Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:37:35 AM

Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: If you bring an unlucky person, the good luck will be copied.


The deaf read voices with her eyes.

They use methods like sign language or lip reading to discern the intentions of others.

However, this person was a deaf and a blind person.

At first glance, even the sensation of touch doesn’t seem fully intact.

It’s doubtful if senses like balance or bodily awareness are functioning properly.

Most people take for granted the ability to distinguish between up and down, and to feel where their body is and move accordingly.

If these bodily senses are damaged, even taking a step can be difficult.

Did she personally lay down the accumulated, shabby roof and sit in the shabby hovel?

If she did, then she would not have been in this state from the beginning.

It would have deteriorated gradually.

“This is a bit awkward…”

To communicate, I tapped her head to indicate my presence.

While the head itself isn’t particularly sensitive, it was suitable for delivering a sensation with a touch of sanctity.

“Is someone there…? I’m sorry… I can’t see…”

“It’s okay. But why are you here like this?”

The woman muttered as she reached out into the air, voicing questions that even she wouldn’t hear.

There was no expectation for an answer.

She just spoke to break the silence.

“Is someone there?”


“Whew… Thank goodness. I don’t know how long it’s been since I met someone.”

“Is it appropriate to say we’ve met…?”

She replied as if speaking to herself.

Among the things I said, only affirmations and negations reached her.

Everything else dissolved into the chilly shadows of the alley like foam on water.

“Is someone there?”


“Phew… That’s a relief. I was worried it might be a bother. Can I ask you a lot of questions?”

“Yes. It might be difficult to answer everything, though.”

“Thank you. You’re kind.”

The woman who introduced herself as Irene asked many questions indeed.

She asked about the date, and if she was sitting in this heap of debris she’d piled up, if there were others around, and how she looked.

“I couldn’t change clothes for a long time, so I was worried. It’s good to hear I look tidy. Maybe you deliberately answered that way to be considerate.”

“No. There’s also no smell, which is surprising.”

“Hehe, so you’re not deliberately lying?”


She replied with a laugh.

No, it was indeed like talking to oneself.

Because any word spoken to the beggar can’t reach her, just as a word spoken by me can’t be heard by her.

We were each speaking to ourselves.

It was a peculiar way of communicating.

“Did you know? The evening primrose blooms when the sun sets. It’s a late bloomer, but not lazy. It blooms at the same time every day… They even called it the four o’clock flower because it bloomed at four in the afternoon. The evening primrose, with its faint red glow from being slightly wet by the rain… is truly beautiful.”


“One day, I tried honey from a beehive… It was incredibly sweet. It was so sweet I couldn’t eat more than two bites. The hive had a slightly crispy texture? It felt like a snack, but as I chewed, it turned into something like gum, which was a bit strange.”


“The sound of flowers blooming is quiet, but you can hear it if you close your eyes. The sound of bees buzzing, the sound of the earth breathing, the sound of the wind brushing past your ears… The sound of sunlight bursting open the flower buds is truly refreshing.”


“It’s been a long time since my hearing was lost. I woke up one day and couldn’t hear anything, so I was a little confused. I learned how to communicate with my hands and eyes, and I had to make an effort to get along without speaking. Still, after sitting quietly for a long time watching the flowers bloom, I was glad I could hear the sound with my eyes.”


“My eyesight slowly deteriorated. It became blurry, then white, and spread out. So the world turned completely white… Um, I wonder if it’s okay to say it was white. It was tinted with the color of sunlight when I closed my eyes on a clear day. Still, I could tell the time by the fragrance spreading when the flower buds burst.”



“I couldn’t smell the fragrance, couldn’t taste it, my legs lost strength, my fingertips went numb, I couldn’t tell up from down, left from right.”


“And then you came. Oh, are you still there?”


There were many things I wanted to ask.

[TL Note: I cant take this anymore. I will cry bro. I am literally crying rn.]

Why was she, who lived in a garden, here in this slum?

How did she build this shabby roof?

Did she know about the identity of the misfortune that made the surroundings chaotic?

There were many things I wanted to ask, but there was no permission to ask.

Only she had the right to tell.

“Thank you for listening to my long story. I’m sorry if it took up too much of your time. Do you have something else to do?”

“Oh, are you leaving already?”

“It seems so…”

And then she returned to her initial “corpse-like” appearance.

She simply didn’t look like a living person.

With a voice that she wouldn’t hear, I muttered quietly.

“…I’ll be back soon. Miss Irene.”

Why had I come here again?

Ah, I had come to seek misfortune.

I had come looking for someone who could turn luck into misfortune in this unlucky place.

To neutralize luck with misfortune.

I had come looking for her.


“Hehe. Did you enjoy your time in the slums?”


I lightly patted the head of the approaching hero with a bright smile.

In response, the hero purred like a cat, rubbing against me.

“Rogue, you’re being unusually kind today!”

‘Is me being kind that different…?’

I thought to myself, engaging with the welcoming heo.

I tied my luck to this hero party; according to the words of the goddess, a certain fate was holding me back.

Abstract as it was, after experiencing it several times, I could grasp it.

Success didn’t come merely by doing something; it came by being helpful to the ‘hero party’.

Therefore, running away from the ‘hero party’ meant continuous failure.

Conversely, ‘misfortune’ isolated from people.

If someone approached, it would trip them, blind the person if they tried to catch a glimpse, and cause a rain if they tried to converse.

She was like an isolated island, even the criminals with shining eyes in the slums couldn’t approach her to exploit and prey on.

“Hmm. Hero.”


“Do you mind if we take in one more member in our party?”

“If it’s what the Rogue wants, then sure!”

“Thank you so much, Hero. You’re the best, as always.”


To bring misfortune to join the hero party, I visited the slums with the party members.

“Rogue! Do we have a new companion here?”

“This alley… is it cursed?”


“Mana… I can’t feel it… Huhuh.”

Cough cough.

“It seems even the goddess finds this intriguing.”

As we stepped into the alley, peculiar events unfolded, but we all had strong constitutions, so it wasn’t much of a problem.

The hero was brute force, the elf was skilled, the wizard was exceptional, and the saint was blessed by the goddess’s love.

Irene was still sitting inside the alley like a corpse.

“Saint, Please heal her.”


The Saint’s sanctity permeated Irene, and colour returned to her pale face, her once dim eyes sparkled faintly, and her still body began to tremble slightly.

Her mouth opened.

The first thing that came out was a sigh.


As she blinked her eyes and her body trembled, she felt a sense of urgency.

As if the Saint’s rapid regeneration ability had been reversed, her vitality was rapidly draining away again.

Even with the saint pouring divine power, she wasn’t fully recovering.

At this rate, the moment the treatment ended, she would return to her original state immediately.

“Irene, can you hear me?”

“The world… why…”

“Yes, no questions please! Just say yes!”

” Yes?”

“Join our party.”


“Say yes!”


“Here, put your fingerprint!”

Just in case, I brought the official application form for admission to the Adventurer’s Guild.

I grabbed Irene’s hand myself and forcibly stamped her fingerprint.

“There you go.”

“What is this…”

“Hero! Hurry up and take this form to the Adventurer’s Guild for processing!”


“Wizard! Teleport the hero right away.”


Meanwhile, Irene’s treatment was completed.

“Rogue… I can’t do it with my power alone.”

“Thank you, Saint.”

Irene returned to her blind and deaf state.

But it wasn’t like a corpse.

She was waving her hands in confusion, feeling her own face.

“Just now…”

I concentrated my divine power into my hand and lightly tapped Irene’s head.

Unlike before, Irene looked startled and turned to us.

Then, in a trembling voice, she spoke.

“I think… I could see a little…”


“I heard a sound…”


“And I felt a little sensation in my body…”


“Can I see again?”

The disability coudnt be cured even with the Saint’s power.


With my hand filled with divine power, she…


Just once, I tapped Irene’s head.

“T-Thank you… Thank you so much…”


<Alchemist guild, succeeded in cultivating an artificial eyeball without rejection.>

“Hehe, the monk at the monastery where the Rogue stayed discovered a new prayer that can heal disabilities.”

“They said a few more branches of the World Tree had opened. It was a miraculous event. As the elf’s benefactor, they decided to gift Rogue.”

“I’ve obtained a talisman with a charm to ward off misfortune, which was difficult to find, but it seems appropriate to offer it to the higher-ups here.”

“Yes, I’ve created a restoration magic… Huhuh.”

The Rogue brought Irene to the Hero party’s lodging, and soon after, various means to treat her disability began pouring in.

Among them, some were technologies that could be used not only for Irene but also for other disabled people.

Now, witnessing the familiar results, the assessment was simple.

“The effect is evident.”

They used all those means to treat Irene.

As a result, Irene had to recuperate for a while.

When I communicated with Irene and used the divine power of “God of Lust” generously, it lingered in Irene’s brain, causing an overwhelming rush of sensations when her senses suddenly returned.

She would have experienced sensations about a hundred times more intense than an ordinary person.


It was a disaster caused by Irene’s weakened senses due to her previous condition.

“…I need to be more careful when using divine power in the future.”

Author Note: Finally a character with name~

TL Note: There might be side-effects to the divine power hehe?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!