Published at 2nd of May 2024 08:37:35 AM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: When I sponsored the alchemist, money was duplicated.


In this world, there are a few impossible things. Developing perpetual motion, getting out of bed immediately in the morning, retiring from a party, and such are examples of that.

[TL Note: I will bloody die. Bruh. How are all the readers not dead from this golden joke. I cant. I just cant take this. I will die laughing]

In fact, considering the existence of magic in this world, the development of perpetual motion might be one of the easier tasks among them.

Of course, the most difficult among them is retirement.

Because the strongest in the world, the hero, refuses to let go of me.


“Hey. Porter…”

“J-just call me Darami, comfortably!”

“Oh, sure.”

At parties, for convenience, people address each other by their professions, but since Darami is no longer a party member, it’s appropriate to address her by her name now.


Someday, I hope the current party members will also be addressed by their names.

I’m now at the point where I’ve forgotten the names of the four of them.

“Darami, have you completely transferred to the Alchemist Guild?”

“Oh, no! It’s, um, more like a, a cooperative arrangement. I’ve, um, always dreamed of being an adventurer since I was young…”

“Ah, I see. Dreams are important.”

Although she possesses the most blossoming ability in the Alchemist Guild, I don’t think her talents are bad as an adventurer either.

Except for the physiological aversion that comes from the intermediary called ‘darts,’ her efficacy is as certain as it can be.

There was even a choice of aiming for soloing.

“Frankly, you think being an adventurer doesn’t suit me, right…?”


“I-I-I stutter, and, a-and I always cause trouble, so I’m always kicked out. Is it the same in the Alchemist Guild too? That I’m wasting my talent…?”

“So what if you’re wasting it.”

There are people who waste their lives in real-time.

Wasting talent is relatively forgiving. At least you’re doing what you want to do, right?

“But, b-but, being an alchemist is more… helpful to people….”

“You want to be helpful to people…?”

“…I, I’m not sure if you put it that way. But still, if people like me, I’m happy too….”

“Guess I’m different.”

“Oh, uh…?”

Lately, with retirement as a goal, it’s burdensome when people like you.

Trying to cause trouble only turns into affection, it’s maddening.

Honestly, I’d rather they just hated me! Might as well tell me to leave the party altogether!

Unwanted affection is just a nuisance.

Wouldn’t it be better to cleanly part ways and enjoy our own lives?

“I’m a rogue, so I guess I don’t understand well because my personality’s dirty.”

“Se-Se-Sentimental, you say…?”

I wish she wouldn’t react as if she has heard something strange.

Damn it. I really need to improve my image.

“Anyway, Darami, I think you feel burdened because you’re a good person.”

“I-I just…”

“Ultimately, worrying about your dreams and aptitude is just you choosing your own path, which might inconvenience others, right?”


“If that’s the case, then just do what you want to do first, and then find ways to contribute with that. Ultimately, helping others around you isn’t about talent but about character. You have that.”

Of course, sometimes there are situations where you end up helping because you don’t have the talent to cause trouble to those around you too much.

Thinking about it makes me a little miserable.

“T-Thank you, Sentimental…”

“No problem. If anything, I should thank you. The wizard liked the interesting samples I got thanks to your dart.”

“I-Is that so?”

The wizard made some strange enhanced potion with it, but I didn’t bother trying it.

Frankly, it feels a bit… gross. I mean, it’s a potion made from someone else’s spit, hygiene-wise, isn’t it?


When I seriously consider getting stronger than the hero and fleeing from the party, I’ll have to ask for a favour. But not now.

“How’s life in the Alchemist Guild?”

“It’s… fine. Everyone’s kind…? Well, not exactly kind, but they’re all so focused on their own tasks that they don’t really bother with me, so it’s peaceful…”

“That sounds really enviable.”


“Oh, nothing. If you ever need help or anything, just let me know. I feel personally responsible for some things, and since you are also helping the wizard, I’ll help out with most things.”

“T-Thank you!”

After chatting with Darami for a bit, I gathered the materials requested by the wizard and got up from my seat.

The atmosphere in the Alchemist Guild was quite different from the Adventurers Guild.

Although the structure of the building itself wasn’t much different, it was much quieter and had a more somber atmosphere.

“Are there requests here too?”

“Yes, yes! Usually, requests are made through the Adventurers Guild.”

Looking at the bulletin board, there were various postings.

Most of them were requests for gathering rare materials, with occasional advertisements for potion sales or recruitment for sponsors.

Most of them seemed to have been left unattended for quite some time, with the papers yellowing.

However, there are quite a few signs pouring money into hopeless ventures. Through such research, new substances or potions are sometimes developed.

“True. Even the top-grade potions we have now were developed during the research of elixirs, right?”

“Yes, yes!”

Thanks to having the Saint in our party, we don’t use potions much, but the potion industry in this world is quite advanced.

Usually, they’re sold as emergency supplies or military provisions.

Even adventurers without healers or those soloing usually carry them as essentials.

In this regard, this world was much better than the original world.

Any illness or injury can be treated with potions, and if it’s really serious, you can just donate to the church for treatment.

“But still, this is like throwing money into the sea… Hmm?”

A good idea came to mind.

Since I’m managing the party’s funds, why not just waste it all?

There’s so much in the party’s treasury that spending a few hundred gold coins in the Alchemy Guild won’t even be noticeable, but there’s no limit to investing in such hopeless research.

Literally, it’s like being able to burn money like crazy.

If I waste all the funds like that, naturally, the hero will hold me responsible.

“Rogue! You’re terrible at managing money! You’re expelled from the party!”

“Maybe won’t go that far, but I can definitely lower the level of favourability. Even the few roles like managing funds will be taken away from me, so in the long run, it could be a reason to leave the hero’s party.”



“Darami! Are there any researchers in the Alchemist Guild who need research funding?”

“Um, there are a lot…?”

“Could you bring me a list of those who need particularly significant investments on research projects?”


“It’s because I want to invest.”

“F-For me…? Because I don’t fit in and look superficial…”



So Darami was being side-lined in the Alchemist Guild…

Well, she’s an external resource, so it can’t be helped, being a member of the Adventurers Guild and all…

“Um, yeah, that’s right. It’s okay to come up with excuses to the members of the Alchemist Guild, so could you bring me a list of people who need investment? Even if it’s not something like the Philosopher’s Stone or elixirs, the more difficult and important the research, the better.”

“Y-Yes, yes! Leave it to me!”

Darami, who had rushed to the reception desk of the Alchemist Guild, returned with a stack of documents after discussing this and that with them.

It seems like these are all investment proposals requested by members of the Alchemist Guild.

Alchemy was a particularly money-draining field, so it’s somewhat expected.

“I’ve brought them all.”

“There are quite a few…”

Honestly, it’s too bothersome to read.

Since I’m investing to fail anyway, there’s no need to bother reading the contents.

“Could you organize them in order of the requested investment amount?”

“Yes, yes!”

The important thing is how much money I can burn.

Just wasting a few gold or platinum coins won’t be enough. So, the larger the investment size, the better.

“I’m done organizing!”


“N-No problem! Th-Th-Thank you…”

This time, I’m definitely lowering the hero’s favourability!

To get kicked out of the party!


“There are many alchemy-related issues in today’s newspaper.”

I unfolded the morning newspaper while sipping a cup of coffee.

Perhaps it was the gentle morning sunlight, but I had a strangely good feeling.

“Alchemy paradigm is changing.”

“Alchemy Guild-affiliated alchemists have announced a series of innovative research results. Especially noteworthy are the various achievements in ‘longevity’ and ‘cell regeneration,’ which were previously limited by conventional church and potion-based treatments. The newly developed substance by alchemist Sindra is particularly effective in extending lifespan and regenerating hair follicles. Requests from various sponsors seeking investment are flooding in, and currently, the administration of the Alchemy Guild is paralyzed. Alchemist Sindra is expected to receive the title of ‘Grand Alchemist’ due to this research achievement.”


Lifespan extension, huh.

There’s nothing better than living longer, after all.

Another noteworthy point is the presence of an investor named ‘Sentimental’ in the list of key investors for the technologies announced by the Alchemy Guild.



Oh, um. Ah! It’s just a namesake.

“The investor is reported to be a Rogue affiliated with the hero party that defeated the Demon King, known for rescuing citizens kidnapped by illegal slave traders and installing ‘Prank of Fairies’ for the safety of novice adventurers, among other activities.”

“Damn, that’s me.”

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