The God of Basketball - Chapter 563

Published at 17th of January 2023 12:56:00 PM

Chapter 563: [I only care about whether your wings are hard or not]

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Anger is often only a brief moment of madness.

Physical exhaustion is the heavy load on the players that makes people unable to breathe.

Paul Pierce launched a quick and fierce offensive after Zach Randolph made two free throws. He tried to kill in the paint. But... Eddie Griffin relentlessly suppressed his efforts: He lurked like a ghost on the road he must pass, and at the moment he took off, he used his right hand to press his basketball with no expression and let him Unable to take off.


The referee blew a whistle.

No matter how loud Pierce complained, what a bad foul it was.

But the king of heaven is here.

The referee can only blow the whistle for the two sides to compete in the paint zone.

Because all the slow-motion replays show that this is a smart and alert defense.

His complaints are baseless and can only make his own emotions more perverse.


Eddie Griffin had no sympathy for his opponent, he easily shot the basketball to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen grabbed the basketball and began to counterattack. His speed was like gasoline ignited by sparks. The offensive spread like a wave of fire, and he fanned with his teammates. Boston was destroyed by this fast attack many times tonight. .

In all fairness, Boston is a very smart defensive team. They handle the non-technical aspects very well, and they are strong in the details.

However, their thinking speed is not as good as Li Zhen's most powerful brain.

In other words, none of their outside defenders can make Li Zhen feel uncomfortable.

Ray Allen's defense is quite satisfactory. Lagarrondo's defense is more than enough to deal with the league's top point guard below the 1st position, but facing Li Zhen, he is stretched and struggling.

"Little Fox is the kind of point guard who can create a sparkling prairie situation as long as there is a glimmer of life. He has unique leadership skills..."


Kenny Smith’s praise is not even complete, he is still organizing various gorgeous words in his heart.

Li Zhen hit the ground with a more magnificent crotch and handed the basketball to Zach Randolph, who followed up. Randolph twisted his fat and thin body into the penalty area forcibly...Huh!

A high toss shows his delicate touch.

He didn't care about Perkins' frustrated expression.

He even mocked him: "It's impossible for you to get ten million annual salary in your life."

The entire Knicks team seems to be proficient in this kind of evil wisdom. Every one of them knows how to continue to give you a knife and another knife until it separates your soul from confidence.

Kevin Garnett scored in the next three rounds.

The highest-paid player in the history of the NBA is bursting out unprecedented fighting power. He crushed Eddie Griffin under him, and he used high-intensity shots after repeated collisions to penetrate the Knicks' basket.

However, shooting won't kill the Knicks.

He was very weak to find that even though he tried his best to show toughness and iron blood, he poured all his energy into the arena.

There is still no way to stop the agility of the Knicks. The No. 10 player stirred the situation at halftime. He was agile and sharp, igniting the attacking firepower of the Knicks star Romie, forming a powerful attacking firepower net... This is why Mingming Nick Slovakia's book strength is not strong, but he can always play the game, but can always output the reasons for the high energy state.

The Big Three are still fighting tenaciously.

Boston's champion genes make it impossible for them to give up the game.

With 1 minute left in the game, they played a picture that shocked the Knicks.

First, Paul Pierce hit the shot with a difficult turn over jumper.

Subsequently, Kevin Garnett furiously swooped into the penalty area and shot Matt Barnes's layup off the court.

Soon after, Ray Allen hit a three-pointer from the bottom line.

This wave of offensive reduced the scores of the two teams to 1 point again.

A loud noise erupted from the Boston bench, and the momentum burned fiercely.

Kenny Smith and the fans on the scene are beginning to worry about whether they will be overturned by the Boston Celtics at the last minute and then go to the sixth or even seventh game. .

However, Li Zhen did not keep this suspense for too long.

He immediately used an Iverson-style assassination to enter the penalty area, and forced Perkins into the basketball... He showed his tenacious will, and his amazing physical fitness... Despite being separated from the game Dunk has proved his strength, but now this last-minute confrontation layup is a sign that he is already an excellent penalty killer.

This also made Westbrook and Derrick Rose on the sidelines nod in agreement: Yes, when the game is deadlocked, the best way is to hold the ball into the penalty area and force the basketball into the basket in a high-intensity collision. basket.

This is what a true point guard should do.

Look! The vigor of Madison Garden is all ablaze!

Both defenders have an expression that learns the "theory" from Li Zhen, because it fits their style very well.

Li Zhen fought back to stabilize his position.

At this time, Boston ushered in a nightmare.

Paul Pierce suddenly bent down while running fast, he covered his calf with a pained expression on his face.

But at this time, the Boston Celtics have no time out.

They can only finish this wave of offense with a team of four. Although Pierce tried very hard to participate, his actions were greatly reduced.


Ray Allen's jumper missed the basket.

The Knicks took off the rebound, Li Zhen did not take advantage of the danger to launch a fast break.

He showed great demeanor.

The referee also halted the game.

Paul Pierce returned to the field with the help of the team doctor. With less than 1 minute left, it is difficult for him to return to the locker room to play the scene of Return of the King again.

In fact, he never came back for this game.

He has cramps.

He played 47 minutes in this game.

Converted into time, he played for more than two hours under high intensity.

Iron man can't support it either.

The fate of Paul Pierce brought Boston annihilation.

This directly led to the newly played Quentin Richardson escaped James Posey's pursuit with the help of Li Zhen, and hit a three-pointer in the bottom corner.

There is no suspense.

This three-pointer is conclusive.

6 points difference, less than 14 seconds of offense time, no timeout.

The Boston Celtics showed awe-inspiring attitude at this moment. They made the last tenacious charge. Lagarrondo ran fast with the ball. It was obvious that Kevin Garnett was panting, but he actually ran in. In the front, and received a pass from Rondo in the clip, the layup was completed by Eddie Griffin and Zach Randolph's clip from left to right.

The point difference was 4 points in the last 9 seconds.

But then, their foul tactics did not work. Li Zhen's agile running position avoided the fouls by Rondo, Posey and Ray Allen.

Wait until he crosses the center line.

Only 5 seconds left.

It doesn't make sense anymore.

Li Zhen rushed into the three-point line and took a lap.

Then raise the basketball high.

Boston stopped chasing, and before the final whistle sounded, they bowed their heads one by one, looking frustrated.

Their battle is over.

Their 2007-2008 season also came to an end in the ups and downs.

You can hardly blame them for not working hard enough, and it is also hard to blame anyone for not performing well enough.

But... Maybe this is fate.

If their head coach is Phil Jackson, the reaction on the spot is better and the command is less rigid, they may win...because although it is a 4:1 elimination, almost every game is played to the last moment. They were only short of breath each time.

If...their players play cleaner, don't give Li Zhen talent blessing, and even inspire the **** of basketball moments, they won't lose key battles.

If...their players don't go out and mess around, and Li Zhen's talent space is not filled, they will not lose. It is even possible to eliminate the Knicks 4:1.

If... their luck in this game is not so bad and Paul Pierce doesn't have cramps at the last minute, they are likely to get a chance to return to home for the sixth game.

But now...there is no if.

Li Zhen took the initiative to walk over and hug Kevin Garnett when the colorful ribbons were flying in the sky and the audience cheered and celebrated the victory.

Although the two had a lot of grievances in the past, they also said a lot of trash talk to each other on the court.

"I wish you a great summer. Next season, we will fight again."

Li Zhen told him: "You are an opponent who has to do your best. I am waiting for your return!"

Kevin Garnett patted Li Zhen on the back of the head, and then he said: "Before the series began, my assessment of you and the Knicks was wrong. If we were not so arrogant at the time, maybe the whole series would have Very different results."

"Come on, I hope you can beat the Lakers!"

Kevin Garnett is concise and concise.

Then, he pursed his mouth and left the court without saying a word.

At this time, Madison Garden is already a sea of ​​joy.

The New York Knicks returned to the top of the Eastern Conference.

Moreover, this is the first full season that Bruce Lee has played for the Knicks.

He has surpassed the achievements of Patrick Ewing throughout his career.

All New York fans believe that the Knicks will be the king of the Eastern Conference in the future...No other team will create obstacles for the Knicks in the Eastern Conference.

The Big Three have been tamed.

Who else? ?

LeBron James? The Chosen Son should play mud in Cleveland.

James Dolan was particularly excited. When he walked to the center of the court, he praised every player. In the end, his eyes were on Isiah Thomas.

Thomas also tilted his head, looked at him with a gentle face, and smiled all over his face.

"...The person we should be most grateful for is actually Isaiah Thomas. When he first came to the Knicks, he suffered a lot of groundless accusations. Everyone said he was worthless and that he was a notorious person."

"But only I know how amazing his talents are, how tough his character is, how broad his mind is, how strong his body is... hehe"

"He found Bruce Lee with a wise eye, and brought Bruce from the West Coast to the East Coast with his amazing trading art, and then he stood against the crowd and established Bruce as the core of the team and built a team around him."

"After a long period of criticism and abuse, he bears everything alone."

"Finally, our tree of victory grows its first fruit tonight, and we get back the long-awaited Eastern Championship. We will continue to move forward. This is just the beginning of the Knicks!!!"


James Dolan's impassioned speech made the scene heated up.

But it didn't blur the focus tonight.

David Stern then ran up with a smile on his face to present awards to the players.

Although Stern is very supportive of the establishment of the Big Three, the revival of the Celtics has a good gathering effect on the fan base.

However, deep down in his heart, he still wants to lean towards the upstart.

After all, the three old men really have no business prospects.

Fortunately, Bruce can always bring surprises to people. Not only did he cross the second level guarded by LeBron James, he even lost the three major devils in the third level.

This makes David Stern happy.

The NBA has no bigger market than New York.

There is no bigger market overseas than China.

Among all players, no one has more commercial value than Bruce Lee.

"This is a perfect victory."

David Stern told the vice president Adam Silver before he went on the court: "Next season, Bruce Lee will be our face star. He is the most important star after Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. "


At that time, Adam Silver showed a surprised expression.

He thought it was incredible.

That little fox will only be a third-year student next season. He actually wants to be on par with LeBron James and Kobe Bryant, and become the NBA's face-to-face and highly praised mainline figure?

Kobe Bryant and LeBron James are not so fast either.

Fortunately, Adam Silver is just an accident, he has not the courage to disobey David Stern's will.

This is the difference between him and David Stern. David Stern dared to place big bets and had a keen eye. He can only stick to the rules and follow the same path.

When David Stern handed the trophy to Li Zhen.

The whole arena roared in unison: MVP! MVP! MVP!

Li Zhen achieved unprecedented achievements this season. He led the team to win records in team history, broke the record of winning streaks in team history, and became the youngest regular season MVP in the history of the NBA... And, from being questioned to now, he has achieved what everyone wants. The metamorphosis of superstars.

"I’m not all smooth sailing in basketball. I was in trouble. My father told me when I was about to go to college: There is more than one road to the square. He wants me to succeed in other fields. He thinks I will Become a good physicist. So, he wants me to try another way."

"However, unfortunately, I finally did not get the courage to try another path because I love basketball so much."

"So, I went to Stanford afterwards, and then it was a story everyone knew."

"Now, I am very happy that my father has gained the courage and wisdom to take another road. He told me personally that there is more than one road to the square."

"I am proud of him."

"Jack, you will definitely become the best basketball agent in the world."

"Love you."

This is all Bruce's comments.

He did not talk about the joy after winning at all, nor did he talk about the hardships along the way. He just told a very short story and even made fun of his father.

But everyone felt his love for basketball from the lines.

When the camera was aimed at his father Jack Lee.

Jack Li was lowering his head and hanging his hands, his shoulders kept shaking.

"He must be very touched by his son's achievement tonight..." Kenny said very arbitrarily on TV. He liked this warm picture.

However, after 3 seconds, Professor Li stood up with his head down. He drew out his belt and shouted at Li Zhen on the court: "Little bunny, do you have your wings hard? Take your old man !!!"

Everyone looked at each other.

This is the father.

This is the great paternal love.

Others care about how high you fly.

And your father always cares whether your wings are hard or not.





[I was too busy some time ago and I have not logged in to the background. Today I found a few friends who gave a reward, and I would like to thank you for adding another chapter. They are Xiaogang who rewarded 5000 starting coins, kevinzkr who rewarded 2000, zzz666666 who rewarded 1000, and book friends who rewarded 500 20200813080625]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!