Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:50:12 AM

Chapter 45

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Chapter 45: Made a Contract with a Spirit


New realization, but the title for Elf is ‘Elf.’

Unlike calling other party members by their professions such as ‘Hero,’ ‘Saint,’ or ‘Doctor,’ Elf is called by her race name, Elf.

This is partly because she is the only one of a different race, making it easier to distinguish, but… it wasn’t just for that reason.

“Can I leave the aftermath of the mating to the spirits of nature?”

“Sex is also part of nature.”

“That’s true, but….”

Seeing the child-like spirits clearing the bed stained with sweat and bodily fluids, it feels like we are doing something dirty.

Just realizing that those spirits are the same age as this world brings some comfort.

“Come to think of it, it’s been a long time since you called upon spirits.”

“My abilities are not as extensive as those of the saint or the Wizard. There isn’t much I can do. Now that I’ve become a queen, I can even contract with higher-ranking spirits, but… hmm, there’s no need to rush.”


The elf does not fulfil the role of a specific profession.

Despite having excellent tracking skills, profound knowledge, and skills in spirit and archery, the elf’s role in this party is not such.

The elf is… a helper and advisor.

A former member of a hero party.

An experienced individual who has faced the Demon Lord once before.

The reason the elf joined the hero party was to provide such ‘experience.’

In fact, in the early days of the party, the elf, like the Rogue, played a central role.

“Come to think of it, the one in this hero party who resembles me the most seems to be you, Elf.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Literally what I said. Our personalities might be a bit different, but… it seems more accurate to say our situations or positions are similar.”

“…Indeed, that seems to be the case. I and the Rogue cannot become as strong as Hero or as enlightened as the Wizard.”

“That’s right.”

Everyone has a suitable position, it seems.

In that sense, it didn’t seem like she was in the right place.

Although she was swept up in this ‘luck’ or whatever, she was still tied to the hero party.

Could she not become like the Hero or the Wizard?

“…Well, don’t worry too much about it, Elf. I was just thinking out loud.”

The elf, who had been silently contemplating something, nodded and opened her mouth as if she had made up her mind.

“I need to make a contract.”

“A contract?”

“A contract with a new spirit.”

“But didn’t you say there was no need to rush just now…?”

“I’ve changed my mind.”


Let’s think about it.

If the elf, who shares her position with him more than anyone else, becomes stronger, wouldn’t he become an even more unnecessary existence?

If he could withdraw from the exploration, it wouldn’t be so difficult to gradually distance himself from the hero party.

“…Okay. Do you need anything to make a contract with a spirit? If you need materials or samples, I’ll get them for you.”

“You’re generous.”

“Well, you becoming stronger is ultimately for my benefit, Elf.”

“…Thank you.”


Would the saliva of Darami be helpful even in making a contract with a spirit?

As it could be used as a catalyst in almost any field, it might yield quite useful results.

I should consult with the wizard.

I saw her using the saliva for various experiments before.

The materials for a contract with a new spirit were prepared.

Branches from the World Tree, a spirit stone to serve as a medium between the spirit world and the human world, Darami’s saliva, various samples for stabilizing space, and so on.

And although it probably wouldn’t have much significance, I even consecrated it with the holy water of the saint.

My… or rather, the God of Lust’s holy water wasn’t used.

I haven’t seen much good come out of using that.

“When summoning a spirit, do you want me to be by your side?”

“Yes. If the rogue is by my side… I feel like I can muster a bit more determination.”

“Well, sure. It’s not a difficult request.”

Luck is somewhat annoying, but in the first place, it wasn’t like she was doing anything that depended on his luck.

Perhaps it would be better to watch over it directly.

I wonder what will happen this time.

Could it be that the Spirit King will come out?

“By invoking the name of the World Tree’s realm, under the names of the flowers and trees, respond to the contract, O nature with the same lifespan as the world.”

Soon, light flowed from the spirit stone.

I watched with anticipation to see what spirit would appear.


It smelled like water.

The scent of moss that you can only smell on a humid day.

The salty smell of seawater that you can smell on the beach.

The earthy smell of fresh water and the smell of river mud.

Water circulates.

Just as freshwater flows into seawater, seawater evaporates to form clouds, clouds drift through the sky, and rain falls.

The scent emitted from the spirit stone also contained the smell of such circulating water.

Like the spirit stone had become a faucet, water flowed from the stone and gradually swirled, forming a neutral human shape in the air.

The elf groaned softly as she looked at the figure.

“The Spirit King of Water….”

Looks like she hit the jackpot. The effect seems to be certain.

I’m not sure what effect is certain though, but it could be Darami saliva, the materials given by the wizard, or my luck.

“Was it you who called me?

“I want to make a contract under the name of the World Tree’s, O nature with the same lifespan as the world.”

After reciting the contract and several incomprehensible ancient conversations, the elf succeeded in the contract with the Spirit King.

The Spirit King transformed into a blue light and perched on the elf.

At that moment, when he was about to congratulate her, the spirit stone, which still had not lost its light, emitted a red light this time.


I felt heat.

It was a pleasant heat, like the warmth of a sauna where you could sweat comfortably.

The heat gradually condensed into a humanoid form.

“It’s the Spirit King of Fire.”

“I can’t see it…?”

Like a flame.

“Looking directly at the Spirit King’s flame could blind you.”

After explaining, the elf recited the contract again.

This time, the contract was also successful.


She contracted with the Spirit Kings of water and fire, the two opposing elemental Spirit Kings, which would be a tremendous power…


The summoning didn’t end there.

A cool mountain breeze passed by, cooling the sweat shed by the heat of the Spirit King of Fire.

“It’s the Spirit King of Wind.”

“It seems so….”

Could it be that all four Spirit Kings are coming out?

It seems like such a speculation was true, as if to prove it, the elf summoned the Spirit King of Wind, and then a spirit appeared in the shape of a mechanical figure made of clay and metal.

The Spirit King of Earth came out.

“I have contracted with all four Elemental Spirit Kings, so now… again?”

Summoning continued after that.

The Spirit Kings of Lightning, Light, Darkness, and even unheard-of Spirit Kings walked out of the spirit stone incessantly.

Could all the Spirit Kings in the spirit world be waiting in line?

It felt like such a groundless thought.


“Congratulations? Uh… “

“…Thank you. It’s all thanks to you, Rogue.”

“What did I do…”

No, is it really because of him?

A reasonable doubt began to arise that perhaps Luck had done something again.

Even if there was Darami’s saliva or samples from the wizard, what happened earlier was literally out of the ordinary.

Anyway, it seemed like the spirit summoning was over.



“It’s shining again.”

The spirit stone.


Once again, a faint light flowed from the spirit stone.

“…This time, it’s not a Spirit King.”

What came out of the spirit stone was a small animal-shaped spirit.

It looked like a hamster or a squirrel.

It was clearly a rodent.

“Let’s start the contract… ”

“Hmm? Oh, yes.”

The spirit spoke in a language she couldn’t understand, and the elf nodded as if she had realized something positive.

“Rogue. It seems this child is a spirit summoned by you.”

“Huh? Me?”

“Yes. Since it’s an exceptional scale of contract, it seems that you, who watched from the side, also had an influence. Although it’s a lower-level spirit, there should be no harm in making a contract.”

“Huh. But I don’t know how to make a contract…?”

“The procedure is not important. You just need to express your intention to make a contract.”


“Is that so?”

A spirit in the form of a small rodent approached me.

After a moment of contemplation, he raised his hand over the spirit’s body, expressing his intention to make a contract.

“Um, do you want to make a contract?”

That was the end of it.

The spirit transformed into a faint light and seeped into the back of his hand.

“But what kind of spirit is this?”

“I don’t know.”


“Today, I made contracts with spirits of various attributes, but there was no Spirit King of the same attribute as this one. I don’t really know either.”

“Is this okay…?”

“I’ve never heard of a spirit harming its contractor, so it should be fine.”

“Well, then…”


A new companion has arrived.


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