The God of Basketball - Chapter 512

Published at 17th of January 2023 12:57:55 PM

Chapter 512: [Does the Knicks have normal humans? 】4000 guarantees updated to!

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At four o'clock in the morning, after coming out of Gisele Bundchen's house, Bruce Lee was very moved.

He realized...that his love for his girlfriends was too little.

When he suddenly appeared at the door of Giselle’s house, the beautiful and independent most beautiful model in the world said happily and sadly: “If you tell me, it will appear at my door at eight o’clock tonight. At six o'clock, I will feel happy. The closer the time, the more I will feel happy..."

"Next time, can you give me more happiness during the waiting period?"

Of course, Bruce kissed Giselle deeply.

The height and shape of the two are so harmonious at the moment: this is the feeling that other women cannot bring to Bruce.

Bruce even danced with Gisele in the melodious piano music, which was a very warm and romantic time. Of course...after the warmth, it is naturally a job that every young man and woman will perform.

From the sofa in the living room to the stairs, from the spiral staircase to the balcony on the second floor, and then to the bedroom.

Bruce can always play well in any away game and become his own home.

"Will we continue to fall in love this way?"

Gisele asked Li Zhen before Bruce left.

Because Li Zhen told her that he was going to Philadelphia to play away games.

"of course."

Li Zhen answered yes.

From now on, he will be a responsible man.

"So... can you dunk a perfect basket for me in the game? Then, I need you to kiss me towards the camera. I have to feel the spirit of being with you in front of the TV." Giselle was obsessed. Looked at Li Zhen with both eyes.

"Ok! Of course."

Bruce smiled and told Gisele that this was not an excessive requirement.

"I will make some marks related to you on the latest products. I need to tell the world through this secret and ceremonial way that I am in love with you."

Giselle continued.

Female celebrities always like to create such a sense of ceremonies. On the one hand, they do not want to be spied on by others, on the other hand, they secretly make announcements all over the world. What is required is this kind of morse code joy.

Li Zhen kissed Giselle's lips, then left on the night.

About 40 minutes later, he appeared in Hathaway's basement.

When it comes to time management, Bruce has an extraordinary place.

When he decides to be a responsible man, he will not neglect any girlfriend who is still in Big Apple City.

The rain and dew are the magic weapon of the stable harem that has been passed down for thousands of years.

On the way Li Zhen came, he began to suspect that the blood of the emperor might be flowing in his veins.

It must be like this.

Although Anne Hathaway could not understand why Bruce asked her to wear the cheongsam designed by her future mother-in-law, Bruce's sudden disappointment dispelled all her emotions. She was like a woman who could not extricate herself in happiness.

"Let's dance a dance."

When Bruce made this request, Hathaway was almost happy to explode.

She never imagined that Bruce would do such an intimate move with herself, and... his dance skills were actually pretty good, making the Latin dance look decent.

It's just that she didn't understand something. During the dance, Bruce told her a joke that she didn't quite understand: "The secret of Latin dance is that you have to pull me this..."

This may be a Chinese homophone.

Hathaway is not a woman who breaks the casserole and asks in the end, her relationship with Bruce is also: Bruce knows her depth, and she never understands Bruce...

Three poles in the sun.

Bruce finally left Hathaway's house, and he really arrived at JFK immediately.

"Can you dunk a perfect dunk for me during the game? I like the 360-degree dunk. I hope you can kiss me after the dunk. I like this feeling of being intimate."

"I hope you don't feel embarrassed about this. You have to know that girls all like this kind of ritual."

Hathaway said irritably.


of course!

Although Li Zhen was somewhat stunned, at a certain moment he even doubted whether the collusion was good. But he agreed without hesitation: "Of course I will satisfy your wish."


When Bruce arrived at the plane, he was inexplicably relieved.

His spirits began to relax.

The body is very excited, as if full of electricity.

At this time, Zach Randorf had already bragged with the team reporters in the front row: "I need women every day. I don't know why I am so strong. Without women, I can't perform well on the court."

Randolph worked hard to promote his contemporary Chamberlain design.

Li Zhen was speechless.

Teammates also frowned.

You really don’t understand why Randolph wanted to set up such a person for himself, why not? Look at the training traces on your body. They are so thin.

However, no one dismantled him.

The coaching staff also did not criticize his behavior of "corrupt ball style". After all, this guy was really too hard during this time... Technical and tactical levels have risen in a straight line, weight has fallen rapidly, and speed and explosiveness have been particularly obvious.

Gossip when you gossip outside.

Those commentators did not say any good things about the Knicks anyway.


The Philadelphia 76ers are undoubtedly the saddest of the current 16 playoff teams. Even more sad than... Denver Nuggets who also eat 2:0.

After all, not many commentators gave them poisonous milk before the game, saying they could beat the Lakers.

"Our young players have benefited a lot from this series, which has saved us a lot of energy."

When the Knicks arrived in Philadelphia, the general manager of the 76ers accepted radio interviews and began to summarize this season.

Of course, he also put forward his expectation: "We will not accept being swept away, we will fight back efficiently at home, under the watch of more than 20,000 fans. Coach Morris Chikes already has a full plan!"

When the goal of a team becomes refusal to sweep, then they are not far from the outburst of ‘soldier must win’.

Morris Cheeks firmly believes in this. He believes that there will always be one out of so many young people on the team.

Because, nba often happens similar stories: a young player in the regular season regular punch card work to accumulate character. Playoffs and other veteran players shouted, "I'm not blue, I'll fight with the knife." This uncommon young player will jump out of the ditch and cast magic all over the enemy to be blown away.

Recent classic examples include Dwyane Wade in the 2004 playoffs, Prince in the 2003 playoffs, and... Eddie Jones in 1996.

In theory, Philadelphia has trained four such young players from 2005 to 2007: Louis Williams, Rodney Carney, Jason Smith, and Cediz Young. You can even add Andre Iguodala.

But who can break out?

Morris Cheeks had no idea.

He can only wait for this moment to happen.

At the same time, he said to the media before the game: "Our focus in the next stage is to prevent Bruce from going into the penalty zone. In the first two games, we gave him too many chances to kill. We did not treat him as a superstar. , This is a principle error."

"When people have started talking about being top-10 goalkeepers in active service, even our head players adore him, we actually think of him as a normal second-year rookie, which is ridiculous."

Morris Cheeks made no secret of his defensive strategy.

In contrast, the Knicks' head coach, Isaiah Thomas, who has also been officially declared as coach of the year, appears unprepared.

When he was asked how to face the next seven or six people, he supported us, he couldn't say the specific tactics, and he couldn't even remember the other seven or six except Andre Iguodala and Andre Miller The name of the person.

"I...I...our tactics are as usual."

Isaiah finally used this passage to cover up this failed interview.

What makes people irritated is that Kenny Smith explained this on the TV station: "Some coaches are so bad at words."

At the time, Charles Barkley, who was sitting next to him, had a black line: Do you call Isaiah Thomas a bad word? One day this guy doesn't pretend to be in the media?

"Morris Cheeks has promoted Bruce's status to superstar level, and the young guys in Philadelphia will also come up with the corresponding defensive level. This is very likely that Bruce has faced a strong defense since his career."

"So, can he stand this test as a superstar?"

Charles read his opening remarks before the game.

Kenny was obviously tired of such remarks, and he even said bitterly: "Since February, when the Knicks faced the Dallas Mavericks, you have been the same opening speech. Can you change the word?"

"Okay, Charles, why don't we make a bet. I bet three hundred dollars, Bruce can get 25 points in this game, anyway, you don't believe Bruce's scoring strength, just dare not come out with those who have covered their faces Like a basketball expert."

Kenny said impatiently.

"Oh, no! Kenny, I'm different from those guys. I never doubted Bruce's strength."

Charles expressed a negative politeness, he did not want to be compared with Bill Simmons. But he is a gambler: "However, I have no way not to win the $300. You know, Bruce's offensive technique is still far from the scorer. He is not an offensive point guard. Although he looks aggressive, but that It’s an illusion. It’s like all the girlfriends who have been gossip with him have privately clarified that it has nothing to do with him."

Kenny was too lazy to debate his girlfriend's affairs with Gossip, and immediately vowed with him to declare that the game had been reached.


Li Zhen was still wearing a short message with Ashley Olsen before playing. Olsen used a series of love to express her feelings of miss on her mobile phone. She recently communicated in Hollywood making a movie for Li Zhen, and they plan to make another big vote this offseason.

Ashley is always very strong in front of outsiders, but in Bruce's mobile phone, she will always be like a little milk dog.

No one thought she would lick so much.

"...Oh dear. How good it would be if you could be in Los Angeles. New York is so far away from Hollywood, can you not spend half of the time playing for the Los Angeles Lakers? In this way, we can go to Bay together every weekend Forli shopping, walking on the sunny beaches, playing in Las Vegas...I really want to feel like I’m lying under your body. Just remembering the pictures makes me tremble..."

"How I want to lie on your back and kiss your earlobe..."



Ashley's description made Bruce move in many places, he quickly told Ashley: The game is about to start.

Then Ashley asked him: "Can you dunk for me in this game? After the dunk, can you blow a kiss at the US live broadcast camera? I will definitely feel this strong impact in front of the TV, And fainted to faint."


When the same request was made three times.

Li Zhen was even numb.

"of course can."

Isn't that just a dunk?

Mr. Bruce's bounce ability has skyrocketed recently. Sometimes he even simulates a dunk.

Poor shooting coach Alan Houston was detained by him in training camp... he couldn't dream why he was a shooting coach who would do the job of a crotch minister.

Possibly, this is the end of making unjust money.


Zach Randolph succeeded in replacing Bruce as the most hated player in Philadelphia. He claimed to be a serious offense to Philadelphia fans' feelings for contemporary Chamberlain. After all, Chamberlain is the greatest star in Philadelphia history, and Iverson's status cannot even be compared with him.

But now, this **** fat man has to challenge Chamberlain's dominance off the court.

Is he worthy?

Eddie Griffin followed Randolph indifferently. He was not sympathetic at all and Randolph was greeted by the audience. He thinks Randolph is taking responsibility for himself, and men who like to exaggerate gimmicks will always incur these things.

Why not love music like me?

Griffin often thinks about it.

The two-week suspension did not weaken his game. He even added 1 kg of muscle in these two weeks, which shows how active his training is.

Of course, the most important reason is because Bruce gave him a music demo and invited him to sing the rap part.

Music always gives him a strong stimulus.

In this case, he steered forward.


When he sounded at the whistle, he bounced violently like a grasshopper and gave the basketball to Li Zhen.

He couldn't help but touch his new hairstyle proudly... The green hair filled him with fighting spirit.

He really liked Sauron in One Piece.

Because Bruce is Luffy in his mind.

"Are you just this level? Seven or six people are finished!"

He opened his teeth indifferently, and then ran forward quickly. The whole feeling is like a patient with advanced secondary disease.

The young striker of the Philadelphia Sixers, Syedis Young, looked dementedly at Eddie Griffin who was posing in front of himself, muttering to himself, and then ran forward with a hand knife.

Does the Knicks have a normal human?

Sardis asked himself.




[Guarantee four thousand to deliver. At present, there are already 6200 starting point rewards. Then add 2 more chapters. If it reaches 10,000 before 12:00, add 3 more chapters. Complete before dawn! ps, continue to ask for monthly tickets. ps2: Thank you for the next chapter of the reward list. 】

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