Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:45:51 AM

Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: A Wild Hero has appeared

 14 April 2024



Living in the villa had become quite familiar.

Thanks to unexpected guests, I was able to adapt quickly.

Taking care of things and nurturing together turned out to be more enjoyable than I expected.

“Is everyone resting well?”

“Yes, of course!”

“That’s good to hear. A wild animal got caught in the trap I set up, would you mind helping me with handling it?”

It had been a while since I did something Rogue-like.

Setting traps, specifically.

I set traps to hunt wild animals roaming the forest.

I was a bit worried about setting up traps for proper killing, but luckily, they were well-made enough to catch animals.

Most large animals lived quite far from the villa, and one large deer was caught in the trap.

Russell and I went out to the villa’s front yard to handle the deer.

We had left the deer carcass there with its blood drained.

“To use the meat for cooking, we need to skin it first and cut off the inedible parts. Have you ever handled a deer before?”

“Um, Master Sentimental?”

“Yes. What’s the matter?”

“Isn’t this not a deer, but an A-class Wyvern, also known as a Green-Eyed White Snake…?”

“Oh, I removed the poison, so don’t worry.”

Wyverns usually carry poison, making them inedible.

However, with just one drop of holy water from the saint, purification was possible.

Even if it was a Wyvern, once the poison was removed, it was not much different from regular wild animals.

In fact, its taste might even be better than usual wild animals.

It didn’t have the typical gamey smell either.

“Wait, Wyverns can be caught in traps?”

“Oh, I’m a Rogue, you see.”

I showed Russell my Rogue’s emblem.

Normally, being a Rogue had a very negative connotation among ordinary people, but among adventurers, it wasn’t as bad.

Anyway, Rogue were essential among novice adventurers.

But Russell’s expression upon seeing the emblem was somewhat subtle.

Was he a Rogue hater by any chance?


“Oh, yes! I see. So even A-class Wyverns can be caught in traps….”

“We need to start by skinning it from the belly. Would you help me?”


I handed Russell a skinning knife, and together we skinned the deer.

After removing the intestines and tendons, we obtained quite a lot of meat.

How should I cook this?

“I personally prefer boiling it for hygiene reasons, but since we’re at the villa, I guess grilling it for a barbecue would be better?”

“Yes, yes! Whatever Master Sentimental prefers!”

“Haha, it’s going to be delicious.”

Yes, a barbecue was definitely the way to go when you were on vacation.

I should prepare charcoal and a grill and make it properly.

“Please look forward to it, Russell. I’m sure it’ll be delicious.”

It was going to be a perfect vacation!



“Oh, Rogue! Long time no see! I missed you!”

While preparing the barbecue to eat with the two guests, a loud noise came from outside the forest.

When I went to investigate, the hero was fighting a giant dragon.

“What are you doing?”


A dragon.

Known as the origin of magic and the strongest creature, that dragon.

A race akin to the emperor of the empire.

“Um, hero, I’ll ask you something. Why are you bothering the dragon…?”

“This dragon is a bad dragon! I entered its cave, and it suddenly breathed fire! So I had to give it a lesson! Haha.”


It seems like the hero intruded into the dragon’s lair and woke up the sleeping dragon, leading to an attack.

Considering the temperament of dragons as a species, such incidents were not uncommon.

The problem was that the one who woke the dragon was not an ordinary human but ‘that’ hero.

A dragon provoked by the hero was literally being beaten to near death.

“Hero? How about stopping bothering the dragon since it seems pitiful?”

“Why! This dragon breathed fire at me first!”

“Perhaps the dragon was startled by the sudden appearance of the hero. Since heroes are kind, can’t you understand?”


As the hero was striking the dragon with the holy sword, she sheathed her sword.

The flattened and trembling dragon lifted its head and glanced around.

Then, as its eyes met the hero’s, it lowered its head again.

Despite its adult size, the dragon’s demeanour was anything but majestic.

But the fact that a dragon lived on this mountain range…

“Hero, do you happen to know the name of this mountain range?”

“Dragon’s Ridge!”

“I see.”

So it was inside Dragon’s Ridge after all.

If it was dangerous for A-class adventurers or knights, it wasn’t just an ordinary dangerous forest.

It was also the location of the Emperor’s villa.

But this hero, rummaging around in Dragon’s Ridge, woke the dragon up and ended up fighting it?

That’s just trespassing and robbery…

Approaching the dragon slowly, I spoke.

As I got closer, its size became more apparent.

One of its heads seemed several times larger than me.

“Um, Mr. Dragon? Hello?”

“Stop harassing me, vile human!”

“I’m sorry. Our hero caused a bit of trouble.”

“I did nothing wrong! It breathed fire at me first!”

“Yeah yeah, our hero is kind too. But you hit too hard. Dragons can feel pain, you know?”


While the hero was throwing a tantrum, the dragon seemed to calm down a bit.

With its head raised, it looked at itself and then at the surroundings.

Then it frowned.


“Yes. Hello.”

The dragon sniffed and wrinkled its nose.

“I smell the stench of the mad Emperor…”

“Mad Emperor?”

“A madman who has been playing for thousands of years.”

It seemed even among dragons, the Emperor was treated like a lunatic.

Given that he had discarded dragon life and lived as the ruler of the Empire for thousands of years, it was understandable.

“The Emperor has been kind enough to let me stay in a villa inside.”

“That ancient house… It seems the Emperor quite likes you?”

“Haha, I’m receiving more kindness than I deserve.”

“There are many dragon nests in these mountains, so don’t wander around recklessly. Many dragons fear the mad Emperor, but there may also be those who hate anyone smelling like her.”

“Thank you for the advice.”

“…But what is that human anyway? Is she really human? I’ve never heard of such a strong human existing before.”

Pointing at the hero, the dragon asked with disbelief.

Honestly, the sentiment resonated so much that I found myself nodding unconsciously.

As the Emperor mentioned before, even to the dragons, the hero’s strength seemed out of the ordinary.

“This is the Hero of this era.”

“Hero…? No matter how much you say she’s a hero, being that strong is hard to believe…”

“Our hero is a bit exceptional.”

While patting the hero’s head, I said so, and the hero laughed cheerfully.

Anyway, she seemed like a laid-back fellow.

If there was someone who smiled as innocently as the Wizard, it would be the hero.

“It’s the first time I’ve been beaten up like this, and my head is throbbing…”

“Haha. I’m sorry.”

“Well, I was the one who attacked first, as the hero said. I may have overreacted a bit because my nest was invaded. I’m the one who should apologize.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“Human who handles the hero, I want to know your name.”

“I am called Sentimental.”

“I am Tawareid, the dragon of the Forest and Leaves. I am the gardener who manages the mountain range of this nest.”

A gardener who manages the Dragon’s Ridge.

It seemed like his workload might not be ordinary.

This dragon seemed quite tired too.

“If it’s not too much trouble, would you like to come to the villa? As an apology for the intrusion, and as a gesture of hospitality, Tawareid.”

“A meal? Well, it wouldn’t be polite to refuse the invitation. I was curious about that lunatic Emperor’s villa, and if I’m invited, even that mad Emperor wouldn’t get angry.”

Tawareid nodded while muttering something to himself.

And soon, he transformed into the form of a human.

It was the appearance of an androgynous elf with thick green hair.


“I’m not as skilled as that mad Emperor.”

“Is it something that anyone can do if they’re a dragon?”

“Some practice may be needed, but yes.”

So I invited Tawareid to the villa.

“Rogue! I want to go too!”

“Sure, let’s go together. Hero.”

Of course, the hero tagged along.

Although it was vacation time, it would be okay to spend a few days together.

When we leave this villa in a few days, we can part ways then.

The hero and Tawareid moved towards the villa together.

While passing through the forest, Tawareid sniffed as if smelling something.

“I smell White nearby.”


“It’s the deer I raise. It’s a beautiful creature with white skin and jewel-like green eyes. I’ve been raising it diligently for hundreds of years, feeding it magic stones… Recently, it even had offspring. Haha, how adorable it was to see those little ones suckling milk…”

“I see.”

So the dragon also raises pets.

But a deer with white skin and green eyes… I think I’ve seen it recently.


“Sentimental! You’re here! I’ve prepared everything.”


The dragon screamed and rushed at Russell.


“Hero, knock him out for now.”

“Got it!”

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