Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:50:12 AM

Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: Demon Lord and Demon God


“Demon Lord. I want to learn a little more about this spirit… do you happen to know what it might like? I tried giving it an spirit stone, but there was no reaction at all.”

“It’s rare for a spirit to directly make a contract, so I don’t know much as a demon… However, I do know of a being who might.”

“A being?”

“Yes. Hmm, do you know anything about the mythical era?”

“I’m not sure…”

“Long ago, there was not just one god. Apart from the goddesses of the human world and the Demon Gods of the demon world, there were many other gods. And most of those gods either lost their power, perished, or were sealed away, hiding their presence.”


“I don’t know the details, but there was a great war. A war that would decide the fate of all gods.”

“I should ask the saint about this later. She might know.”

“The goddesses, the world tree rooted in the planet, the Demon Gods of the demon world, and some of the natural gods of the spirit world were able to preserve their existence and continue their history, but not all surviving gods were able to do so. Some small and weak gods had to continue their lineage by relying on human faith.”


“Among such gods, there are those related to the ethereal realm.”

“So, do you know about this ‘god’?”

“I wouldn’t say I ‘know’… I can find it.”


The demon pointed a finger towards the sky with a smirk.

“By praying to a demon God.”

If the saint is a child favoured by the goddess, then the Demon Lord is an apostle burdened with the duty of the Demon God.

Born with a cruel fate, unable to rest in eternal peace or return to the embrace of the demon god, despite countless millennia passing.

“The Demon God governs struggle and eternity. It’s not difficult to find a wretched survivor who fled from struggle.”

Following the Demon Lord’s guidance, we arrived at the demon realm, specifically at the demon’s castle.

According to the Demon Lord, in order to hear the Demon God’s voice, one must pray here.

It felt somewhat inadequate compared to the saint, who could directly hear the goddess’s voice from anywhere.

“I will use the power of the demon’s castle to pray to the Demon God.”


The Demon Lord sat on the demon’s throne, closed her eyes, and the black mana flowing in the demon’s castle began to gather around her.

The wizard watched with interest, perhaps planning to utilize it when creating magic later.

Although it may seem redundant, this place, the demon’s castle, was quite fascinating.

Created in the mythical era, it remained steadfast in its place despite countless millennia passing.

Of course, it could be destroyed if one possessed power beyond the scale of the Hero, but fundamentally, it possessed a robustness that did not age over time.

Could it be that this place was created directly by a god?

I thought that I would like to test the reaction by breaking the Demon Lord’s castle with the hero later.

Soon, the Demon Lord was completely covered in black mana.

When praying, it felt similar to the Saint overflowing with divine power, yet different.

The saint’s divine power felt like a gentle embrace, while the black mana was violently engulfing everything, even a single breath.

The black mana overflowed incessantly.

Overlapping with the Demon Lord’s voice, the voice of the ‘God’ could be heard.

-You’re quite a unpleasant one. I could tell right away, thanks to my deep connection.

The voice was directed at me.

“…Is that voice yours?”

-Yes. You’re not a being of this world.


It seems that this Demon God can see more than I thought.

It seemed to recognize even the parts that the ‘goddess’ did not.

-It’s a big problem that the child has raised her voice directly, even though it’s only been a few thousand years.

“A problem… you say?”

-Yes. I wonder why it hasn’t become a problem yet.

Hmm, hmm?

The Demon Lord looked at something, then sighed slightly.

-Ah, I see. That’s why the world is pulling the Guiding stars to protect itself.



Guiding stars.

It was story that the goddess had told him.

It seemed that there was something that only gods could see, but it was still a story that he couldn’t understand.

But this ‘Demon God’ seemed to know more than even the goddess.

-You seem to not know your fate very well.

“Even if you call it fate, I don’t really…”

-Hm. It’s a rare visit, so I might as well explain it thoroughly.

Leaning against the throne with the Demon Lord’s body, the demon God began to explain in a calm voice.

-While this world appears stable and maintains a consistent order, in reality, such balance can easily be broken. For example, imagine a balloon.

“A balloon?”

-Yes. A balloon maintains a state of equilibrium under pressure and retains its shape, but… the moment a hole appears, it will burst without hesitation. And ‘you’ are that hole. More precisely, you are like a needle that can make that hole. We don’t know how the needle ended up inside the balloon… but ultimately, your very existence is a serious threat to this world.

Hmm. It’s still metaphysical, so it’s hard to understand…

Could it be that because ‘I’ am originally connected to the original world, a hole can be made in this world? So, this world is pulling the guiding stars to make me at the ‘centre’ of fate.

The moment my fate moves to the edge, the wall maintaining the balance will burst.

As he becomes more deeply connected to the fate of this world, the ‘influence’ this world has on him, and the influence he has on this world, will increase. It wouldn’t have been a bad thing for you.

“You seem to have a lot of guesses.”

-Yes. Well, fate’s forces are reciprocal. As much as you concede to the world, the world must also concede to you.

“So, is this ‘luck’?”

Could it be that there is such depth to the luck that fixes the results?

While musing about this, the demon chuckled and asked.

-Luck? Did the goddess say that?


– What a deficient god. To think… no, to give such attention to a mere apostle like you. There must be some problem.

“…Is there a problem?”

-There’s no way there wouldn’t be a problem with using force. It may not harm you, but… ultimately, force and counter-force create balance. For example, if you truly wish to return home, the world’s force may become a problem instead.

-Originally, a hole torn lightly could be torn much more violently due to that counter-force. If you were to fly from the centre to the edge in an instant, wouldn’t the force be applied at that same speed?

-What do you want…? Hmm? Can’t you hear? Cognitive limitations… Ah, it seems someone has already noticed. Is it the Goddess? She is intentionally keeping a low profile, refraining from ascending and lowering her rank, all to reach the truth… Anyway, the fate of the ‘world’ is quite interesting.

“What are you talking about…”

What in the world

-The world’s destruction is not something even I desire. Child of another world. So, try to deeply connect with those around you as much as possible. So as not to be swayed by fate’s forces and counter-forces. “…”

─And… you mentioned you were looking for the ‘Ethereal realm’ fellow. I Put his location into this deficient child’s mind.

Saying that, the Demon Lord’s hand touched my forehead.

-I’m sorry for holding you captive for so long. My child.

With that apology, the presence vanished.

The black mana that had been there also seeped into the demon’s castle and disappeared.

All that remained was the Demon Lord sitting on the throne.


Upon closer inspection, she was dead.

It seemed her heart had stopped, unable to withstand the Demon God’s visit.

“Uh, hmm. “

“Wizard. Let’s start by removing the heart.”


She will wake up.

“I never expected the Demon Lord to directly visit me.”

“Yeah. If it wasnt for the Wizard, I would have had to wait a thousand years.”

“Why do you think the Demon God did that… Was there a story the Demon God left behind?”


There’s no need to mention the part about ‘fate,’ of course.

“He said he was sorry.”

“Sorry… you say?”

“Yeah. He said he was sorry for holding you captive for so long.”

The Demon Lord paused for a moment upon hearing that.

Thoughtful, it seemed like she was either guessing the intention of the apology or pondering the feelings behind it.

After a long silence, the Demon Lord spoke with a trembling voice.

“…Thank you for relaying that, Master.”


“For what?”

“The Demon God was still watching over us.”

As a creature receiving life from a world where gods don’t exist, it’s impossible to fathom their sentiments.

I could only nod my head in response.

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