Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:37:35 AM

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: I had a Good Dream


The elf’s hands firmly gripped my shoulders, fiercely enough to make the clothes feel like they were tearing and the bones like they were breaking.

Reflexively, there was a slight attempt to step back, but the shoulders were held firmly, making it impossible to move.

The strength of a long-lived ranger who had held a bow for centuries could hold even the wind steady.

“Elf…? What’s wrong? I’m feeling a bit hurt…”

“I’d like you to call me by my name.”


“Sentimental. Just for this moment… wouldn’t it be nice if you called me by my name?”

“Is it… difficult?”

Oh, wait a moment.

What was her name again?

Even though I have been calling ‘Elf’ for years, now that I think about it, I can’t seem to remember it.

Sure, I know it, but when it comes to saying it, there are times when you forget for a moment, right?

It was exactly like that now.

For a moment, silence lingered between the two.

It was an ideal silence as if drawn in a painting.

Not even the sound of crows cawing or cats meowing could be heard.

Cold sweat trickled down.

It was unclear whether it was from the elf’s hand or from my own neck.

No matter how much I racked my brain, the name wouldn’t come to mind, so I eventually had to confess with a heavy heart.

“…Elf. That’s…”

“I’m sorry.”


“Wait, I seem to have been a bit… out of sorts for a moment. I’m truly… truly sorry.”

Oh, asking to be called by her name wasn’t such an unreasonable request, was it?

If anything, I feel a little sorry for forgetting her name.

The elf, for some reason, released her grip and took a step back, covering her face with one hand and bowing deeply.

A sigh escaped like a scream through the elf’s fingers.

The elf continued to mutter as if trying to justify something, still covering her face.

Her voice was soft and fast, as if she was justifying herself to her own conscience.

“I feel like I’ve momentarily lost my mind to ask someone who is both a comrade and a benefactor to address me in such a way. I don’t deserve to look at you…”



“What’s the matter? You seem to be getting too… worked up, don’t you?”

I’m not sure what the elf is thinking.

Even if you’re someone with heavenly eyes, you can’t see what’s happening in someone else’s mind.

If that was possible, I would have been kicked out of the hero party and enjoying a splendid retirement by now.

But there’s no need to delve into someone’s mind to calm them down.

You don’t even need divine power or magic for that.

Every Rogue has their own way.

I reach out, gently pulling, as if catching the air.

I pull my hand back, scattering the glint of light, and meet her gaze.

As she tried to avoid eye contact, I slightly stoop forward, making the elf step back.


‘Stealing’ the gaze.

I have enough of the room’s lighting stored in my head.

If the workshop is the domain of the Wizard, then shadows are the domain of the Rogue.

‘It’s somewhat pathetic that all I can do in my domain is to catch something.’

“I rely on you a lot. The fact that our shambolic hero party could maintain some semblance of order was largely thanks to your experience from the previous hero party. But that’s why I was a bit worried. You seemed to have an unfamiliar distance and shadow…”

Praise should be as specific as possible, and worries should be bundled just enough not to seem too hasty.

After living for so long, you realize that when you pull something into the personal realm, the other person feels ‘understood.’

Rapport formation.

This naturally opens the other person’s heart and increases trust.

“But seeing you so flustered and anxious now strangely put me at ease. It’s like, ‘Oh, you’re just like me,’ you know?”

“Just like you…?”

“Yeah. As a Rogue, I’ve had my fair share of anxiety. Not being able to help you…”

Oh, this isn’t something I should be saying.

If I say this, there’s a chance that the elf might cast a soul shield and try to banish me from the hero party.

“…Being a Rogue is perceived negatively in many ways. It doesn’t really fit with the heroes who save the world, right?”

“But seeing even an elf like you, who has vanquished the Demon King twice, feeling anxious like this, um, it’s kind of funny and comforting at the same time. It feels like our hearts are connected, you know? We seem to get along pretty well, don’t we?”

It’s not a situation where the word “comforting” fits.

Because of this strange feeling, it might be difficult to respond.

Beginners try to distract with quick words or foreign languages, but as you continue thieving, you realize a much smoother way to ease the soul.

It’s the moment when a pickpocket evolves into a con artist.

“I’m lucky to have you as my comrade. Thank you, Elf.”


“Are you feeling a bit calmer now?”

“…I’m not sure if I can call this calmness.”


The elf’s face was no longer flushed red.

Her breathing had calmed, her trembling body had settled, and her gaze had become deep and serene.

She didn’t cover her face with her palms or clutch her chest anymore.

“Rogue, I’ve lived for quite a long time.”

“Really? Because you’re an elder.”

“I will continue to live for many more years. Perhaps I might even join in on the task of defeating the next Demon King or the one after that.”

“I feel like that’s something you’d do…”

“But I’ve never felt these emotions before… Even if thousands of years were to pass again, I don’t think I’ll ever feel it again. It’s like feeling incredibly comfortable and the world becoming brighter… Feeling like I can do anything and say anything positive… What is this?”

What is it?

You’ve been conned, that’s what.

It’s a law that once you’re conned by a con artist, even your own children won’t recognize you.

Of course, I have no intention of swindling her out of money, so I’ll implant other implications instead.

“That’s what it means to trust each other.”

“Perhaps now, even without the ‘Hero party’ fence… Maybe we’ve come to trust and rely on each other enough. Don’t you think?”

“…It seems so.”

So let’s just quit the hero party, shall we?

It would be nice to retire and live our own lives.

“Even without grand goals like defeating the Demon King or breaking through the Great Labyrinth, as long as we have each other, we can look at the same place and think the same thoughts. When things get tough, when we’re in pain, when we’re lonely, when we need help… A relationship where we’re the first to think of each other. It feels really wonderful. Don’t you think so?”


We could retire and occasionally meet up for a drink.

We could talk about old times, boast a bit, and sometimes even long for the present moment.

Heroes of the past age, aging together with the same memories.

I think that’s the kind of relationship that suits us.

No matter how you think about it, staying active any longer is a luxury.

“This talk got too long. It’s late, so Elf, you should go back to your room and rest. I don’t need you as a guard tonight. Thanks for the escort today.”

“I haven’t done anything to deserve thanks.”

“Hmph, okay then. Have a good night, Elf.”

“…You too. Rogue.”

And so the elf returned to her room.

I lay down in the now quiet room, staring blankly at the ceiling.

I wasn’t really sleepy, but…

If I fell asleep now, I had some kind of feeling that I would have a pleasant dream.

Perhaps this feeling of pleasant anticipation was a more powerful and effective sleeping pill than fatigue or drowsiness.

Thinking that, I closed my eyes.

And so another day came to an end.


The next morning.

The Saint suddenly approached me.

“Rogue, you really have no sense.”

“Huh? All of a sudden?”

“The Goddess said so.”

“What did she say?”

Seems like the Goddess has nothing better to do.

Throwing jokes with no clear meaning using the Saint first thing in the morning, it seemed like there was plenty of time to spare.

Last time, when she asked me to wake up that ‘lascivious god,’ and now this, honestly, the Goddess seems a bit lacking in some areas, don’t you think?

“Also, the Goddess says she’s found clues about ‘what the thief wants.'”


Of course, the Goddess is all-knowing, and the Saint is her only disciple.

“She says that as the ‘bond’ with other people deepens, the fate of those people can draw the fate of the Rogue away from the power the Goddess holds, faster than the Rogue’s original fate.”


“Capture me like what you did yesterday. I mean what you did with the elf yesterday…?”

“Huh…? Nothing much. Just went for a walk at night?”

We walked around a bit at night, came back to the inn, and just talked.

That’s all.

The content of our conversation was personal, so it’s not something I’d tell others about.


“Goddess…? The elf said that… right? Oh…”

The Saint, who had been receiving revelations from the Goddess, suddenly made a disgusted expression and said,

“Rogue, you really have no sense…”

“You said that earlier didnt you?”

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