, he suddenly realized that everything had changed. The fate of Coach Jamielin has since changed. Although he does not know whether the nightmare actually happened in a certain parallel time and space, at least he will not be drove out of the coaching staff like he did in that dream.

You see, as long as you stick to your professions and principles and dare to fight back when others invade yourself, good things will happen.


Michael Jordan looked at the cheers, and he turned his head to ask his assistant: "Does this guy really have such high charm?"

His assistant nodded: "Yes. If you put aside your skills and future potential, he is almost the most commercially valuable player in ncaa."


The **** of basketball nodded, he didn't speak again. But he always feels that Li Zhen has an inexplicable sense of intimacy, a kind of aura that makes him want to be close, but there are some barriers.

At this time, in the stands about 20 meters away from them, Kevin George told Buford General Manager and Presti: "It looks like Bruce has taken the initiative, and next ... he will definitely perform well. . Believe me, he is by no means the player of the level of the previous few minutes. "

Buford raised his eyebrows slightly, and he thought to himself: it is best. If this guy doesn't hit anything that brightens his eyes, he will get up and leave without hesitation. As the general manager of the Spurs, he is not interested in staying here to watch a bright pointless ball handler takes 40 minutes to complete the game.

"Next, it's up to you."

After finishing the tactics, Jamie Lin put his palms firmly on Li Zhen's shoulders: "We have done deviant things. If we do not show our absolute strength to correct the shadow on the ground, we will be swallowed by public opinion. It does n’t matter if I resign, but you are a talented player, you are a Chinese pride who can go to NBA. "

"Come on !!"

Jamie Lin put all his expectations into this powerful Chinese language, which fell heavily on Li Zhen's heart.

Yes, the stage has been snatched back, and then I will watch my performance.

Come on!

Li Zhen clenched his fists and walked firmly onto the court.


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