Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:50:11 AM

Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: A benefactor of the Elves


The elf village felt like a scene from a fairy tale in every corner.

When the trees raised their roots, they became houses, and when they intertwined their branches to make them flat, they became furniture.

During the day, the moss on the trees emitted a soft light, serving as illumination, and at night, fireflies twinkled, becoming stars.

The shade of the World Tree seemed more like a world of its own than a village underneath.

There were no stars in the night sky, no sun in the daytime, no sharp saws or sturdy bricks, yet everything existed without lacking anything.

It felt like there was a completely different set of rules operating under the shade of the trees.

Literally, the World Tree.

A tree bearing a world.

And the world that tree bore was this village under its shade.

“Excuse me, may I take your measurements?”

“…Where have we met before?”

“I’m Borame. I’ve received an unpayable favour from you.”

“Ah, that child from back then. How have you been?”

“Thank you to you, I’ve been well.”

The elf who came to take measurements had been the elf I had purchased as a slave to present to the Hero.

Ultimately, things got twisted, and I ended up rescuing this elf who had been kidnapped as an illegal slave.

Unlike mature elves, there was still a hint of youthfulness about her.

Still, due to being a mature being, she was probably older than me.

“It’s fortunate that you’re doing well.”

“It’s all thanks to you.”

“You don’t have to be so formal. Are you okay with me taking your measurements?”


“It’s not in a sexual sense, is it?”

“If you wish…”

“No, that’s… I’d rather not, actually.”

To be honest, whether she gave affection or engaged in intimacy, it didn’t matter much to me, but dealing with each one individually might get tiring.

Our Elf in the party… I was tired all night even during the Grand Labyrinth exploration.

What was her name again? It’s a little confusing.

“If it’s a burden, I apologize.”

“No, it’s not a burden. It’s just that it’s a bit… while waiting for the elves…”

“Are you planning to make the princess your consort?”


“Surely, if the princess becomes queen, you will have a perfect companion, too.”

“No, um, to that extent…?”

Isn’t it too much praise for just rescuing a few elves?

It’s not that Borame’s life is trivial, but isn’t it too much to elevate one person to such an extent?

Is this also the influence of luck?

I’m not sure.

Maybe there was some misunderstanding or misconception during the process of purchasing the elves.

Or maybe there’s a hypnosis on my forehead.

I absentmindedly touched my forehead.

There was nothing there.

“Elf… Miro seems to be a good companion. I don’t know if there will be romantic feelings or deeper relationships.”

“Haha, really? Then maybe I’ll have a chance too?”

“Probably not.”

“That’s a shame. Really.”

“You’ve become quite cheerful…?”

I remember her being very timid and trembling when introduced by the slave trader.

It felt a bit pitiful, as if she was trembling like an earthquake.

So, I chose this child as a gift to the Hero to present as a slave.

But now, she was joking and smiling cheerfully, quite different from back then.

Perhaps she was too overwhelmed mentally at the time, and this current appearance was her true self.

“Do you dislike cheerful kids?”

“Well, I haven’t really thought about it, so I’m not sure.”

“Then I’ll try my best to become worthy so you can say you like kids.”

“Uh, sure.”

So passed a day of being catered to by the elves.

Borame was exceptionally skilled with her hands.

It felt like meticulousness and thoughtfulness were ingrained in her fingertips.

It was a bit overwhelming to even help with the smallest tasks, but still, it didn’t feel unpleasant.

Honestly, if anything was burdensome, it was dealing with the emotional state of the Hero.

In that regard, Borame’s attention felt comforting, making sure to accommodate me as much as possible while maintaining boundaries.

“Here’s a handkerchief for you.”

“Ah, thank you.”

I wiped my mouth with the handkerchief Borame handed me and handed it back.

Then, Borame folded the handkerchief neatly and proceeded to eat it.

“Huh? Um, are you eating that…?”

“It’s a fiber extracted from the stems blessed by the World Tree, with a sweet taste. It’s considered a luxury fabric among the cloths we elves use.”

“I see…”

There were some aspects of elven culture, where everything was made of plants, that I found hard to adapt to.

Quite literally, elves lived by receiving everything from nature and returning everything to nature.

In the forest of the World Tree, everything humanity needed existed.

If something didn’t exist, they could create new seeds with different traits by receiving the blessing of the World Tree.

It was a fascinating phenomenon.

Communicating with the World Tree to receive new seeds was said to be possible only for the royal family of the High Elves.

One of the reasons for the High Elf Queen to create a successor was for this.

“The term ‘Children of the World Tree’ wasn’t just for show, huh?”

“Haha, that’s right. I’ve received many blessings from Mother World Tree.”

If everything was fulfilled in this world, there might be no need to go outside for thousands of years.

Even though it was just a small world under the shade of trees and it might not be too big a world to live a lifetime in.

Still many people lived their whole lives in smaller villages or towns.

In my past life, I was exactly that kind of person.

I didn’t even consider traveling abroad; I just considered resting comfortably at home.

“Borame, how did you end up being captured by slave traders? Oh, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to remember.”

“Haha, it’s okay. Let’s see… I need to dig into my memories a bit more.”

But this Borame was not that kind of person.

She had ventured out to the outskirts of the Great Forest and was kidnapped by slave traders.

Even if you ignore the difference in races, she was closer to the humans even more than him.

So I became a little curious.

How did she end up leaving this prosperous place and getting into danger?

“I… wanted to see the sea. Humans call the Great Forest we live in the Sea of Trees, but we elves don’t even know what the sea is… Isn’t it a bit unfair?”

Is it that kind of problem?

I’m not sure.

If people who don’t see the sea are curious about the sea and people living in the desert are curious about the forest, I might understand a little more.

But calling it an ‘unfair’ issue gave me a slightly unclear feeling.

“Did you consider using magical tools or looking at pictures?”

“I thought that wouldn’t be much different. Both the blue and white pictures in fairy tales and the sparkling world beyond magic crystals lack realism. I was more… curious about the texture. How different would it feel to touch freshwater compared to seawater? How different would the sand on a beach feel compared to the soil in the forest? Why do we call our forest the Sea of Trees when its appearance and colour are so different?”

The Sea of Trees.

It’s a somewhat outdated expression that isn’t used much in modern times.

It’s the kind of expression you can find in old documents.

In these small details, this girl named Borame felt like a real elf to me.

Although she was still young, she had lived for hundreds of years.

Even though she had just entered her youth after leaving her girlhood, she had lived in a different era from humans.

“I couldn’t resist that youthful vigor and sneaked out of the forest. Haha, looking back now, the adults probably pretended not to see, right? But still… I wonder how much they must have worried because of me…”

“I can’t express how grateful I am to you. Really. That’s why I feel like there’s nothing I can do to thank you enough.”

Saying so with a smile, Borame bowed her head slightly and expressed her gratitude once again.

He just awkwardly returned the greeting.

It wasn’t really a big deal, so I was hesitant to refuse.

“So, if it’s not a bother to you, I want to do everything I can to help you.”


“For example, it would be nice if you could entrust me with things like bathing. Hehe.”

“…Um, yeah.”



It shouldn’t be a big deal.

Literally just providing assistance.

Even when I was indebted to the emperor, there were maidservants like that.

It’s probably similar in this case.

“Please leave everything to me for today.”


I wonder when Elf will finish her coronation and come back.

I feel like I’m getting tired somehow…


“Oh, yeah. Borame. You worked hard today. I caused you a lot of trouble.”

Finally, a tiring day has come to an end.

Now I can finally get some sleep…

“I’ll attend to your bedtime.”


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