Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:45:51 AM

Chapter 34

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Chapter 34: I met the Saint at a gambling place

 16 April 2024



“City of Sin, Sinital.

Unlike adventure cities or metropolises adjacent to the demon realm, where basic guilds like adventurer guilds or alchemy guilds exist.

Sinital, known as the ‘City of Sin,’ had no such guilds.

Instead, only the Rogue guild and Merchant guild were prominent.

This place was akin to a ‘tourist city’ because it accumulated vast wealth through entertainment and gambling industries.

That was precisely why I chose to spend this week here.

Gambling isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but I thought I’d indulge myself for the experience.

“Welcome! Honourable guest!”

“I didn’t know there was a branch here.”

“Food and drink are the epitome of pleasure intertwined with entertainment! Since our Upper Management tightly grasp the businesses related to food and ingredients. It’s all thanks to our Upper Management.”

“I see…”

Our main commodities are medicine and food.

Naturally, alcohol was inseparable, allowing us to establish a presence in Sinital.

“I’ll withdraw some money.”

“Would gold coins suffice?”

“Probably? I’m heading to the gambling den, you see.”

“Most gambling dens here in Sinital would accept our Upper Management’s promissory notes.”

“Well, still, for the feel of it, I’ll just take gold coins.”

“Haha! Indeed! The scent of glittering gold coins is a delight in itself.”

After exchanging greetings with the Upper Management’s branch manager and collecting the necessary amount of money, I stepped outside.

I checked into the tallest hotel visible from anywhere in Sinital and asked the hotel receptionist for a decent gambling den.

“Is this your first time in Sinital?”

“Yes, it is. I’ve been looking forward to experiencing it, but I’m not quite sure. Is there a sizable gambling den around?”

“If you’re looking for a large gambling den, then it’s undoubtedly the ‘Empire Fire.’ It’s the largest gambling den in Sinital, offering most of the games and magical slot machines available on the continent. It’s a secret, but there are rumors that even some clergy members occasionally visit.”

The receptionist enthusiastically shared rumors about the Empire Fire gambling den.

Despite gambling usually frowned upon due to religious doctrines, in this city of Sinital, a gambling den seemed to be a source of pride.

It was indeed an unusual city.

“Could you draw me a rough map of this Empire Fire gambling den?”

“Of course! But actually, even without a map, it wouldn’t be difficult to find. Just head to the liveliest place in the city, and you’ll find it—it’s the Empire Fire!”

Armed with a simple map from the receptionist, I headed towards the gambling den.

The Empire Fire gambling den was indeed chaotic, just as the receptionist described.

People were shouting and cheering, pushing and shoving as they tried to enter or leave with their winnings or losses.

Inside, there was a small stage where performers sang, and some staff members roamed around with trays of drinks, adding to the excitement.

Truly a place of pleasure.

It was fittingly called the city of entertainment.



And there was the Saint there.

Why is she here?

“Why are you here Saint…?”

“The Goddess guided me here.”


“The Goddess revealed the cards to me. Since I know the outcome, technically, it’s not gambling. It’s not gambling when the result is already known through divine guidance.”

Isn’t that usually called cheating rather than gambling?

More importantly, what is a being like a goddess doing?

Why lead a child to a gambling den?

“Is it alright for the Goddess to do that…?”

“If the Goddess decreed it, wouldn’t it be alright?”

“Well, theoretically, it’s not entirely wrong.”

After all, whether it’s doctrine or whatever, the church is a group that believes and follows the Goddess.

If the Goddess herself personally guided the Saint, there was nothing to say.

In the first place, doctrine is a means to better follow the Goddess’s will and to be ordained for the Goddess’s sake, not an absolute law.

In that sense, the Saint was a being who, more than anyone else in this world, abided by the Goddess’s ordainment.

Since it was possible to directly hear and communicate with the voice of the goddess, being favoured by the goddess meant just that.

“…Still, you might want to be a bit discreet about this, Saint. It’s not good for your reputation, and, well, it’s not exactly great if news spreads about the Saint frequenting gambling dens, right?”

“Is that a problem?”

“Though you, as the Saint who directly hears the voice of the goddess, might not understand this well, generally, religious figures tend to be conservative….”

My head spun.

I couldn’t even guess what to say about this.

No, in fact, explaining this to the Saint would be pointless.

Even if I was to complain, ultimately, as a being ordained by the guidance of the goddess, she would follow.

The Saint is loved by the goddess.

The goddess cherishes, favours, protects, and guides the Saint.

And in exchange for that love, the Saint ordains for the goddess.

She walks the path pointed out by the goddess, delivers the messages the goddess conveys, and stays where the goddess tells her to stay. ‘

That’s it.

The goddess respects the Saint and doesn’t ask her to do anything unreasonable…

So even if the goddess plays such a prank, the Saint will probably follow without complaint.

There was nothing to blame the Saint for.

“Sigh, what am I supposed to say to you, Saint… It’s the goddess’s fault.”

“Hehe, you’re worried about me? Thank you. Rogue. Rogue is indeed kind…”

“So why did the goddess tell you to go to the gambling den?”

“She said something interesting might happen. Perhaps she expected us to encounter the Rogue.”

Did she sneak a peek at my plans?

Sometimes I felt like she could see right through me.

What on earth was she up to?

“…Well, since I’m here, might as well have some fun.”

I accepted a drink from a passing waiter.

Hmm, the taste wasn’t great.

It was too sweet for my liking.

But it was just the right amount to drink without feeling pressured in the gambling den.

“Since the goddess reveals all the cards, card games are meaningless, so… how about trying roulette?”

“Hehe, can I watch from the side?”

“In that case, do you want to roam around separately?”

I threw off the hood I was wearing and tossed it to the Saint.

With a smile, I warned her while she hesitantly stared at me and the hood alternately.

“Use that to cover your face when you walk around. It’ll be trouble if someone recognizes you as a member of the church, even if it’s you. I heard that sometimes even high-ranking clergy visit here.”

It didn’t seem like very reliable information, but it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious.

I grabbed the Saint’s wrist, which was covered with the hood I had flipped over, and moved to another spot.

Since it’s easy to cheat in card games, slot machines would be more enjoyable.

“Magic slot machines here are quite entertaining to watch.”

“Is that so?”

Magic slot machines.

Although the rules were just like regular slot machines, various magical performances occurred depending on the outcome, making it enjoyable to watch.

I found a seat and sat in front of a slot machine, inserting the coins I exchanged at the entrance to the gambling den and spinning the slots.

“The highest is probably 777, right?”

“Are you aiming for the jackpot?”

“Well, not really, just… not particularly aiming for a win.”


With the sound of fireworks exploding from the slot machine, magical fireworks of various colours burst around, accompanied by cheers and screams from the surrounding crowd.

Some people even approached, eager to share the excitement.


The staff members also hurriedly moved to prepare to pay out credits.

“It’s a jackpot…”

“It’s a jackpot indeed…”

Well, they should at least give us some time to enjoy.

What’s the point if the highest score comes out right from the start?

A staff member approached and started explaining the jackpot.

“Sir! In the case of a jackpot, all credits in the slot machine and all credits on the corresponding line are paid out. We can also pay out in the form of checks or promissory notes. Do you have a preferred payment method?”

“Oh, yes. To Upper…”

“Shall I pay out in Upper Management promissory notes?”

“Please send it to Upper Management.”

“Okay? Oh, yes! Understood!”

It seems like enjoying gambling here is difficult.

Whether it’s card games or roulette, it didn’t seem like a bad outcome would come out.

If it’s gambling without tension, in the end, all that remains is money, and I wasn’t desperate for it from the start.

“Sigh, this place isn’t working out… Let’s go, Sai…”

Hmm. Is it a bit strange to call her the Saint when all the people’s eyes are on us here?



It’s been a while since I called her by name.


Noa seemed a bit surprised when I called her by her name, widening her eyes in bewilderment.

“Let’s go, Noa.”


“Oh, did you book accommodation?”

“No, I just arrived in this city as well.”

“In that case, let’s go to the hotel I booked.”


First, we should rest at the accommodation.

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