Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:50:12 AM

Chapter 42

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Chapter 42: A being who has seen the future but cannot see it


The long night has passed.

Under the shadow of the World Tree, neither sunlight nor moonlight could be seen, but as it is commonly said, the time for establishing relationships usually occurs during long nights, so it was clear that a long night had indeed passed.

Like the saying goes, all I had to do was just surrender my body.

There was no need to stand up, move around, or make an effort to cuddle.

I’m not sure if this is a general preference among elves, but it’s about experiencing satisfaction from crushing and contorting someone beneath you.

It’s about pressing shoulders with sinister hands, overlapping bodies to bear weight, and moving one’s body vigorously to the point where sweat drips profusely.


There was a similar wildness I felt when having a relationship with Borame.

And so, the tired and weary long night passed.

“Today, I am Sagrang, who will take care of the morning duties for the master.”

“Oh, yes…”

The next morning, when another elf offered to take care of the morning duties,

I couldn’t help but sense that the time spent in the elf village would become tiresome.

“Elf… please come back soon…”

I don’t think I’ve ever waited so eagerly for the Elf after forming the Hero Party.

Maybe this is all a ploy by the elves to keep me tied to the forest.

I felt like I was starting to think that way.

Dragging my tired body through the village, I bumped into the Hero running towards me, unmistakably at me.

“Rogue! Did you sleep well?”

“Oh, uh, yes, Hero.”

“It was noisy in the room yesterday! What happened?”

“…Nothing, just exercising a bit.”

“Ah, I see. Hehe, the Rogue is diligent!”


Our lodging had several layers of soundproofing spells cast by the Wizard, so I didn’t pay much attention, but the hero’s senses were not something that could be blocked by thick wooden walls.

Fortunately, the hero seemed oblivious to this side of things, but… it feels strange knowing she might have heard everything…

I should ask the Wizard to install soundproofing spells here too.

Which way was the Wizard’s room again?

“Hero, do you know where the Wizard is?”

“The Wizard? Over there!”

“Over there?”

“The house with blue moss and blue leaves!”

“They all look like that…”

“Oh, come on, over there!”

With the hero’s help, I moved towards the treehouse where the wizard resided.

Sometimes, when the wizard’s presence seemed to fade, I had to rely on the hero’s help.

It seemed to be some kind of side effect of the magic…

Unfortunately, it didn’t have much effect on the hero due to his overwhelming magic resistance.

“Thank you, Hero.”


Smartly, I knocked on the door and entered the wizard’s room.

The wizard was extracting sap with something like a straw stuck into the wooden wall.

It seems she really likes the forest of the World Tree.

“Wizard, are you busy?”


“It’s good that you’re free. Could you install a soundproofing spell in the room I’m staying in?”


I brought the always-smiling wizard to my room.

Today, when an the Elf who had been waiting to perform morning duties saw this scene, she was puzzled.

“You’ve returned, Master. Shall I prepare something to treat your companion?”


“Oh, it’s okay. They’ll be leaving soon.”


The spell the wizard cast seeped into the wooden wall.

It seemed like she simply infused mana into it, but since it’s a magic created by the wizard, it’s bound to be much better than most magic circles.

“What was your companion doing?”

“Oh, I just installed a soundproofing spell. Because… um, sometimes the noise can be heard by other companions at night.”

“…Hoho, a soundproofing spell, you say…”

The elf from the village, with a twisted smile, spoke in a gentle voice.

“It seems that Master has a somewhat aggressive taste. I will prepare properly.”


“Leave it to me.”

“Oh, it seems like there’s some misunderstanding.”

The elf, whose thoughts were inscrutable, left the house and disappeared somewhere.

Well, um, it should be fine…

“Thanks for your help, Wizard.”


“When the elf becomes queen, I should ask her to bring back some branches of the World Tree for the elf.”

The branches of the World Tree are precious materials, so they would be very useful for the wizard.

Even though I gave one last time, having more materials is always better.

With a variety of research materials, she could create more magical items.

“Sigh… Parting was hard enough, but it seems gathering is just as difficult.”


“Is this fate? What even is fate…?”

“… ”

Blaming everything on fate, on the world, on some huge and metaphysical entity, somehow makes things easier to bear.

But I am not a rogue for nothing.

Luck, misfortune, if you steal and use them, that’s it.

Blaming others and acting all relaxed is not the way of a rogue.



“Can magic see the future?”


“Well, it’s probably impossible after all. Sorry for asking such a strange question.”

Though I didn’t know what kind of world the wizard sees, it must be quite different from my own.

It would likely be clearer, more discerning, and orderly.

She, with her eyes, sees a ‘future’ that is ‘invisible’, while I, with my eyes, sees a ‘blank future’ that is probably different colour.

She is the most lucid being in this world.

Staying under this small shadow for a few days.

Now, with the help of the elf who will become queen, I will succeed in something once again with luck.

If this party gets boring, I will try to escape again.

And when I realize that I can’t escape, I will just resign myself to it.

Resignation feels more comfortable and enjoyable than I thought.




“Can I tell you a story?”


“I was born in a different world. Not this planet… but a pale blue dot called Earth. Magic is just a fictional creation, an extravagant fantasy that appears in works of fiction. There are no gods to protect humans, and humans don’t seek protection in that world.”

It was purely capricious to bring up this story.

It was a meaningless confession for reasons I couldn’t understand.

Besides, I had almost forgotten the memories of my hometown a long time ago.

The current me is not a ‘him’, but Sentimental, not a South Korean citizen.

“Someday, maybe with your magic, I can transcend this world and go to that world. Because you’re a genius wizard….”

But I still wanted to tell the wizard.

I still didn’t know why to the wizard.

I didn’t know what my ‘heart’ was thinking.

Maybe it’s not ‘him’, but ‘me’, or maybe I just became a follower of intellectualism called ‘Wizard’.



All I knew was that even if a giant finger pierced through the branches of the World Tree from above and crushed everything, I couldn’t understand it.

I didn’t know how fate worked.

I didn’t know that sometimes metaphysics would manifest itself and lift its head in this small world.

Maybe hoping to transcend the world, longing for my hometown, was a wrong choice after all.

I didn’t know how strong a blow I had to strike to break free from this world, even if the giant finger whisked me beyond the world.

In the ruins.

As always, the wizard cast the magic, which was the end and the beginning of everything.

This time, it was a little earlier than usual.

What was the problem?

The moment Sentimental wished to ‘escape from this world’, with this world’s power alone, they couldn’t hold me back.

Even if it was the wizard’s master.

The branches of the World Tree, the heart of the demon Lord, the reins of the dragon, the saliva of the squirrel, the holy water of the saint.

Even by just casting a fireball, she could blow up this continent with the samples she had.

She was the greatest wizard on this continent.

The wizard who had repeated the most ‘moments’.


“Did the Elf become the queen?”

“Haha, it happened somehow. My mother seemed to be in a hurry too. I said the vacation was only a month long, so she hurried to finish the coronation.”

“But is it okay for the queen to go on adventures like this…?”

It would be better if the hero party disbanded as a result of this.

But it seemed that it would be okay.


“It should be fine. Being the elf queen doesn’t come with any special obligations. The queen is a presence that supports the World Tree in itself.”

“I see…”

It’s a shame.

Then, the elf took out a gift from her bosom and handed it to me.

“It’s a branch of the World Tree. I thought you might want it, so I asked Mother World Tree to get a few.”

“Ah, thank you.”

As a rogue, I had no use for such materials.

Well, as usual, I will give it to the wizard.

Maybe she’ll make a weapon out of it that I can use?

“What’s the elf village like?”

“It’s just… damp and unpleasant. Always shaded under the mother World Tree, there’s not a single ray of sunlight. Light is replaced by luminescent moss, and the distinction between day and night is made by the time when plants bloom and wither.”

“I can’t quite imagine it…”

“And now that I’ve become queen, I plan to expand the interaction between young elves and humans. It’s better to provide a safe opportunity rather than sneaking out, avoiding the eyes of the adults.”


Oh, this again.

It seems that the hero party will thrive even more in the kingdom.


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