Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:45:51 AM

Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Finish living at the Villa

 15 April 2024



The Hero knocked out Tawareid.

Russell, who had finished preparing the meal and was waiting, stepped back in surprise and looked puzzled.

“What, what’s going on? Who is this? It looked like he suddenly rushed at me…”

“A dragon.”

“Excuse me?”

“His name is Tawareid, a dragon who is said to be the Gardener of this mountain range. I invited him for a meal, and it turns out that this white deer was the pet he raised.”

“Excuse me?”

As Tawareid, forcibly knocked unconscious, grew larger, his polymorph was being released.

Scales emerged on his skin, horns grew on his head, wings on his back, and a tail grew out behind him.

As the characteristics of a dragon became more prominent, his body swelled up like a small hill.


“Um, I’m not sure how to handle this.”

I felt like a butcher who turned someone else’s pet into a soup.

“And what can we do about it? Let’s prepare the meal first. We’ve wasted too much time already.”

“Is it… alright? When this Tawareid wakes up…”

“He’ll wake up and cause a ruckus again, but the Hero will calm him down, so it’s fine. Right, Hero?”

“Yeah! I’ll protect the Rogue from him!”

“That’s right, thank you.”

“You mean Hero?”

Russell looked blankly at the hero.

He seemed startled by the unexpected title that came out of nowhere.

Explaining while lightly patting the Hero’s head.

“She is the hero of this era. She is strong enough to face dozens of dragons alone, so don’t worry.”


In truth, she had never faced dozens of dragons, but… maybe it’s possible

Because she’s the hero.

Honestly, it didn’t seem like she could only defeat dozens, but maybe hundreds of dragons.

That’s what the hero of this era meant.

And this wasn’t relative, it was absolute.

It didn’t matter the difference in strength or the circumstances.

If thrown into lava, her skin would boil, but she would gain heat resistance; if trapped in a poisonous swamp, she would suffocate for a day and suffer from poison for weeks, but she would eventually emerge unharmed.

If in a maze with no exit, she would break through every wall; if in a rigged gambling den where victory was impossible, she would change the rules of the game.

That was the terrifying aspect of this foolish Hero.

How could mere mortals who were somewhat proficient in magic kill him?

“Is it possible for a human to face dozens of dragons?”

Of course, Russell seemed uneasy because he didn’t know the truth.

Even those who knew the hero’s achievements might not know as much as our party members.

So there was only one answer I could give.

“It’s impossible for a human. But for a hero, it’s possible.”

“Eek, but I’m human too!”

“Right, right.”

Just talking for a moment made me want to run away again.

“Anyway, let’s cook. Hero, do you mind if it’s a bit spicy?”

“I love spicy food!”

While enjoying the meal with the guests.

Tawareid, who had been knocked out, woke up.

Making groaning sounds, probably because his head hurt, Tawareid opened his eyes and spoke.

“What happened…? Feels like I had a bad dream.”

“Really? Seems like you had a nightmare. Here, try some food; it’s already prepared.”

“Um, thanks.”

Russell scooped stew into a ladle and fed it to Tawareid, who was now in the form of a dragon.

Tawareid, tasting the stew with a muddy expression, muttered in admiration.

“It’s delicious. It’s a taste I’ve never experienced before in my life. Such delicious food, I’ve never tasted… huh?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Something is… Ah, aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! White!!!!!!!”

“Oh no, just letting it go is a failure.”



“Suppress him again.”

“I-I’m fine! I’m calm now! I showed a shameful side because my emotions got a little out of control.”

It seems there’s no longer a need to turn Tawareid into dragon meat.

“Right, this is… the taste of White, huh? So this is what White tastes like. It’s the first time I’ve tasted such delicious food in my life…”

Tawareid quietly muttered as he savored the stew remaining in his mouth.

“It’s unfortunate that White was hunted down… but it’s the law of nature after all. Still, White’s offspring are still around…”

“Ah, come to think of it, there were some traps in the forest that we haven’t collected yet.”

“Hero, do you want to go collect the hunting traps with me?”

“Yeah! I’ll come with you!”

If Tawareid rushes at is, we will have to suppress him immediately.

Fortunately, there was no need to turn Tawareid into dragon meat.

All the other traps were just empty.

We collected those traps and returned to the villa together.

“I’ve lived for thousands of years, but this is the first time my heart has raced like this. If Snow and Cream had died too, I might have truly gone mad. Of course, those two will eventually leave me as well, but I never expected to experience it in this way.”

“Hehe… sorry about that.”

“No, those two are also beasts that attack humans, so it’s unavoidable. As I mentioned earlier, it’s just the law of nature. So far, there haven’t been any problems because other beasts haven’t touched White, thanks to my scent.”

He seemed quite emotional earlier.

There was no need to point it out.

There was no need to scratch at his emotions, especially when he had managed to calm down one way or another.

“Let’s finish our meal.”

“…Earlier, I didn’t know anything and just ate it, but no matter how much I think it’s the law of nature, eating White feels a bit wrong to me. That child…”

“I’ll serve it without the meat.”

Tawareid looked at me as if I was crazy.

Hmm, maybe the problem is the meat broth?

“Since it’s already dead, isn’t it proper to eat it with as little waste as possible? I think White would be pleased to think that he has become one with Tawareid.”


“Yes. As the owner, you should accompany it to the end.”

“…I understand. I’ll try it again.”

Tawareid, now in human form after polymorphing, picked up the spoon.

He took a spoonful of stew, closed his eyes tightly, and put it in his mouth.

After savouring the taste for a while…

Gulp, he swallowed the stew.

“It’s all thanks to Tawareid’s excellent care.”

“So this is the taste of White…”

For a while, Tawareide muttered “the taste of White” absentmindedly.

Then he took another spoonful of stew, and for some reason, tears flowed as he took another spoonful.

Even though I had cooked quite a large amount at once, there was no stew left.

Thus, another day passed at the villa.


The day to return finally arrived.

“It seems like there have been many guests in the meantime?”

“Oh, Your Majesty. Have you arrived?”

“Familiar faces indeed. Why is the Gardener here?”

“I was invited by the Sentimental, the human you cherish. You lunatic.”

The Emperor and Tawareid began exchanging greetings as if they knew each other.

The Emperor was more dignified than anyone else.

If one can maintain their centre, they won’t be swayed by external malice.

“Let’s focus on the Gardener’s subject. Why are you wandering around instead of sleeping in your nest?”

“The human Hero intruded into the nest and woke me up.”

“Ah, I can roughly guess.”

The Emperor, who had some idea of the hero’s strength, chuckled mischievously and nodded his head.

“The hero invaded the nest, and Gardener, you couldn’t resist and ended up being subdued by the Hero… So Sentimental mediated?”

“Well, something like that.”

“The Rogue must have had a hard time.”

“Haha, it was enjoyable in its own way.”

“What about the people behind?”

“Oh, they are adventurers passing through the Dragon’s Ridge. They got lost and were thinking of asking Your Majesty for help to leave when they go out.”

“Hmm? Well, it’s not difficult, but it doesn’t matter. It’s been a while since big adventurers invaded the Dragon’s Ridge. Where are they from?”

“They are from the Kingdom of Argen!”

It seems like this person doesn’t know he’s an Emperor, but he could probably guess he’s a dragon from his tone and conversation.

“If they’re from Argen, then ah, is it the guy who uses that weird swordsmanship, the Sword of the Rock, who established the country?”


“Then is the girl behind his daughter?”

Arisa, suddenly pointed out, answered in surprise.

“Oh, no. I’m the daughter of the Pestia Viscount. My father runs a small estate in the kingdom.”

“Hmm? Prestia… sounds familiar. I remember it was a place where high-quality iron ore was mined.”

“That’s right!”

After chatting for a while at the villa, we teleported to the Empire with the Emperor’s help.

Arisa and Russell had to teleport once more, so we parted ways there.

“It was nice to meet you, Russell. Arisa.”

“Yes, yes! It was an honor to meet you!”

“Hehe, see you next time.”

I’m not sure if I’ll meet them again in the future.

After sending off even the Hero, I checked my vacation plans that I had set up in advance.

“I’ve enjoyed luxury… and leisure…”

This time, it’s indulgence.

TL Note: Man idk which gender to use for that lunatic dragon.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!