Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:37:36 AM

Chapter 29

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Chapter 29: I watched the Performance


“I want to propose a bet to you, the one known for stealing the best items in the empire.”

The bet the emperor proposed to me was truly absurd.

“Anything will do, just try stealing a part of me.”


“A scale, a tooth, even a strand of hair will suffice. Steal a part of me and prove yourself. If you succeed, I’ll spare your life; if you fail, I’ll kill you.”

“Why would you propose such a bet?”

“I was bored, and you caught my eye. I thought it would be a good amusement.”

It was a wager incomprehensible to anyone, but there was no other option but to accept it.

Of course, I could attempt to escape, but in return, I would have to live in hiding for the rest of my life, paying the price of the emperor’s wrath.

“Then, will you provide a place to stay in the palace?”


“It would be best to observe from a nearby place if I intend to steal from the emperor’s body.”

“You boldly speak of espionage. However, very well.”

The emperor was confident in everything.

Just as he referred to using a human body for human affairs as a dragon’s pastime, he treated everything as a game.

Dealing with the Rogue who sneaked into the palace was no different.

Intrigued by the Rogue, known as the most skilled in the continent, he had no hesitation in making that Rogue his plaything.

So, the emperor was the most dignified being in the world.

Not because of his position as emperor, not because of his nature as a dragon, but because he regarded this world as his plaything, he was truly dignified.

Therefore, there was no hesitation in using his dignity.

I actively utilized the interest and disregard he felt towards me for my thievery.

“You stole the empire’s secrets from the museum, didn’t you?”


“Rather than stealing something from me, you stole useless junk.”

“You need some preparation for a big job, don’t you? Even if a gem doesn’t shine as brightly as Your Majesty, if it shines hidden in the solemn darkness, its light becomes even more lovely. With countless magics and dozens of guards…”

“Lovely, like a gem?”

“The term ‘light’ seems more fitting.”

“You are quite incomprehensible, Rogue. If it’s so lovely, why return it to the owner?”

“Because it doesn’t shine as brightly in my hands.”

“You are indeed a strange Rogue.”

“Haha… It’s a simple logic.”

A rogue.

I used to like that nickname, feeling proud.

I was truly lost in self-conceit.

“If something is already in my hands, there’s no value in stealing it. If it has no value to steal, there’s no need to steal it, so I return it to the owner. Therefore, on the contrary, a jewel guarded in solemn darkness is something worth stealing.”

“Ah, I see…”

“A truly valuable jewel, even if its shine is obscured by darkness, is still beautiful…”

Recalling old memories, it was difficult to hide the embarrassment.

I struggled to contain the uneasiness.

“What are you thinking so deeply about?”

“…I recalled a shameful past.”

“How shameful must it be to make your face flush like that?”

“It’s the memory of the day we made our bet.”

“Is that something to be ashamed of?”

“I was quite immature back then.”

Despite trying to maintain a poker face, it seemed futile against the emperor.

The emperor had a better eye than the party members.

Being a dragon, it was natural.

“If you were immature, then I must have been immature as well. But I’m not ashamed. So you should be confident too. Weren’t you a bit more confident and spirited back then?”

“Haha, it’s not easy. Your Majesty seems as constant as ever, but you seem a little different from back then.”

“Hmm? In what way am I different?”

“Well… hmm. Back then, Your Majesty… didn’t value anything except yourself. The reason the bet was about stealing a part of Your Majesty was because nothing else had any value if it wasn’t you.”

“Indeed, that’s not entirely incorrect.”

“In that regard, it seems that Your Majesty is now paying more attention to your surroundings.”

He was everything in this empire.

He built it, protected it, ruled it, and governed it all.

What he said was the empire’s law, and where he stayed was the empire’s palace.

He was such a presence.

Beyond any principle that could bind her, he became the standard against which all principles were measured.

But now, he seemed to be accommodating his surroundings quite a bit.

“In the design workshop… and in this restaurant, aren’t you eating the menu recommended by the owner?”

“Knowing the best ingredients is the job of a chef.”

This restaurant was brought by the emperor.

There was no one here. It was originally a restaurant that only nobles could reserve and use.

Visiting such a restaurant without any reservation and yet receiving praise from the originally reserved nobility was considered an honour to the emperor’s authority.

“It seems that such things have changed. Your Majesty used to be a bit more…, capricious.”

“Now you are my guide, so I won’t insist. What use is it to teach extravagance according to my standards?”

“Haha, I appreciate your consideration.”

After finishing the meal, the emperor took me to a small theatre.

One stage and a few wide seats.

That was all there was to this theatre.

It was questionable whether a space of this size could even be called a theatre in the first place.

“Such places exist.”

“If you have a desired play or performance, this is where it happens. Most performances are possible here due to various magical enchantments.”

And so, a performance for just the two of us began.

The empire’s top troupe, the best performers, the finest musicians.

Renowned artists of the empire showcased a magnificent performance.

The emperor smiled, and he applauded, showing his respect.

“It’s wonderful.”

“If you wish, I can summon all the artists of the empire here, filling every day with endless performances.”

“That seems excessive.”

“Excessiveness is not a concern when it comes to extravagance.”

“Still, spending so much time like this would seem boring.”

“You really don’t understand at all.”

“Excuse me?”

The emperor leaned back leisurely in his seat, explaining extravagance to him.

“Extravagance means you must waste as much as possible. You must buy even the most useless things at exorbitant prices.”

“Is there meaning in that?”

“That’s how you can buy what money can’t normally purchase.”


“Artists are proud individuals, aren’t they? Those considered artisans are no different from artists. Even if you offer them a fortune, they won’t compromise their pride. They’ll cherish their most beloved works.”

The emperor spoke about art.

“That’s why we indulge in meaningless extravagance. We buy a single piece of art for a fortune, fill a year with endless art and performances, and make clothes out of the finest silk and thread just to wear once…”

As the emperor exhaled, the air froze.

Flames from the theatrical magical apparatus mixed with ice, creating a cloud-like mist.

The actors resumed the play soon after, but the disrupted rhythm seemed irreparable.

“I know they realize I don’t value them. If I fill every day for a year with endless performances, how boring do you think it would be to watch?”

“Then isn’t it even more meaningless?”

“Didn’t I say? Artists are proud individuals.”

With a sinister smile, the emperor appeared more dignified than anyone else.

“They wouldn’t be able to endure such treatment. Because they are proud, their ‘art’ cannot become as mundane as street rubble. Then, what would they do?”

“They might refuse to perform?”

“Haha! You really don’t understand at all.”



It was probably something I would never understand in this lifetime.

“That’s not how artists work. Artists, you see, don’t do it like this.”

“They will say. Let’s see how long you can ignore my ‘art.’ This time, I’ll present a magnificent work that you can’t help but admire!”

In sync with the emperor’s words, the actors’ performance began to intensify even more.

In their efforts to regain the lost rhythm, they were breathing more dramatically.

Sweat poured from their bodies like rain.

The broken immersion was quickly repaired, and they began to immerse themselves even deeper.

It was a strange sensation.

“Artists are the ones who put in the effort to create a garment so satisfying that they would never throw it away after wearing it just once. ‘Things you can’t buy even with money’ can only be obtained from such people. So, there’s no such thing as too much extravagance, even if there’s a lack of it. You should know that too.”

“…It’s complicated.”

“It’s simple logic.”

For the first time today, the emperor clapped towards the stage and whispered to me.

“If you can buy something with money, then it’s not worth buying with money!”

Somehow, those words sounded familiar.

I could only cover my face and bow my head.

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