Published at 28th of May 2024 05:05:08 AM

Chapter 2

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Ming Yuan



Yu Tianze frowned, feeling very unhappy.

He has always thought "the desire of love leads to life, and the desire of evil leads to death." He loves and hates him clearly. Originally, how much he respected the master, he hated him after he was killed. But in the end, the title of master and disciple was still there. With a cold face, he walked to the other side.


Forget it, just go. Some things should be solved by the way.

On the left side of the mountain, a cave mansion suddenly appeared. In front of it, the flowers, plants and trees are well arranged and full of spirit, which makes it very quiet.

This cave is not only a carved column and painting building, but also very delicate. In fact, it is a magic weapon in itself. It was obtained by Yu Tianze in a ruin. After returning, he gave it to his master to congratulate his master for his core formation. 


At that time, the master and disciple had deep affection, but now Yu Tianze seems to be even more upset in his heart.

In a moment, the air pressure around him was lower.

There are two demon spirits guarding the cave in front of the door. They have beautiful faces. Except for the pale blue skin, they are no different from ordinary women. When they saw Yu Tianze like this, they were shocked and hurriedly bowed their heads to welcome him in.

Yu Tianze walks into this Minghua Mansion just like walking into his own house. He wanted to give his master face before and let others tell him first. Now he doesn't bother to say hello and goes straight into the cave.

In Minghua Mansion, there are good things everywhere.  Almost every one of them can't do without Yu Tianze's hand. The more he looked, the more angry he was.


Reluctantly restrained, Yu Tianze came to the depths of the cave mansion and stopped.

Under the soft light in front, a slender monk was standing quietly in the shade of the flowers. He was wearing an elegant white shirt with lightly rolled cuffs, revealing a thin forearm. He looks beautiful  with a quiet temperament. His slender fingers slowly lifted a small bucket, and he held a wooden spoon in the other hand, scooping up water and gently pouring it under the flowers and trees.

This scene makes people feel very peaceful when they see it.

As if hearing someone coming, the white-shirted monk turned his head and smiled, "Tianze, you are back."

Yu Tianze sighed, "Yeah."

How warm he used to feel when he heard this sentence before, how ironic it is now that the word "master" can't be used.

Immortal Ming Yuan, a monk of Three Linggens, this kind of aptitude is only the most common type that can enter the inner door. His comprehension is also not good. If there are no accidents and adventures, he will build a foundation around a 100, but it is difficult to hope to form his core, and eventually he will die just like other ordinary disciples.


However, after he built the foundation at the age of 102, a turning point came.

Because it is almost impossible for him to form a core, but he is still very meticulous, Ming Yuan was given a task of taking care of young monks, especially the babies and young children with spiritual roots brought back from the sect recently. He and several other equally as hopeless monks take care of it together. If done well, in ten years, he can choose a young child with similar qualifications as his disciple, and end his retirement.

Ming Yuan did a good job indeed. When he left the year he completed the task, he was randomly stuffed with a two-year-old child with three spiritual roots. He went back to the cave where he lived and began to teach him spiritual practice.

This child's aptitude is ordinary, but his comprehension is extremely high. Compared with Ming Yuan, his cultivation speed is many times faster. Ming Yu was very pleased and took care of the children more carefully. Until one day, when the child was meditating on the mountain, suddenly thunder fell from the sky. Ming Yu was shocked, but only saw the scorched corpse of the child.

When he was heartbroken, he took the corpse away and decided to find a better place to bury it. However, just as he had dug the grave, the hard shell on the body fell off and the child was still breathing

Yu Tianze is the child who was hit by thunder and didn't die.

Later, Yu Tianze's cultivation speed was faster, like rushing to the sky, he quickly broke through the Qi refining period to build a foundation. At this time, his cultivation speed attracted the attention of the sect. After another investigation, it was found that he had changed from three spirit roots into thunder and fire double spirit roots comparable to heaven spirit roots



This kind of spiritual root is naturally most suitable for cultivating the top-level exercises in the sect, the Thunder and Fire Nine Heavens Jue. Yu Tianze has also become a treasure of the inner sect and receives extremely high treatment. The sect members wanted to change Yu Tianze to a master, but Yu Tianze insisted on not, so he still lived with Ming Yuan. For the sake of Yu Tianze, Ming Yuan also rises up and enjoys the favor of the sect.

After that, Yu Tianze's cultivation and advancement became uncontrollable. In just a few decades, he reached core formation and nascent soul, and won many honors on behalf of the sect. Because of the treasures he got, Ming Yuan reached core formation and continued his life.

From then on, Ming Yu could be called an Immortal, and his status was greatly different from before.



Yu Tianze didn't understand. Did he feel sorry for the master over the years? He gave him what he needed. He was even willing to share with the master the fairy palace. The sect is also just a fairy palace. It doesn't matter if the contents are handed over to him. Cultivation cannot rely solely on foreign objects. If it weren't for the master's aptitude and understanding, he would not have suffered so much searching for the treasures of the world. But the sect can ignore his years of contributions. Master can disregard their feelings of mentor and disciple and treat him as a roadblock.


Compared to the sect, he hates his Master even more. If there are all kinds of people in the sect, you must always consider the benefits, then what about the master? Their masters and disciples depended on each other for many years, and after the master told the secret, he actually came over and started it himself!


Why on earth? Why!


But when he saw Ming Yuan's current appearance, he suddenly couldn't say a word.

Why is it important. The fact is that he was betrayed by his master. In his heart, the moment he died, the bond between his master and his disciple had been cut off

Thinking of this, the confusion caused by the familiar scene just now dissipated. When facing Ming Yuan again, Yu Tianze's mood became even harder. This is his enemy. He can't wait to kill him, but he still has to endure for his status as a master and disciple.

Ming Yuan smiled calmly, "Tianze, this time going out, did you have a smooth journey?"

Yu Tianze's face was stern, "I was in danger, and I was seriously injured."

Ming Yuan's face was worried. "How did you get hurt?"

Yu Tianze continued to face "What I wanted to say was that I could heal myself"

Ming Yuan's worried expression was even worse. "Then now"

Yu Tianze "it's okay."

There was a little silence between the two.

Yu Tianze felt even more irritable.

In the past, he used to think it was Master who was worrying about him, but now it sounds like  Ming Yuan is waiting to ask about his treasures. If in his previous life, he would immediately take out the most precious things to give to Master as he had done many times before, but now he doesn't want to give them to him at all.

Ming Yuan spoke again, and this time there was a bit of accusation in his tone: "I heard that you imposed a ban on the demon spirits?" He sighed, "Tianze, demon spirits are also creatures, you shouldn't do that." The reason is correct, and Yu Tianze also obeyed before. Before, he thought that the respected Master was pure and kind, but now he thinks that he can't be more hypocritical. 


Even the disciples who are dependent on each other can tell that the demons will sell them. Expecting him to sympathize?  Don't joke! Yu Tianze is not good at covering up, even after a lifetime of hard work.

Fortunately, he is temperamental. Although Ming Yuan is here, it doesn't get much better.

He said in a cold voice, "This time I went out and found that this kind of thing is not worthy of being treated."

Ming Yuan was taken aback.

Yu Tianze said again, "This time I saw with my own eyes a monk who sincerely trusted his friends and indulged in demon spirits. He was betrayed by his friends and demon spirits. He died without a place to be buried. It was very miserable. I thought, I definitely can't follow in his footsteps. Something like this shameless thing must be controlled early. I must not be the same as that monk. I will not know how extremely stupid I was until I die."

Ming Yuan frowned. "You shouldn't go too far because of this special case."

Yu Tianze immediately asked, "Does Master want his disciple to be betrayed?"

Ming Yuan didn't expect Yu Tianze to interrupt him like this, and said dazedly, "I didn't mean that."

Yu Tianze said with patience "this disciple has already decided." 


The atmosphere became a bit stagnant.

Yu Tianze said, "I am coming back here to report something to Master. I am going to move out of Yinxiao Peak in three days and move into Feixiao Peak where the people on Yuan Ying are located."

Ming Yuan's smile froze." Tianze wants to stand on his own and open a mansion."

Yu Tianze's expression is very cold. "This time I went out, I realized that the most important thing in the world is force. It is too difficult for me to improve on the peak of Yinxiao Peak. Only by going to Peak Feixiao can I cultivate faster. Although I am reluctant to leave my master, only if I become stronger can I be more filial to Master. I also hope Master will not worry. Even if I go to Feixiao Peak, I will still be Master's disciple." He sees Xiang Mingyu, the light in his eyes was very determined, "I believe that Master will support this disciple's decision."

Ming Yuan finally couldn't keep smiling, "I'm your master, and naturally I support Tianze."" 


Yu Tianze's lips twitched. "Thank you, Master, the disciple is still busy with everything, so let's say goodbye."

After saying this, he stood up and walked away.

Ming Yuan looked at his back with a dazed expression. He whispered, "He Tianze, is he in a bad mood recently? Tianze wants to move out, which really makes me feel unwilling. If he doesn't remember me as a master, how should I miss him?" Then he said a little apologetically, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help you this time ." 


At this time, three small demon spirits emerged from the flowers next to them, with sharp voices said:



"Don't blame Ming Yuan, the master was badly injured before, so he was in a bad mood!"


"Ming Yuan must not be sad. Even if the master leaves, he will still respect the Immortal!"


"Master is right ! We all know Ming Yuan's feelings !" 


Ming Yuan's mood was a little better, but he was still worried.

If a disciple's cultivation level is equal to the master, he can move out and establish another one, and he can also count as a master. After graduation, though the disciples have the responsibility of supporting the master, the depth of their feelings may not be maintained for a long time.

There is a difference between disciples who have deep feelings for their Master, and disciples who don't have deep feelings for their Master.

This time when Yu Tianze came back, Ming Yuan felt that he couldn't understand this disciple. What did he meet outside? There seems to be a little change...


After he moves out, will he still respect and love himself as he did before?

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